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Thread: Ask the Exercise Scientist

  1. #321
    Join Date
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    between the flaps
    not sure if this is your field...maybe more of a ...i dunno who sports medicine q, but anyway still appreciate your opinion..

    i do back extensions with a dumbell, currently 65 pounds, several sets of 10 - 12 reps. i've been doing that because deadlift and other lumbar spine intensive exercises make me nervous about hurting my L-spine.

    you have opniion on that? is it safer for working the lower back than squats and deadlifts ?? still have to guard against lumbar curvature during the extension?

  2. #322
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    Quote Originally Posted by charrif View Post
    thanks for the info.
    training whenever it fits me that's where im at right now late night like sometimes i start until 2:00am but the thing is i haven't had any problems as far as lack of sleep or anything associated with that... my mind tried to trick me by saying that it might stop my growth until i ve seen a video of kevin levrone in his best shape he use to train late night as well like 12:00am maybe he does cardio in the mornings so that kind of helped me get even with my mind.
    i have another question for you that's coming its about "sleeping" i don't know if you know about much about that subject to answer it, but im sure u have something to say, so i'll get it ready for you soon.

    Sounds good to me, sleep is something I dont do very much. So I may have a good answer for you....LOL

  3. #323
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    Quote Originally Posted by scibble View Post
    not sure if this is your field...maybe more of a ...i dunno who sports medicine q, but anyway still appreciate your opinion..

    i do back extensions with a dumbell, currently 65 pounds, several sets of 10 - 12 reps. i've been doing that because deadlift and other lumbar spine intensive exercises make me nervous about hurting my L-spine.

    you have opniion on that? is it safer for working the lower back than squats and deadlifts ?? still have to guard against lumbar curvature during the extension?
    I usually do not go into full hyperextension when I do extension exercises. Just because when you go into hyperextension you are compressing the posterior structures of the spine. (posterior portion of the annulus of the disc, Facet joints..ect)

    Generally for most lumbar spine injuries the actual mechanism of injury is when the spine is in flexion, at least as far as disc injuries are concerned.

    As far as proper lifting is concerned the best thing to do no matter the exercise, is keeping the back in a neutral position. This is the best way to prevent injury. Keeping a neutral back most effectively spreads the force from lifting across all the structure more proportionally.

  4. #324
    Join Date
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    between the flaps
    yes. i try not to hyper extend. i will watch as i extend with the heavy dumbell ( from the inverted 'V' position), to make sure my flexion is all in the hips...

  5. #325
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    Nov 2007
    for a while now i have been training a bodypart once a week.

    MON - chest
    WED- shoulder
    THURS- off
    FRI- legs

    for whatever reason i have been making gains. i ssume this is a less then ideal way to train correct? it is just that my muscles have gotten used to high volume and i have to beat the hell out of them. what are your thoguts on training like this. also if i miss more the one day a week then it is 8 days between parts.

  6. #326
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    Jun 2007
    k, i've got a couple questions, though they aren't related to exercise exactly

    1) What is the best stage of ripeness to eat a banana for PWO, if i remember correctly when they are green they are almost all starch and as they oxidize they turn towards a higher concentration of sugar

    2) Is there a difference in thermogenesis from drinking egg whites(egg beaters or offbrand) or heating them up in the microwave so they fluff up and then eating them?

    3) Same question as above with regard to protein synthesis

    btw, i figured out why i have been sleeping so late, though i'm not ruling out what you said, i'm going to run a mini experiment and see what becomes of it

    basically i built the apartment i live in now and it is very well made and insulated, but i also built it to be completely dark when i want it to be and completely light when i want it to be by putting three large windows, with blackout curtains in them

    the reason for this is that i have a projector which i use as my computer screen, tv, game screen, everything, but the image whites out if there is light and i have to turn up the lumenosity of bulb which burns it out faster

    anyway, i always leave my windows covered, even at night, but last night i didn't, and i woke up at 10 with no alarm, there is a window in front of each of my beds so i think that the reason i have been sleeping in is that my body still thinks it's night at 2 in the afternoon because there no light

    this theory is compounded by the fact that i used to wake up at the break of dawn to go to the gym, and the light from my windows probably was my wakeup, as i never set an alarm

    what do you think?
    Last edited by Phate; 01-12-2009 at 12:55 PM.

  7. #327
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    for a while now i have been training a bodypart once a week.

    MON - chest
    WED- shoulder
    THURS- off
    FRI- legs

    for whatever reason i have been making gains. i ssume this is a less then ideal way to train correct? it is just that my muscles have gotten used to high volume and i have to beat the hell out of them. what are your thoguts on training like this. also if i miss more the one day a week then it is 8 days between parts.
    If you have been making gains then I would stick with your plan. I actually train each body part only once a week. I have done this with great success. I use to train each body part 2 times a week and while I made good gains, I also experienced more aches and pains.

    I actually prefer the once a week method with anyone who is trained. Novice exercisers you can generally get away with more than once a week per body part because gains in a untrained individual are almost entirely from nervous system adaptation and I like to take advantage of this quick learning curve if you will to maximize gains starting out.

    For a trained individual though, I prefer once a week because it gives me less of a chance of the person becoming overtrained and allows for full and complete recovery in most instances between bouts of exercise.

  8. #328
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    k, i've got a couple questions, though they aren't related to exercise exactly

    1) What is the best stage of ripeness to eat a banana for PWO, if i remember correctly when they are green they are almost all starch and as they oxidize they turn towards a higher concentration of sugar

    If I remember right the best time to eat a banana is just as its turning from yellow to brown. As the sugars are more bioavailable (starch to simple sugars) or are in a more usable form. Ethylene is a compound emitted by the ripening banana (also involved in other fruits so store bananas and other fruits separate) that causes the banana to uniformaly ripen as it matures after harvesting.

    2) Is there a difference in thermogenesis from drinking egg whites(egg beaters or offbrand) or heating them up in the microwave so they fluff up and then eating them?

    There is a difference, it is easier for the body to break down cooked eggs because of the denatured proteins from heating. This will also increase its absorption by the GI tract. Uncooked egg whites take more energy to break down and absorb, plus there is a protein in egg whites called avidin. Avidin binds very strongly to biotin and can cause malabsorption of it if egg whites are consumed in high amounts. If the egg whites are pateurized then this should not be a problem. It takes months to years of high consumption of egg whites for biotin deficiency to occur in health adults usually.

    3) Same question as above with regard to protein synthesis

    Shouldnt be much of a difference really as long as there is sufficient protein taking in to account for any protein lost in the feces. Uncooked egg white protein loss can be as much as 25% of protein content vs about 5% for cooked eggs. I posted a study on here somewhere that talked about this very issue, for the life of me I can not find it again.

    btw, i figured out why i have been sleeping so late, though i'm not ruling out what you said, i'm going to run a mini experiment and see what becomes of it

    basically i built the apartment i live in now and it is very well made and insulated, but i also built it to be completely dark when i want it to be and completely light when i want it to be by putting three large windows, with blackout curtains in them

    the reason for this is that i have a projector which i use as my computer screen, tv, game screen, everything, but the image whites out if there is light and i have to turn up the lumenosity of bulb which burns it out faster

    anyway, i always leave my windows covered, even at night, but last night i didn't, and i woke up at 10 with no alarm, there is a window in front of each of my beds so i think that the reason i have been sleeping in is that my body still thinks it's night at 2 in the afternoon because there no light

    this theory is compounded by the fact that i used to wake up at the break of dawn to go to the gym, and the light from my windows probably was my wakeup, as i never set an alarm

    what do you think?
    I think that may be it right there. Light is one of the most significant biological ques for circadian cycles in the body.

  9. #329
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    "Uncooked egg white protein loss can be as much as 25% of protein content vs about 5% for cooked eggs"

    when you say cooked do you mean pasteurized, microwaved, heated in a skillet?

  10. #330
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    "Uncooked egg white protein loss can be as much as 25% of protein content vs about 5% for cooked eggs"

    when you say cooked do you mean pasteurized, microwaved, heated in a skillet?
    Heated to the point at which the protein in the eggs will denature which is at about 65 degrees C, the egg will start to turn and coagulate at 80 degrees C if I remember right.

  11. #331
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    Hey MS

    Do you think P90X would be good to get in hiking shape.
    Obviously it doesn't have weighted pack stairmaster or anything, but as far as muscle endurance and whatnot, would P90X be of benefit to backpacking?

  12. #332
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    By what action/pathway do SERM's improve Lipid Profile (HDL)?

    By what action/pathway do AS (particularly Var) worsen lipid profile (LDL)?

    By what action/pathway do AI's worsen lipid profile (LDL)?

    This was raised today on my PT course and no one had any answers.

    Do AS cause an over production of cholesterol (LDL) because cholesterol is so important for steroid hormone synthesis, that was my guess today...

    So far, I've posted this in a few forums and no one has any answers...Even at M&M....

  13. #333
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    Should healthy fats be used PWO?

    I've been told they improve glycogen retention (which is what the body wants to do primarily PWO) and a small amount is needed for protein synthesis...?

  14. #334
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    Whats the perfect amount of time to wait when doing rest/pause?

    I've been told 10-15 seconds. Anything over that and the muscle will have recovered to much.

  15. #335
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    flying from the ashes
    What are your thoughts on TargeX? Do you think it works from scientific point of view?

  16. #336
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    When I started working out about 2 years ago...I slowly sarted to notice my memory was getting bad and I was having a hard time concentrating. I feel it just keeps getting worse...and now it is to the point where I have a terrible vocabulary, and have to constantly word substitute. I cant even do the most basic of math because I cant get my mind to think. It is really starting to worry me. I dont know for sure if it was working out that caused this...but would there be any reason for it to make me dumb?

  17. #337
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    Quote Originally Posted by VR4 View Post
    When I started working out about 2 years ago...I slowly sarted to notice my memory was getting bad and I was having a hard time concentrating. I feel it just keeps getting worse...and now it is to the point where I have a terrible vocabulary, and have to constantly word substitute. I cant even do the most basic of math because I cant get my mind to think. It is really starting to worry me. I dont know for sure if it was working out that caused this...but would there be any reason for it to make me dumb?
    unless you're dropping the weights on your head i don't see how working out could possibly affect your memory/mental capabilities!

  18. #338
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    Quote Originally Posted by VR4 View Post
    When I started working out about 2 years ago...I slowly sarted to notice my memory was getting bad and I was having a hard time concentrating. I feel it just keeps getting worse...and now it is to the point where I have a terrible vocabulary, and have to constantly word substitute. I cant even do the most basic of math because I cant get my mind to think. It is really starting to worry me. I dont know for sure if it was working out that caused this...but would there be any reason for it to make me dumb?
    From what i understand our diets should be actually helping with memory and logical thinking of brain. Fish has shown to help with brain functions.

    Would love to hear what muscle scientist has to say.

  19. #339
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    Damn You guys are not pulling any punches tonight. Give me a bit and i will answer all questions as best I can...

  20. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Hey MS

    Do you think P90X would be good to get in hiking shape.
    Obviously it doesn't have weighted pack stairmaster or anything, but as far as muscle endurance and whatnot, would P90X be of benefit to backpacking?
    I actually like P90X, I have looked over it briefly and it seems fairly sound in its design. As long as you do the program and stick to it. I do not see any reason why it wouldnt help you get into decent shape for backpacking. Because much like hiking is not a static exercise neither is P90X.

  21. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    By what action/pathway do SERM's improve Lipid Profile (HDL)?

    By what action/pathway do AS (particularly Var) worsen lipid profile (LDL)?

    By what action/pathway do AI's worsen lipid profile (LDL)?

    This was raised today on my PT course and no one had any answers.

    Do AS cause an over production of cholesterol (LDL) because cholesterol is so important for steroid hormone synthesis, that was my guess today...

    So far, I've posted this in a few forums and no one has any answers...Even at M&M....
    Ok answered....see below
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 01-13-2009 at 09:52 PM.

  22. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    By what action/pathway do SERM's improve Lipid Profile (HDL)?

    By what action/pathway do AS (particularly Var) worsen lipid profile (LDL)?

    By what action/pathway do AI's worsen lipid profile (LDL)?

    This was raised today on my PT course and no one had any answers.

    Do AS cause an over production of cholesterol (LDL) because cholesterol is so important for steroid hormone synthesis, that was my guess today...

    So far, I've posted this in a few forums and no one has any answers...Even at M&M....
    These are all very good questions and I will try to answer them as specifically as I can. First off I have to say that cholesterol regulation/homostasis is not fully understood by science yet.

    Second the mechanism by which steroid negative effect works seems to be influenced by the mode of entry in to the body.

    LDL is theorized to be effected by The breakdown of VLDL's and by decreased activity in an enzyme called Lechthin-cholesterol acyltransfrase.

    HDL is thought to be decrease because of the up-regulation of an enzyme in the liver that is believed to break down HDL's. This enzyme is called hepatic triglyceride lipase. 17alpha esterified oral compound such as Anavar have a much more pronounced effect than does 17beta esterfied orals or testosterone esters. Why that is exactly I could not find out specifically.

    There is also some evidence that HMG-CoA reductase, which is an enzyme that is the rate limiting enzyme in the cholesterol synthesis pathway (rate limiting means that the reaction is controlled or bottle necked if you will by this enzyme) Is up-regulated by a family of organic molecules that cholesterol and anabolics are part of called sterols. When sterols are in high concentration in the blood. This enzyme will convert some of the sterol compounds (in this case steroids) into cholesterol usually LDL.

    SERM's are thought to effect cholesterol by increase the expression of a family of protiens in the liver known as Liver sterol-regulatory element binding proteins. These binding elements basically remove cholesterol from the blood stream by the liver where they are destroyed.

    AI's in the most simply of explanations is thought to cause a negative effect on the lipid profile simple because of the negative effect it has on circulating estrogen in the body. In males the major source of estrogen is via aromatase activity and the conversion of androgens to estrogens. Estrogen has a positive effect on lipid profiles by raising HDL's and lowering LDL's. There may be other mechanisms at play but this seems to be the most important as far as AI's are concerned.

    Keep in mind these are just a few of the mechanisms and were the most commonly sited in the literature. Believe me when I tell you there are more and are very complicated to understand....LOL
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 01-13-2009 at 10:49 PM. Reason: Sorry missed the AI question.

  23. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    What are your thoughts on TargeX? Do you think it works from scientific point of view?
    Well there are some studies out there that show it may be beneficial at promoting local fat loss. They used ultrasound analysis which I guess is ok, I would have preferred they use DXA scan but thats what I am most familiar with.

  24. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by VR4 View Post
    When I started working out about 2 years ago...I slowly sarted to notice my memory was getting bad and I was having a hard time concentrating. I feel it just keeps getting worse...and now it is to the point where I have a terrible vocabulary, and have to constantly word substitute. I cant even do the most basic of math because I cant get my mind to think. It is really starting to worry me. I dont know for sure if it was working out that caused this...but would there be any reason for it to make me dumb?
    It sounds like you have either a thyroid problem or low testosterone levels just based on what you have stated. These are some of the clinical manifestations of these two conditions. However i am not an MD and I speak of these only on the exercise side of things, that I am trained to look for in athletes and other exercisers.

    The other posters are right, typically people that workout have improved mental functions. I would certainly ask you doctor about it just to make sure nothing is out of whack.

    Also extreme fatigue and over training can also cause some of these presentations.

  25. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    These are all very good questions and I will try to answer them as specifically as I can. First off I have to say that cholesterol regulation/homostasis is not fully understood by science yet.

    Second the mechanism by which steroid negative effect works seems to be influenced by the mode of entry in to the body.

    LDL is theorized to be effected by The breakdown of VLDL's and by decreased activity in an enzyme called Lechthin-cholesterol acyltransfrase.

    HDL is thought to be decrease because of the up-regulation of an enzyme in the liver that is believed to break down HDL's. This enzyme is called hepatic triglyceride lipase. 17alpha esterified oral compound such as Anavar have a much more pronounced effect than does 17beta esterfied orals or testosterone esters. Why that is exactly I could not find out specifically.

    There is also some evidence that HMG-CoA reductase, which is an enzyme that is the rate limiting enzyme in the cholesterol synthesis pathway (rate limiting means that the reaction is controlled or bottle necked if you will by this enzyme) Is up-regulated by a family of organic molecules that cholesterol and anabolics are part of called sterols. When sterols are in high concentration in the blood. This enzyme will convert some of the sterol compounds (in this case steroids) into cholesterol usually LDL.

    SERM's are thought to effect cholesterol by increase the expression of a family of protiens in the liver known as Liver sterol-regulatory element binding proteins. These binding elements basically remove cholesterol from the blood stream by the liver where they are destroyed.

    AI's in the most simply of explanations is thought to cause a negative effect on the lipid profile simple because of the negative effect it has on circulating estrogen in the body. In males the major source of estrogen is via aromatase activity and the conversion of androgens to estrogens. Estrogen has a positive effect on lipid profiles by raising HDL's and lowering LDL's. There may be other mechanisms at play but this seems to be the most important as far as AI's are concerned.

    Keep in mind these are just a few of the mechanisms and were the most commonly sited in the literature. Believe me when I tell you there are more and are very complicated to understand....LOL
    Thanks mate. I knew it was complicated...

  26. #346
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Thanks mate. I knew it was complicated...
    No problem I hoped that helped.

    Also I must clarify my statement on estrogen. Normal levels of estrogen have positive effects on cholesterol. If estrogen is to high it can lead to the reverse and negatively effect cholesterol.

  27. #347
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    No problem I hoped that helped.

    Also I must clarify my statement on estrogen. Normal levels of estrogen have positive effects on cholesterol. If estrogen is to high it can lead to the reverse and negatively effect cholesterol.
    Yup. Estrogen isnt that evil.

    I know I'm kinda going further from exercise questions and more steroid and hormonal but I'll ask anyway...

    I've been reading recently that SHBG really isnt bad at all. It seems one wants to reduce it during PCT, but not eliminate it becuase its very important for testosterone synthesis (what we want to increase during PCT), particularly cAMP. Its was said by BigCat and Nandi. Your thoughts?

    I also dont think SHBG plays a big or crucial role in reducing gains when cycling for extended peroids. All steroids reduce SHBG to some extent. Even Testosterone.

    So what are you thoughts on it and what role it plays.

    Thanks mate.

  28. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Yup. Estrogen isnt that evil.

    I know I'm kinda going further from exercise questions and more steroid and hormonal but I'll ask anyway...

    I've been reading recently that SHBG really isnt bad at all. It seems one wants to reduce it during PCT, but not eliminate it becuase its very important for testosterone synthesis (what we want to increase during PCT), particularly cAMP. Its was said by BigCat and Nandi. Your thoughts?

    SHBG is very important in the transport of T throughout the body. If you had just free T roaming around it would most likely be absorbed by the first capillary bed it past after being released by the testis. Instead SHBG distributes T and releases it evenly across all tissues. High insulin tends to lower SHBG levels for example. It is true once T is bound that it is biologically inactive until it is released. The role of serum albumin can not be ignored either in this with slight amounts of T being bound to it as well.

    So in a sense SHBG is not a bad thing under normal conditions, it can became a problem when androgen levels are low or someone is in a fasting state. The higher the levels the greater proportion of T that is being bound. Which if your trying to recover from a cycle would most likely be a bad thing. Since you may have high SHBG and lower T than normal.

    I also dont think SHBG plays a big or crucial role in reducing gains when cycling for extended peroids. All steroids reduce SHBG to some extent. Even Testosterone.

    So what are you thoughts on it and what role it plays.

    Thanks mate.
    I dont follow the link between cAMP and Testosterone. Both are cell messengers, cAMP is a G-Linked Second Messenger for adrenaline for example. Where as Testosterone is a intra-cellular messenger that freely passes through the cell membrane and attaches to the androgen receptor on the DNA. So a second messenger is not required for the cell to respond to the hormone as it is in the example of adrenaline and cAMP.

    Maybe I am missing something here???
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 01-15-2009 at 08:45 PM.

  29. #349
    Join Date
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    Tryin to get Abs
    Hey Whats up Muscle Science?

    Ok here is my question, I have been cutting for a while and was improving my lifts now most of them have halted.Im in a calorie deficit, so therefor i am mostly likely not going to build any new muscle right? im just lifting heavy to maintain my current muscle.right?

  30. #350
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    What do you consider an optimal number of exercises and sets per body part for muscle gain?

    I.E. Chest - 4 exercises, 16 sets or whatever you think. I overtrained for years and now follow a less is more philosophy. Better to grow slowly than not at all.

  31. #351
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    Hey Whats up Muscle Science?

    Hey buddy not much just freezing from the cold ass weather.

    Ok here is my question, I have been cutting for a while and was improving my lifts now most of them have halted.Im in a calorie deficit, so therefor i am mostly likely not going to build any new muscle right? Most likely not.

    im just lifting heavy to maintain my current muscle.right?

    Thats about all you can do with the amount of energy your taking in right now. Generally the body will try to halt its loses and catabolize highly metabolic tissue such as muscle. That is if it is not being used and stimulated. It wants to operate on the bare minimum if it can. By lifting your stimulating the muscle thus it is not going to be catabolized nearly as much.
    hope that helps

  32. #352
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    Quote Originally Posted by run_n_fool View Post

    What do you consider an optimal number of exercises and sets per body part for muscle gain?

    I.E. Chest - 4 exercises, 16 sets or whatever you think. I overtrained for years and now follow a less is more philosophy. Better to grow slowly than not at all.
    It really depends on the muscle group that your working. For example the chest is not really considered a big muscle group yet some people will train it with the same volume as they would with legs or back. 3 to 4 exercise is probably about right for chest, sometimes people need a little more while some may need a little less. Its really a game of trial and error to be honest with you. I myself have problems with overtraining my chest, so I walk a very thin line between pushing it as much as I can and overdoing it.

    I will write more on this a little later to be more specific on volume amounts for other muscle groups so check back later.

  33. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    It really depends on the muscle group that your working. For example the chest is not really considered a big muscle group yet some people will train it with the same volume as they would with legs or back. 3 to 4 exercise is probably about right for chest, sometimes people need a little more while some may need a little less. Its really a game of trial and error to be honest with you. I myself have problems with overtraining my chest, so I walk a very thin line between pushing it as much as I can and overdoing it.

    I will write more on this a little later to be more specific on volume amounts for other muscle groups so check back later.
    I had that same question. Would like to see ur detailed answer dealing with other muscle groups especially biceps and shoulders.

    Also just wondering why my biceps get sore from workouts that are not suppose to be targetting them.
    I work out with a buddy of mine and we have the same routine. The days i work out my back, or triceps or chest when biceps work out is not included they end up feeling like i worked them as hard. while my friend doesn't have this issue.
    Any light shed would be appreciated

    ( Oh if it helps im not on gear and i use to weigh 134lbs and the only little muscle i had was in my arms. now weigh 170lbs )

  34. #354
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    The 7th Circle of Hell
    thanks. also interested in your opinion of all other groups.

  35. #355
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    Quote Originally Posted by gst528i View Post
    I had that same question. Would like to see ur detailed answer dealing with other muscle groups especially biceps and shoulders.

    Also just wondering why my biceps get sore from workouts that are not suppose to be targetting them.
    I work out with a buddy of mine and we have the same routine. The days i work out my back, or triceps or chest when biceps work out is not included they end up feeling like i worked them as hard. while my friend doesn't have this issue.
    Any light shed would be appreciated

    ( Oh if it helps im not on gear and i use to weigh 134lbs and the only little muscle i had was in my arms. now weigh 170lbs )
    If your doing any kind of rowing or retraction exercise when doing back, the biceps assist the movement. When doing chest the biceps are in an eccentric contraction (negative contraction) when performing an kind of press or flying exercise, same thing if your doing triceps dips.

    To prevent overtraining do your biceps workout with your back workout. They are already being worked so might as well isolate and finish them off. This is what I do myself and when I train or if I design a workout for someone.

  36. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by run_n_fool View Post
    thanks. also interested in your opinion of all other groups.
    I will post a more detailed list on Monday or Tuesday, I have heard that NSCA may have changed their recommendations on training some and I need time to review any amendments that they have made so that I can provide you and everyone else with the most current literature on the subject, not just some personal dogma that a internet know-it-all is spitting out (ME)....LOL

    So I hope you can bare with me until I review the new edition of their book that just came out.

  37. #357
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    So in a sense SHBG is not a bad thing under normal conditions, it can became a problem when androgen levels are low or someone is in a fasting state. The higher the levels the greater proportion of T that is being bound. Which if your trying to recover from a cycle would most likely be a bad thing. Since you may have high SHBG and lower T than normal.

    The above statement is right up your alley Swifto - as this would seem to suggest proviron may be very prudent in a pct protocol....(and is often recommended in some as well)

  38. #358
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    yo MS.

    This is food related, not exercise, but what the hell...

    I keep reading conflicting articles on cooking(heating) with olive oil.
    Some say yeah you can, it only changes the flavor, and others say its a bad idea because it goes over its smoke point???

    What do you know my good man?

  39. #359
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    I keep reading conflicting articles on cooking(heating) with olive oil.
    From my understanding heating oils in general to too long and at too high of a temp destroys the healthy fat content (sorry).

    I got a q, what exactly is a cause of the distended stomach on hgh users? Is part of it from not adequately strengthening the abdominal muscles?

  40. #360
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    From my understanding heating oils in general to too long and at too high of a temp destroys the healthy fat content (sorry).

    I got a q, what exactly is a cause of the distended stomach on hgh users? Is part of it from not adequately strengthening the abdominal muscles?
    Not exactly, GH gut as its known is cause by the the enlargement of the internal abdominal organs. Generally this is a consequence of very high levels of HGH.

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