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Thread: Anti-Estrogen During 1st Cycle?

  1. #1

    Anti-Estrogen During 1st Cycle?

    I've posted a few times lately and you've been overly helpful-thank you! This Question Is Geared Towards Anti-Estrogen During Cycle vs. The Cycle itself and the PCT which you've been very helpful on!

    I'm starting the following 1st cycle in a few weeks:

    Test 500 MG (Inject 250mg 2x Week)
    Eq 200 200 MG (Inject 100mg 2x Week)
    HGH 10IU (Inject 2IU/Day) (5 Days On, 2 Off)

    My Question Is This:

    During This Cycle, Would Your Reccomend An Anti-Etrogen Such As Letro or Arimedex Or Will My PCT (2 Weeks Post Cycle) Be Enough?

    Planned PCT (2 Weeks After Cycle)
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    (I Have HCG on hand as well--not sure on this as of yet?)

    Quick Stats--35, 6'4, 240, 20%+/- BF (high due to back surgery 4 months ago), Being Active & Dieting
    Goals--Shred Bodyfat and gain strenght (look cut/fit)

    Thanks for answering all of my other questions I've posted-you guys are direct, honest and very helpful!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I would atleast keep adex on hand, letro is over kill unless you have big problems but is also good to keep on hand. 20% bf is pretty high for cycling and will increase your chance of getting estorgen sides.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    I agree with Red...20% is high...I'd have an AI on hand too (armidex)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Arimidex works awesome. At that dose I wouldn't even waste my time or money on the EQ. It should be around 600mg. At 200mg its not gunna do anything

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    500mg test wk. Thats all you need for your 1st cycle.
    As said the EQ will be a waste and why on earth do you need HGH, you haven't even done a steroid cycle yet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    500mg test wk. Thats all you need for your 1st cycle.
    As said the EQ will be a waste and why on earth do you need HGH, you haven't even done a steroid cycle yet.
    thank hgh or eq. first cycle test...and more test...good pct...

  7. #7


    Ok-I think I'm going in the direction of just running 500mg Test for this 1st cycle. Do you think I need any anti-estrogen during the cycle? I'm getting mixed feelings on Arimidex (.25 ED or EOD)? I'm going to try and cut down my bodyfat prior to this 1st cycle as well. Lastly, is there a problem using HGH w/ the cycle or is it just not effective?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    La Cocina
    I'm not sure that if you try and take it after symptoms have started that it might be to late? I know you can take it .25 eod as a preventative....any problems with gyno as a kid? or family history? I've never had to deal with it (knock on wood) but from what I've read and seen bro's go through. I'm no expert in the gyno dept. but if you have higher BF, you're potential for estrogens sides is higher.

    You should see how your body reacts to one compound before trying to stack compounds...I can testify that a Test only cycle will yield incredible results (with good diet and PCT)...give it a walk before you run...ya know?

  9. #9


    Thank You! Very Helpful!


    I have Sustaplex 325 (2 bottles that'll get me through a cycle). I'm hearing I should stick with Test E? I hate to just throw away the sustaplex if you know what I mean-

    Would it be bad to use the sustaplex 325 (250mg two times a week for 12 weeks) or should I order 2 bottles of the Test E? I'm just not sure if there is enough difference to scrap the sustaplex and re-order the Test E?


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by birdfan View Post
    Thank You! Very Helpful!


    I have Sustaplex 325 (2 bottles that'll get me through a cycle). I'm hearing I should stick with Test E? I hate to just throw away the sustaplex if you know what I mean-

    Would it be bad to use the sustaplex 325 (250mg two times a week for 12 weeks) or should I order 2 bottles of the Test E? I'm just not sure if there is enough difference to scrap the sustaplex and re-order the Test E?

    Scrap it???????????? It's just test mate, use it, i shoot sust 2xwk, but others will tell you to shoot it at least EOD, your choice.

  11. #11
    Im 18 just started a sus 250 cycle 250 mg a week for 5 weeks, do i need anti estrogen?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Murphyguns View Post
    Im 18 just started a sus 250 cycle 250 mg a week for 5 weeks, do i need anti estrogen?
    i think you'll need to wait a few years before its safe for you to start.

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Op, agree with above guys. Test only for first cycle. Body fat level is an issue as the more you have the more aromatase enzyme is produced so more test is converted to E. Think about getting a sensitive E test prior to starting your cycle as it will give you a good baseline. Yes, you need an AI. Adex's half life is a little over 46 hrs so EOD should be fine. Dose dependent on BW but EOD at .25 a good starting point. Your HCG should be done throughout your cycle, not after. Maybe 250 IU x 2 or 3 times per week, but that's subjective.

    Murph, your new. Don't hijack. Just start a thread, we'll respond.

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