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Thread: Questions about nolvadex and my cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Questions about nolvadex and my cycle

    Okay so I'm close to getting everything together for my cycle but still need some advice of when to take my nolvadex. Well some info about me,

    Weight: 180lbs
    Height: 5' 7"
    Age: 20

    Been training on and off this whole year, 4 days a week now without missing a workout cuz I'm getting ready for my cycle. Anyways here's what I plan on taking,

    500mgs/wk Sustanon 250 (wk 1-8)
    30mg/Ed D-Bol (wk 1-4)
    30mg/Ed Nolvadex (wk 8-12)

    Can you guys tell me what you think. What additions should I make or remove or whatever. All I have is nolvadex as my anti estrogen, do I need to get arimidex? I did a short 4 week cycle of just test early on in the year and I didn't feel any signs of gyno, not much gains either, but how should I take the nolvadex? Should I take it during the cycle or after like I plan or do I need to get some clomid and some arimidex also. What can I do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    why would you only do a 4 week test cycle?! thats not sufficient time... with a long ester type of test.. it usually takes 4 weeks to BEGIN to work...

    For the nolvadex if signs of gyno occur during the cycle use 20 - 50mg per day. It will also be a good base for your PCT use it 50 / 50 / 25 / 25 (wk 8 - 12)... you might want to throw some clomid in the PCT as well, it could definitely help

    clomid (50 / 50 / 50 / 50) (wk 8-12)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I hate to say it as well... but you're too small (add 10 pounds).. and too young to do steroids yet. lol. i'm in the same boat. wait a year. perfect your diet / training schedule.

    your body is still producing quite a bit of natural test..

    sorry man. hate to sound like mom. ha!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    why would you only do a 4 week test cycle?! thats not sufficient time... with a long ester type of test.. it usually takes 4 weeks to BEGIN to work...

    For the nolvadex if signs of gyno occur during the cycle use 20 - 50mg per day. It will also be a good base for your PCT use it 50 / 50 / 25 / 25 (wk 8 - 12)... you might want to throw some clomid in the PCT as well, it could definitely help

    clomid (50 / 50 / 50 / 50) (wk 8-12)
    So it's okay to use nolvadex during the cycle right? And my cycle looks okay? As for the 4 week cycle, my cousin had some leftover amps so I just took his word for it without doing any research. He's in the army too so for some reason that just made me trust him even more. It was kinda stupid I know but i didn't feel no gynecomastia at all, but then again my muscles weren't that big either. This time I wanna do it right, I ask him for advice but he does ridiculous amounts of different shit so I think 500mgs of sust 250 a week is good

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Yup, it's fine to use nolva during your cycle. It will relieve your gyno symptoms should they occur.

    Yah, 500mg / wk is definitely a good amount. Keep it constant for your first cycle.

    How are you planning the injection-schedule of the Sus250? Are you going to ED, EOD, or once a week?!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    In the gym, getting big.
    Extend the cycle to 12 weeks, inject daily, run .5 adex EOD, kickstart for the first 4 - 6 weeks with dbol and do your PCT.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by KeEp + View Post
    Okay so I'm close to getting everything together for my cycle but still need some advice of when to take my nolvadex. Well some info about me,

    Weight: 180lbs
    Height: 5' 7"
    Age: 20 young...

    Been training on and off this whole year, 4 days a week now without missing a workout cuz I'm getting ready for my cycle. Anyways here's what I plan on taking,

    500mgs/wk Sustanon 250 (wk 1-8) should be at least ten weeks. and you need to shoot EOD. personally if you are gonna kick start with dbol id just run some enanth or cyp and make things easier.
    30mg/Ed D-Bol (wk 1-4)
    30mg/Ed Nolvadex (wk 8-12)is this for post cycle? if it is then it is weak. add some clomid at 50mg ED and post cycle does not start until 18 days after last injection

    Can you guys tell me what you think. What additions should I make or remove or whatever. All I have is nolvadex as my anti estrogen, do I need to get arimidex? I did a short 4 week cycle of just test early on in the year and I didn't feel any signs of gyno, not much gains either, but how should I take the nolvadex? Should I take it during the cycle or after like I plan or do I need to get some clomid and some arimidex also. What can I do?
    i would always have some arimidex on hand incase estrogen gets out of hand. yes you can run nolvadex throughout the cycle if you want or arimidex at .25mg ED or .5mg EOD as stated above. i personally would just keep it on hand and implement it only if needed. other then that see bold above.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    i would always have some arimidex on hand incase estrogen gets out of hand. yes you can run nolvadex throughout the cycle if you want or arimidex at .25mg ED or .5mg EOD as stated above. i personally would just keep it on hand and implement it only if needed. other then that see bold above.
    peachfuzz some gud advice, theres nutting else i can think off, i wudnt reli run nolva on cycle, u shud be ok, adex at 0.25 daily helps keep the water and estrogen down

  9. #9
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    i would always have some arimidex on hand incase estrogen gets out of hand. yes you can run nolvadex throughout the cycle if you want or arimidex at .25mg ED or .5mg EOD as stated above. i personally would just keep it on hand and implement it only if needed. other then that see bold above.
    i was thinking of injecting 500mgs of sust 250 a week but you think i should inject 250mgs every other day? is that what u mean?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    k man. here i'll make this really simple.. don't take the Dbols. You WILL not need them at all for your first time. your face will already blow up like a balloon, and your hormones will be raging, from the sustanon..

    Realistically sustanon is a terrible choice for a 1st cycle. I was also going to do it, when I began planning my 1st cycle, because I was intrigued by the idea of 4 tests in one shot. HOWEVER, the rule of thumb is: take 1 new drug at a time, and no more.

    the reason... if something goes wrong you need to know which ester is making you react badly so you can avoid it in the future. simple hey? get test - e, or c... i wouldn't recommend prop, a bunch of buddies are on it and it hurts like HELL apparently.

    Finally, get your blood work done before, during, and post cycle...

    Also, Eat like a silverback in mating season.

    do proper pct.. (my advice from above / the other members PCT advice is spot-on, i'd suggest listening) and you should be ok.

    remember these are drugs.... they can be used safely, but only if you're smart. they can fvck up your life if you're stupid.

    regarding your last question. it depends on what test you're going to do. if i haven't managed to convinced you to not do Sust for your first time... well then I'd run the injection schedule like this:

    Each Other Day: inject: 100mg - 150mg
    (this means you will be injecting 4 times a week)

    However, if you have a fear of needles or something.. well you could also do injections twice a week instead: 250mg each.

    anyways, good luck. if you have more questions you can PM me. Honestly though.. right now all I can suggest is hold off cycling.. research man.. research!

    happy new years.
    Last edited by seriousmass; 12-31-2008 at 07:50 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Okay I'll save the d bols. Thanks for the advice I'll be asking you for more once I'm ready to start everything.

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