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Thread: What should I do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tryin to get Abs

    Exclamation What should I do?

    my dad is constantly bitching at me i mean, i know i have made mistakes i was locked up for two years and was supposed to do 6 more but he got me a good lawyer and now he's always naggin at me for eveyone little thing for example,I like to use 1 cup for the whole day and if i leave it out he just runs his mouth to me insisting i use as many as i need for how many times i drink in a day, same with bowls plates, i practically run the dish washer twice a day. Also i used to make great money but it was really risky, Not wanting to get into trouble i got a job at the gym making 8 bucks an hour and i get about 25 hours a week and i have a few clients whom i train i dont make the best money but i can manage to sneak by every month, Well today i traded one of my Cars that i liked but wasnt practical for me to own for a kinda beat up truck thats registered and passes smog in CA, also i get an additional 500 dollars next friday which i was going to pay rent with, But my Dad is like you a F-ing idiot cant belive u traded that car blah blah blah......what ever its my dam car and i dont even have my drivers liscense right now, Like C'mon.
    I like never get mad, ever, when i do no one can tell im like the Dolly Lama, but even though no one can tell(kinda why i did two years), I really am like and atomic bomb, but could be easily defused, i dont like being mad or angry. I just like to relax read my books, watch my DVD's, Lift my weights and eat my healthy food and occasionally have a drink with some girls.

    I am kind of just ranting on here but i need to vent i really dont have anyone to talk to but you guys-my locker room buddys and im honestly feeling better as i write this.

    I know i could help out around the house more, so i ask my dad what he wants me to do??? and he says take initiative blah blah blah sumthin sumthing
    so i like have no idea what he wants me to do. So i never end up doing what he wants because i have no idea what that is.

    I dunno im just really really.....REALLY...kinda mad, more so then mad im just in that like FTW mood and i really hate being like that, i hate going to bed mad, i'll probable watch a movie and then right b4 i go to bed he will say something straight sideways to me that makes me wanna just "Snap a Kittens neck" which i would never do i think its morally wrong to channel frustrations out on Animals, but that just how i feel.

    i dunno any input would be nice im just

    ps-i love my father and know he loves me but sometimes its just well.....u know........

    Last edited by Deltasaurus; 11-24-2008 at 10:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Sorry to hear about your problems, can you move out and get your own place? Maybe a sit down with your dad and have a talk about how you don't want to have problems come between you and him and what you guys should do to get along better? Whenever I have a problem with the girl, friends or parents I like to sit down with them and talk about specific problems and how to resolve them, both sides need to compromise a little to fix a problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tryin to get Abs
    we just argue visciously and i get that FTW attitude right away when i get made, its my main flaw. i dont have the money to get my own place currently and i dont want to make money how i used to because that pro's dont out weight the cons ya feel me. i just think im going to have to kiss his ass and do every last thing he want like a slave to make him just not bitch, dont know if he will actually be happy. i dunno

    PS- Nice legs Kaberle, dont know if you get that alot but there startin to look like Wheelers', what are they like 27?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Lift weights, eat steaks
    Sorry to hear about the friction that exists between you and your father, but it CAN be solved. As Kaberle said, you need to sit down, in a civilized fashion, and have a one-on-one with your father. You should take turns explaining your problems to one another, and once each person has had his go, comment on the problems your father has with you, and vice versa.

    I always use this resolution technique and to date it has worked well every time. Give it a go.

    Also, you might want to make a list of things you want to tell him, so when you explain your problems to him it is structured, and you don't forget to mention anything.

    Good luck

  5. #5
    Dolly lama lol. Dr. JiGGaMan speculates you are not angry at him, you are angry at yourself for being such a screw up. Also, did you buy that car that you traded or got rid of whatever, or did your dad buy it for you? This is a very important detail because if he bought it for you and you turned around and sold it, id me mighty pissed as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tryin to get Abs
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    Dolly lama lol. Dr. JiGGaMan speculates you are not angry at him, you are angry at yourself for being such a screw up. Also, did you buy that car that you traded or got rid of whatever, or did your dad buy it for you? This is a very important detail because if he bought it for you and you turned around and sold it, id me mighty pissed as well.
    no i paid for it with my own money. neways we talked last night, there was no sit down but all seems to be well, its his house so i just gotta do more around here, i think ill like load the wood box today and maybe rake the leaves up and burn them, and dont wait for the atta boy.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    my dad is constantly bitching at me i mean, i know i have made mistakes i was locked up for two years and was supposed to do 6 more but he got me a good lawyer and now he's always naggin at me for eveyone little thing for example,I like to use 1 cup for the whole day and if i leave it out he just runs his mouth to me insisting i use as many as i need for how many times i drink in a day, same with bowls plates, i practically run the dish washer twice a day. Also i used to make great money but it was really risky, Not wanting to get into trouble i got a job at the gym making 8 bucks an hour and i get about 25 hours a week and i have a few clients whom i train i dont make the best money but i can manage to sneak by every month, Well today i traded one of my Cars that i liked but wasnt practical for me to own for a kinda beat up truck thats registered and passes smog in CA, also i get an additional 500 dollars next friday which i was going to pay rent with, But my Dad is like you a F-ing idiot cant belive u traded that car blah blah blah......what ever its my dam car and i dont even have my drivers liscense right now, Like C'mon.
    I like never get mad, ever, when i do no one can tell im like the Dolly Lama, but even though no one can tell(kinda why i did two years), I really am like and atomic bomb, but could be easily defused, i dont like being mad or angry. I just like to relax read my books, watch my DVD's, Lift my weights and eat my healthy food and occasionally have a drink with some girls.

    I am kind of just ranting on here but i need to vent i really dont have anyone to talk to but you guys-my locker room buddys and im honestly feeling better as i write this.

    I know i could help out around the house more, so i ask my dad what he wants me to do??? and he says take initiative blah blah blah sumthin sumthing
    so i like have no idea what he wants me to do. So i never end up doing what he wants because i have no idea what that is.

    I dunno im just really really.....REALLY...kinda mad, more so then mad im just in that like FTW mood and i really hate being like that, i hate going to bed mad, i'll probable watch a movie and then right b4 i go to bed he will say something straight sideways to me that makes me wanna just "Snap a Kittens neck" which i would never do i think its morally wrong to channel frustrations out on Animals, but that just how i feel.

    i dunno any input would be nice im just

    ps-i love my father and know he loves me but sometimes its just well.....u know........


    I know what you mean there was time in my younger age that I didnt like my all but now I look at it and see mst of the accomplishments that I have in my life was because of his hard ass behaviour. Now that I dont have him with me I realize how much i like him and want him to be aaround me.

    You dont understand the feelings of father untill you become one. I am one and i know how u feel. Just cherish all the mments with him and learn to ignore.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I know what you mean there was time in my younger age that I didnt like my all but now I look at it and see mst of the accomplishments that I have in my life was because of his hard ass behaviour. Now that I dont have him with me I realize how much i like him and want him to be aaround me.

    You dont understand the feelings of father untill you become one. I am one and i know how u feel. Just cherish all the mments with him and learn to ignore.
    word. hes doing it cuz he loves ya. i never had a father figure in my life, but i get enough of that BS from my mutha. im sure theres plenty that have been in this situation. my sisters currently getting it right now cuz shes not in school and she has a shitty job, shes constantly on edge because of my mom. Itll make you a better person in the long run.

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