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Thread: Erection question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Erection question

    Ok, this is a bit weird, so bear with me. I'm 29 now, I've had problems with erections since I've been 26. I've gotten my test measured 6 times, it always came out to be between 550 and 650 on a scale of 250-850. Free test was always MORE than normal, and all this was PRIOR to any steroids. And I've been to doctors, who never found any cause, they just pretty much told me to deal with it.

    Fast forward to now, I'm on my first cycle, about 8 weeks through, 500 mg test e per week. And I've erections that are rock hard, like a teen I'm also getting morning erections again. I mean WTF? If my test was normal and free test was above normal prior to this cycle, why would I have erection problems? Surely I don't need 500 mg test per week for getting my erections back?

    Can someone throw light on this please? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    In the gym, getting big.
    This is completely normal. I hump air when I am on cycle. Since you have somewhat of an erectile disfunction, I would highly suggest that you make sure your PCT is solid. HCG and nolva combined are best for a PCT.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Where there's food!
    I think that blood levels are a funny thing and trying to balance them out is a mystery. My doc doesn't really go by the numbers per say, he goes by the symptoms and that is what I like. He give me a dose and then sees how I react, then adjust the dose accordingly. 500 might be a bit much for that, but who is to say. Only you can judge how you react.

    I was on the low side and then started TRT and was getting good feed back and response and was wanting sex a lot more frequent. Then I, on my own accord, up the dose and the urge went back down.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Interesting, I have had erection problems for over a year now too. Mine was similar to yours, I was on all natural test booster just to help my libido all little bit more in the sack then about 2 months afterwards started going downhill and after about 4-5 months alter I ran two pro-hormone cycles (Bold 200 and Superdrol) spaced apart that is not like back to back, it never recovered.

    I ran legitimate PCT's and everything, and I to don't believe I have low test because im still gaining weight great and don't really feel the symptoms of low test.

    Im planning to visit a Urologist next week to see whats up, its pretty embarrassing condition

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    have you had complete bloodwork done? erectile problems can be caused by more than just testosterone levels.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    have you had complete bloodwork done? erectile problems can be caused by more than just testosterone levels.
    Well I had bloodwork done during my Superdrol cycle just to check on lipid levels and my liver. Obviously my lipid values were out of whack, but kidneys and liver were fine along with other places.

    Blood pressure was normal even on cycle.

    Im thinking what if it just deals with blood not being able to stay in the penis? Like I can get erections but they just never feel like they use to full and rigid, they feel like half mast almost.

    Sorry didnt mean to hijack the thread lol....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Well I had bloodwork done during my Superdrol cycle just to check on lipid levels and my liver. Obviously my lipid values were out of whack, but kidneys and liver were fine along with other places.

    Blood pressure was normal even on cycle.

    Im thinking what if it just deals with blood not being able to stay in the penis? Like I can get erections but they just never feel like they use to full and rigid, they feel like half mast almost.

    Sorry didnt mean to hijack the thread lol....
    i was referring more to progesterone levels, lh and fsh levels, estrogen etc.

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