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Thread: Cycle Number ONE-EQ,Test,Winny

  1. #1

    Cycle Number ONE-EQ,Test,Winny

    Ok, here I go...I have been working out seriously for about four years now. I am constantly changing in weight from about 160-180 for the past 4 years do to my job but finally am about to stay where i would like to be. I am 180 at the moment and looking to gain a little size, bulk up to hopefully about 195-200 and cut for a solid 190-195. I have been researching for about a good year-year and half now because mainly I would like to know what I am doing before I do it but I am no professional. I have set up a diet for myself which I have been doing. My diet is very clean and hopefully right, ill let you be the judge. I am eating about 320g carbs, 340g protein, 60g fat, which comes out to be about 3200 calories. I have one cheat meal a week and its on saturday, my last meal of the day but nothing too crazy. I have been hitting the gym and doin my cardio so my bf is low when i start! I work out about 5-6 a week...cardio in the morning and weights at night! I am 180 at the moment...with my diet so far I have went from 174 to 180-182...I am 21 years old and 6" with 7-8% body fat i think. I plan on starting my cycle in about 2 weeks maybe earlier. I have all my gear and all pct in hand. I know ur going to say I am too young but I have already got everything and im ready for disrespect but just save ur breath.

    The Cycle:
    Weeks 1-9 400mg EQ
    Weeks 10-12 500mg EQ
    Weeks 4-14 200mg Test Prop EOD
    Weeks 11-15 50mg Winny EOD
    Weeks 16-19 20mg nolva ED
    Weeks 1-15 mg Proviron EOD

    nolva will be 4-6 weeks and go 20/20/20/20 or 40/40/20/20 depending
    Prop injections will be as follows:
    Monday,Wednesday,Friday,Sunday,Tuesday,Thursday,Sa turday,etc...

    Alright I know its a weak cycle buts its my first...I originally was not going to use any test but due to the EQ decreasing libido I thought i would throw some in to boost the testies. My injections for EQ will be split, Sunday night and Thursday afternoon. I know prop is a lot to start with do to the EOD injections but I handle needles pretty well and don't bitch about pain too much so we'll see i guess. Also I am prone to gyno(took some superdrol last year and got it very little but still got it) so that is why I am throwing in the Proviron. I know i should use A-dex but first its really expensive and second I cant find any. I prob dont even need the proviron cuz EQ doesnt do much and my prop intake is at a very low dose but id rather be safe than sorry, ive heard some peoples bill for gyno surgery was in the $6,000.00 range. So ill also have nolva on hand during cycle. If anything goes wrong ill just get some letro. Let me know if I did my pct times right cuz I know EQ is 21 days and Test is 3 days after last injection, that is why I am starting Prop in week 4, I have 20mL of 100.

    I will do my best to keep everyone updated with before/during/after picture results, injections, and workouts... any comments or helpful/constructive criticism is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    This type of cycle is exactly what I was thinking for my next cycle as well. Test, EQ, and winny.

    EQ will give you very nice strength gains, and your taking 200mgEOD of test, so expect to see weight gains as well as some water retention. finishing with about 6 weeks of winstrol can really cut and define the hard-earned muscle of EQ, as long as you can keep your diet in check, as we all know EQ makes you crazy hungry.

    best of luck,

  3. #3
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    Well I'll let the advanced guys critique your cycle, but IMO you should stick with test only for your first cycle. Prop is ok since you already have it, but the recommended cycle is test e or cyp for 10-12ish weeks at 500mg/week. You are taking prop at an average of 700mg/week. That's a little high for a first cycle IMO. Test should be the base of every cycle. Why did you choose the EQ?

  4. #4
    I actually dont have the test yet, thats why I am not starting yet...I like the prop better than e and cyp mainly cuz you get more of the test and less sides...since I am prone to gyno. And I messed up on the doses...Im not taking 700mg a week of prop, Im doing 300mg/week and injections are EOD. Two of my buddies took EQ at 400mg a week and Test at 250mg a week for their first cycle and I really like their results...I know everyones different but You gain the most your first cycle from what I hear and Im not trying to get massive. They both had really good clean diets and stuck to them, and worked very hard and I plan to the same. I know diet is the most important thing so Im focusing on that most of all and my gear will just give me a boost..Ill post my diet up asap and tell me what u think! Thanks

  5. #5
    heres my diet...
    My Meals: 7 meals a day
    Meal #1: 8am- Pro/Carb
    8 egg whites-3/4 cup all natural oat meal-orange juice-apple
    Run to gym, work out abs, and pull-ups
    Meal #2: 10:30-Pro/Fat
    3 onces Lean steak-1/4 once of peanuts-Scoop of whey protein
    Meal #3: 1:00-Pro/Carb
    2 Chicken breast-8 onces of brown rice-1/2 cup canned corn-banana
    Meal #4: 3:30-Pro/Fat
    1 scoop whey protein-2 *****-3 inriched eggs-
    Meal #5: 5:30-Pro/Carb
    Lean turkey burger with whole weat bun-brown rice-cup broccoli-yogurt
    Meal #6: 7:30-Pro/Fat
    Double Lean Ground beef-2 medium carrots
    Workout at 8:30pm for 1hr-1hr 30min
    Meal #7: 10:15-PWO
    1 scoops of whey protein
    In bed at 11:00pm
    it prob needs some work, any thoughts would be kool thnx

  6. #6
    Alright so diet is going good im on it 100%...Im going to keep it going for a little longer natural B4 I start my cycle...and all through my cycle and pct!

    My Prop should be here in a week or two and then Feb 1st will be my first injection.

    I will be taking:
    Weeks 1-9: 400mg EQ
    Weeks 10-12: 500mg EQ
    Weeks 4-14: 250mg Prop/week EOD injections
    Weeks 11-15: 50mg Winny EOD
    Weeks 16-19: 20mg Nolva ED
    Weeks 1-15: ?mg Proviron EOD (prone to gyno)

    How does this look? And what gains should I expect from this?
    Im looking to gain 15-20lbs of lean mass and keep my bf% somewhat low its at about 5-6% at the moment...I run 3 miles 5 days a week and hit the gym hard 6 days a week!


  7. #7
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    why not start with test from jump (i prob see reasoning just dont agree with it) , Also if anything id frontload eq ..not backload it. Proviron very weak anti e ...although may benfit cycle in other ways, dont depend on it fro estrogen control .... pct is weak add clomid at IMO 100/50/50/50 along with nolva

    And actually that all being said i think its silly not to run just a test only first cycle..

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    ok here goes:
    at 21, 6' and 180lbs you should be able to gain more naturally.
    I think 21 is a little young, but that's a judgement call.
    I think a first cycle should always be test only.
    I wouldn't run EQ if you gave it to me, but if someone was to run it I see less than 600mg/week a waste.
    I like to shoot prop ed, 250mg/week is low for my taste, and I prefer a long ester for a first cycle.
    the test needs to start at week 1, starting it at week 4 makes no sense.
    that pct is way too weak for my taste.

    otherwise it looks good lol

  9. #9
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    damn I typed too slow.

  10. #10
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    i would start the prop from the start too and as far as the eq when i took it i thought it was garbage but if ur gonna run it up it to 600mg and run it for at least 14 weeks to even get something out of it in my opinion but the rest looks alright good luck bro!

  11. #11
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    i really am having a hard time getting what exactly eq does

  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by svalleyg135 View Post
    i really am having a hard time getting what exactly eq does
    ok, read what the profile says, then consider that it doesn't do any of that lol.
    sorry I just don't care for it, everyone is different and some guys love it.

  13. #13
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    ^^^ *L* i knew that was coming !!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    ok here goes:
    at 21, 6' and 180lbs you should be able to gain more naturally.
    I think 21 is a little young, but that's a judgement call.
    I think a first cycle should always be test only.
    I wouldn't run EQ if you gave it to me, but if someone was to run it I see less than 600mg/week a waste.
    I like to shoot prop ed, 250mg/week is low for my taste, and I prefer a long ester for a first cycle.
    the test needs to start at week 1, starting it at week 4 makes no sense.
    that pct is way too weak for my taste.

    otherwise it looks good lol
    LOL...are you sure thats all?

  15. #15
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    I love EQ! makes me hungry and strong and vascular and I love to run it with Test.



    You're crazy bro and your cycle doesn't make any sense to me for a 1st timer. I've got a few cycles under my belt and I still don't stack 3 drugs at a time.

  16. #16
    Thanx for all the replies guys
    My reason for not starting the test from the start is because of pct times and if I run test from the start that will be a 15 week cycle of test itself, I only want to run test at 12 weeks most and EQ pct starts 21 days after last injection and test is 3 days... how could I do test from the start and the EQ with proper pct wthout 15 weeks of test? My buddy just finished a cycle of test e and did 12 weeks at 500mg/week and he blew up like 30 pounds...his diet was shit, he gained a LOT of water retention and fat...The reason I chose Prob is because it has less water retention and less sides, i also dont mind shooting EOD...I was originally going to take EQ only but after reading and doing my research I noticed a cycle isnt a cycle without TEST! I like how EQ makes u hungry and vascular so that is something I really want to take unless U guys think i should save it for next time...Also Ill get some clomid to throw in too thanks for do you guys think I will need proviron with my cycle or is it a waste? Should I just keep nolva on hand and go from there? Im trying to find some a-dex but no luck so far and that shit is expensive...let me know what you guys think??????

  17. #17
    Big's Avatar
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    well the stop times determine when pct starts, not the start times. that's why we match the esters for the cycle so everything lines up. why would you want to run for weeks totally suppressed with no test present for the beginning of the cycle?
    as for the adex, check the upper right banner for liquidex.

  18. #18
    is that link legit though?? for the liquidex??

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    ya its good

  20. #20
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    Way to many compounds for the first cycle, you will grow like a weed your first time just off of test only. Why spend the extra money when the results would be exactly the same. Plus you will be able to see how you are affected by just one compound.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Way to many compounds for the first cycle, you will grow like a weed your first time just off of test only. Why spend the extra money when the results would be exactly the same. Plus you will be able to see how you are affected by just one compound.
    Quote for truth.

    By only introducing 1 compound to your body at a time you'll know exactly how your body reacts.

    For me? I can't take ****s me up. Hot flashes, heart palpitations the whole 9.

    Every other compound and my body handles it very well.

  22. #22
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    the true north
    more cals, less steroids.

  23. #23
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    I don't know how much more to stress it but why use so many compounds on your first cycle?
    LIke people said, stick with the normal 12 week Test-E, 500mg/week.
    Arimidex @ .25mg/day to control estro levels/bloat. etc

  24. #24
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    im not being a hardas* but i think that you need to forget bangn' gear for rite now and read up on this site as much as you possibly can. search the forums for "1st cycle" or something close to that. when you are confident that no one will shoot down your cycle that you propose THEN and only then post it. I will tell you the same thing the other members are telling you- stick to one compound so you know how your body will react to it-Long ester Test only. take it from someone who made the same mistake that you are about to make if you go through with your "cycle" good luck man.

  25. #25
    ok so im guessing I have too much gear going on here from the responses haha...thnx guys I think im going to take your advise but one quick question???what about EQ ONLY? since I have already ordered my test Im just going to have to stick with the I will NOW be taking test prop, clomid, novla, and a-dex(hopefully i can get it).
    Save my EQ for my next cycle ):...kind of off topic cuz it will be my next cycle but if I should only run one compound at a time how will I do that with EQ and still have my dik function?? would I do a low dose of test just to keep it from lowering my test too much, like say 100mg/week??
    Also is it kool to throw some winny at the end of my prop cycle or just do prop for now...I have EQ, Winny, nolva all on hand and my test should be here soon and then ill get the clomid and a-dex...
    thanx again guys for all the help...I guess I needed my cycle torn apart a lil...also im not an expert at this stuff as you can see but I have been reading a lot for the past two years and know a lil bit...I have read almost every thread in this section...My cycle was just based on personal thought cuz of what my friends have taken and their original plan was to take EQ only cuz its like Deca in a since(some may not agree) but I didnt want to lose complete function of my libido so I added a small dose of you guys said ur first cycle you grow like a not lookin to be 30lbs heavier Im just lookin for some quality mass about 15lbs after pct...but if you guys say EQ only isnt a good idea ima stick with the prop only cycle...

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