What should I expect and what should I do? I'm planning on ramping up to as much as 10 i.u.'s
What should I expect and what should I do? I'm planning on ramping up to as much as 10 i.u.'s
could do with a bit more info
your age ?
stats ?
how you going to rune the HGH ?
any gear along side ?
no open source posting
keep all source request's to PM'S please
someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.
detailed detection timesat least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source checkunsure about the rule's please read up
thread for first cycle choices
bulky right now
220 lbs
6-10 i.u.'s per day
6 days on, 1 off
will probably need slin and/or t3
realistically, it might be more like 24 months
focusing on cutting down bodyfat, and will probably factor in dnp much later on
how do you afford that ???
whats your diet like? maybe you can post it and we might be able to fine-tune it so that when the HGH starts kicking in, you will be loosing fat so fast that you dont even need to run DNP. Drugs help, but they dont do all the work.
Alrighty, on a side note, I know somebody who's 21 and has grown an extra 2-3 inches in the last couple of months. Is it safe for me to assume that since he's still growing that his growth plates haven't fused yet?
there is no way somebody 21 years old grew from hgh. its not possible. alot of shrot people always pray there is a way for them to get bigger but unfortunatly for you there isnt. if hgh is taken at the begining of puberty(12 years old) and throughout then there is a slight chance an ince or 2 can be added but thats not gurenteed.
Right... I'm talking about somebody who grew naturally at 21.
You should read in between the lines next time, IMHO.
Lock already!!!!!!!
damn ! I was interested in the advice he would of got if he wasn't a douche
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