Now we must be wondering, "why would someone post his sad, 'before' photo, prior to making the 'transformation' without an 'after' shot to redeem his sad ass?" I mean, admittedly, my body is like that of the bleach-chested nerdy kid at the beach who gets the sand kicked in his face by the bigger dudes.
Yes, I know, but it helps motivate me to be more consistent and follow through with the whole transformation thing, knowing that I'll have to back up a public claim to do so.
No, I was never a fat kid at all. I was always the skinniest kid in the group.
But I'm not a kid anymore. I'm a 42 year old doctor. I've been very consistent now with diet, John Berardi style, and workouts...for a few months now. So this picture (believe it or not) is actually a transformation of sorts in its own right. But the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...
Seven weeks ago I was 168 lbs, 69 inches tall, 27.2% bf.
Three weeks ago I was same wt, and 23.4% bf
Biceps 14 inch.
Already getting some comments from people who don't know I exercise:
someone who's met me previously: "you've changed, you look more buff"
a patient who never met me: "you look like you're in good shape"
which is tremendously motivating.
Anyway, here's my pic; and I don't mind straight talk; aint gonna run away with my tail between my legs, so any comments are!