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Thread: DECA v SUS (Which to buy if same price)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    DECA v SUS (Which to buy if same price)

    I am in Thailand on a juice holiday

    My planned course is -

    100mg Oxymetholone per day weeks 1-5
    500mg Test Enanthate weeks 1-5
    500mg Test Cypionate weeks 6-10
    200mg Deca weeks1-10

    My first quetion is am I taking enough Deca (My last course I had Edited and was taking 2ml x 300mg a week)

    Secondly a Sustanon amp is the same price as a deca amp and they both have a 100mg of deca in them. Obviously the Sus has the extra gear as well.

    What are your opinions? Thanks

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eded View Post
    I am in Thailand on a juice holiday

    My planned course is -

    100mg Oxymetholone per day weeks 1-5
    500mg Test Enanthate weeks 1-5
    500mg Test Cypionate weeks 6-10
    200mg Deca weeks1-10

    My first quetion is am I taking enough Deca (My last course I had Edited and was taking 2ml x 300mg a week)

    Secondly a Sustanon amp is the same price as a deca amp and they both have a 100mg of deca in them. Obviously the Sus has the extra gear as well.

    What are your opinions? Thanks
    sust does not have deca in it, it has test with different esters.
    why is this cycle constructed as it is? it makes no sense.

  3. #3
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    sust has a testosterone DECANOATE ester in it... but thats not deca

    deca is Nandrolone DECANOATE the first chemical is what the actual compound is. the second is the ester attached to it.

    poop on the steroid community for callin it deca instead of Nan or something. lol

    and 200mg of deca is weak. id go 400mg/week minimum

    but in my opinion you need to research more before cycling

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by eded View Post
    I am in Thailand on a juice holiday

    My planned course is -

    100mg Oxymetholone per day weeks 1-5
    500mg Test Enanthate weeks 1-5
    500mg Test Cypionate weeks 6-10

    200mg Deca weeks1-10

    My first quetion is am I taking enough Deca (My last course I had Edited and was taking 2ml x 300mg a week)

    Secondly a Sustanon amp is the same price as a deca amp and they both have a 100mg of deca in them. Obviously the Sus has the extra gear as well.

    What are your opinions? Thanks
    Okay, when you talk about this Sustanon, are you talking about some sort of UGL Sust & Deca blend, or plain ol' Sustanon!? If regular Sust, then the above responses stand; regular Sustanon is a blend of 4 different Test esters, there's no Deca in it.

    Another thing, why bother switching from Eth to Cyp half way through the cycle? There'll be no benefit to this, you may as well stick with one or the other for the full 10 weeks.

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the advice, I honestly thought the decanoate in sus was the same.

    I will start taking 400mg deca a week right through the course.
    Already have 8 amps of sus so I will bang those in too.

    I am switching from test enan to test cyp half way through because I did this on my last cycle after being told it combats the bodies natural tolerance which builds up to one particulat test. (It was a good course by the way)

    The Oxymetholone tabs are obviously just a kick start. (Edited) Definately real to.

  6. #6
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    Is this your first cycle bro? If so, please do some research first. It dosen't appear that you're aware of whats in the drugs you are taking. Test is test. The ester attatched to the test molecule determines how often you need to take the drug. Because sustanon has short acting testosterone esters in it it requires a 3x per week injection schedule. Also, to clarify Sust is another form of test and if you take it on top of the enanthate or cyp you are only taking more test. That would leave you taking 500mg TE or TC in addition to 250mg of SUST. Too much test if this is your first cycle. If this is your first cycle. Maybe take the following.

    Deca 200mg/wk
    Oxymetholone 50mg/day divided into 2 doses of 25mg each
    500mg Test E or C divided into 2 injections or
    750mg Sust divided into three injections (this is alot for a beginner)

    or if you do have cycle experience:

    400-600mg Deca divided into 2-3 injections perwk
    500-750mg Test EorC into 2-3 250mg injections per week/
    750mg Sust 3x per week
    50-100mg Oxymetholone per day divided into 2 daily doses

    By taking 200mg/ml dec with sust 250 you could load them both in one syringe thus taking one 2ml injection 3xwk. And if you take that in addition to 50-100mg Oxy/day the results should be huge. Also, I highly recomend taking Arimidex .5mg eod and HCG through out cause the deca/oxy/test is gonna shut you down hard if your not taking both. Also, take 200mg B6 to keep prolactin from the deca down. And, don't leave thailand without your nolva, clomid, HCG, and arimidex for PCT.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by eded View Post
    ...I am switching from test enan to test cyp half way through because I did this on my last cycle after being told it combats the bodies natural tolerance which builds up to one particulat test. (It was a good course by the way)...
    There's only a slight difference in ester length between Eth & Cyp, one carbon atom I think, and for most practical purposes, not much difference at all. That's why you could comfortably switch from one to the other mid-cycle, and still keep blood levels stable & steady. Still, I'd need a lot more convincing on this tolerance theory. Interesting...

  8. #8
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    no lab names and no price discussion

    go back and edit your posts EDED

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
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    I'm going to have to order another box of my little red Edited words, they are going fast...

  10. #10
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    I know its easy to forget, but please edit the lab names bro. We have to be careful. Thats pretty funny big, needed a laugh this morning. I need a couple of vials of edited, too lol
    Last edited by youngNhungry; 01-02-2009 at 09:20 AM. Reason: funny

  11. #11
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    Thanks for the advice.
    It is my 3rd cycle but I have always had them given to me by an experienced dealer in the UK with instructions written out. He honestly had me change from test enan to test cyp between weeks 4 and 5. For all I know he may have only had 1 bottle of enan left.

    Never had experince with sus up till now. Honestly thought it had deca inside.

    Already have 10 vials of tes enan(250), 10 vials of tes cyp(250) ,10 vials of dec(100).

    I will just give the 8 sus away (they only cost 3 dollars each) and buy 30 more deca.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngNhungry View Post
    I know its easy to forget, but please edit the lab names bro. We have to be careful. Thats pretty funny big, needed a laugh this morning. I need a couple of vials of edited, too lol


  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by eded View Post
    Thanks for the advice.
    It is my 3rd cycle but I have always had them given to me by an experienced dealer in the UK with instructions written out. He honestly had me change from test enan to test cyp between weeks 4 and 5. For all I know he may have only had 1 bottle of enan left.

    Never had experince with sus up till now. Honestly thought it had deca inside.

    Already have 10 vials of tes enan(250), 10 vials of tes cyp(250) ,10 vials of dec(100).

    I will just give the 8 sus away (they only ****) and buy 30 more deca.

  14. #14
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    I would scrutinize any advice given by a dealer more thoroughly that from anyone else. Don't get me wrong, the advice could be genuine, but there's no denying the fact ulterior motives may be present. E.g. telling you you need more of a product to sell you more, or that you need one product in particular, simply because he has excess stock to sell etc etc.

  15. #15
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    this thread is pretty sad with all the editing, but ide go witrh deca instead of sustonan...stick to the basics bro, deca will give you better size

  16. #16
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    back in the states
    just do deca and test its simple and kickstart with 100 mg anadrol ed for the first 4 weeks im in thiland to what part are u in

  17. #17


    Sus blows away deca.

  18. #18
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    first off dont listen to anyone telling you to run deca alone. if this is your 1st cycle then a 10-12 week cycle of test enth or cyp will do but if you want to run sust then do so shooting 500mgs a week split into 3 weekly injections. if your dead stuck on the deca then try this

    1-12 500mgs test enth/cyp
    1-10 400mgs deca
    if you want you can replace the cyp/enth with sust since there all test and test is test
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
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  19. #19
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    sus AND deca

    The key, as reported at, is to ALWAYS stack deca w/a test. there is, in my opinion, NO BETTER source of test thaqn sustanon. start the deca one week eaqrly, and run the sus two weeks longer... it al;ready has a "built in" delay of up to four weeks. go w/ the BEST! do at least 200 mg of deca and 250 mg of sus per wek... e.g., shoot deca every monday, and inject sustanon every friday. you'l grow! be smarts, and don't become a human hazardous waste dump... this is plenty while you see what effects, positive and negative, you have.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by vishus View Post
    this thread is pretty sad with all the editing, but ide go witrh deca instead of sustonan...stick to the basics bro, deca will give you better size
    No, whats pretty sad is that you told this guy to go with Deca instead of Test....dont listen to this guys advice..

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamelvisd View Post
    The key, as reported at, is to ALWAYS stack deca w/a test. there is, in my opinion, NO BETTER source of test thaqn sustanon. start the deca one week eaqrly, and run the sus two weeks longer... it al;ready has a "built in" delay of up to four weeks. go w/ the BEST! do at least 200 mg of deca and 250 mg of sus per wek... e.g., shoot deca every monday, and inject sustanon every friday. you'l grow! be smarts, and don't become a human hazardous waste dump... this is plenty while you see what effects, positive and negative, you have.
    And dont listen to this guy either....Sust needs to be taken more than once a week to take advbantage of the fast acting esters....

  22. #22
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Some of the advice and ideas that float around might as well put a gun to your head

  23. #23
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    ^^ i agree

    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    No, whats pretty sad is that you told this guy to go with Deca instead of Test....dont listen to this guys advice..
    yeahhhh i agree 100%

    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    And dont listen to this guy either....Sust needs to be taken more than once a week to take advbantage of the fast acting esters....
    and also agree 100% with this

    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 01-07-2009 at 10:13 PM.

  24. #24
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    I would like to meet the people that give some of these guys there info.....I joined this forum in 05, and i pretty much sat my ass infront of a computer and read, and researched till i couldnt research any longer....then i read some more.....I really didnt even post until about 07........

  25. #25
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    I have this source, he is a personal trainer at the gym i workout at....He rec that i take 50000mg of deca per week, and no test....then stack it with winny at 250mg ed....he said this would get me huge and

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