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Thread: Loosing weight on cycle

  1. #1

    Loosing weight on cycle

    Hey guys im currently running a cycle of 400mg test e and 300mg trenabol (the oil based one) a week. I am 2 weeks in today and down something like 2.5 kg im 6'1 and and 85kg so about (188) pounds, when i started the cycle i was already pretty lean. is this because trenabol has started working before the test e? and if this is the case how long does it take before test e starts to kick in. i am dieting really well and have alot of training experience so does anyone have a rough estimate as to how much weight i will put on in 12 weeks. also this is my first injected cycle did one of dbol by itself before this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The Man With A Plan to sc
    just what does the diet look like

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    if your trying to gain mass then you should be eating a bulking diet dude!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Id like to see the before cycle diet and also the diet you currently are eating. If you are loosing weight, it could still be body fat shedding off. Give us a brief take on your diet and see what we can change.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    yo mamas house
    bro, im running the same compounds but a higher rate last time i gained around 18 lbs, this time i started around 254 put on around 16lbs was upto 271 in the first month i was eating alot i mean alot pretty clean but not perfect , i cleaned my diet up and now i am down about 9 lbs 262-261 but BF is plummeting and im still getting bigger and stronger. it really hard to say how much you will gain . try not to focus just on the scale cause remember the scale you can manipulate ( water, sodium etc etc) but the mirror does not lye

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by drive it!! View Post
    bro, im running the same compounds but a higher rate last time i gained around 18 lbs, this time i started around 254 put on around 16lbs was upto 271 in the first month i was eating alot i mean alot pretty clean but not perfect , i cleaned my diet up and now i am down about 9 lbs 262-261 but BF is plummeting and im still getting bigger and stronger. it really hard to say how much you will gain . try not to focus just on the scale cause remember the scale you can manipulate ( water, sodium etc etc) but the mirror does not lye
    Well said.

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