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Thread: Is it time for this baseball player to gear up?

  1. #1

    Is it time for this baseball player to gear up?

    Whats good guys? I'm at a difficult crossroad right now and definately need some advice and opionions. First of all,my names Jake I just turned 21, im 6'2 164lbs very active in sports thats part of why i'm considering gearing up.I'm not like a lot of other noobs that want to shoot up and avoid the diet they should be using. I know how much I have to eat and bulk im taking in roughly 4300 cals a day between my homemade weight gainers, eggs, ham, turkey, flax seed oil, cottage cheese etc. I'm at a community college right now and will be leaving in less than 4 months to NC Wesylian to play baseball. The skill is deff there, its happened to me my whole life everyone judges by size an adequate size pitcher is 6'2 190lbs. I'm gonna keep on my diet like no other but considering my metabolism is sky high and im active in sports and other cal. burning hobbies like surfing and skimming its almost pushed me to gear up and has me scared I wont be to the size I need to by summer If I go the natural route. Im gonna eat what I can, when I can summer is approaching fast. I am pretty strong and decently cut. I have been lifting for 2 years and not eating right hence why im so cut and not packed on the mass I should have. I want to transform my body idk if its something I should just pray and wait for to happen naturally or maybe start a cycle or two to get that extra boost I could use.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Its prb your call if you wanna start or not. I know for me i started putting on weight around your age naturally just through changes in metabolism and i was prb in the same body type as you. If you been eating 4000k plus calories a day for a while and havent put on weight then i agree your metabolism is very high or the calories your eating are garbage. No body can make the decision for you to start so if yoru weary i would avoid taking them. You have to be 100% ready.

  3. #3
    I havent been eatin 4300 cals all along which is my fault I realized eating was the single most important factor about 6 months ago, I actually got up to 172lbs then got sick with mono and lost everything. Its crazy how fast I can lose weight and seems like right now im at a plateau at gaining weight.I'm eating a shitload and everything I eat is bulking food so idk. I need opinions cuz I know other people have gone through what im goin through and have tried both routes some. Im sure some have regretted others it seemed to be very benificial.I'm just worried since I'm struggling gaining weight and im eating all that i can its a big risk I mean baseball means everything to me and on their roster there isnt a guy under 170lbs

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    they have some really good diet programs on here if you get in the right section. Maybe you should try one for a few months and see how you gain. If you commit to one and do it right and you dont gain then i would thnk a cycle of test would be ok.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by 1kid2nv View Post
    I'm eating a shitload and everything I eat is bulking food so idk.
    what's your idea of bulking food?

  6. #6
    breakfast- 4eggs scrambled. 3/4 cup oats (oatmeal), 1 scoop whey protein glass of milk
    mid morning- 2 bagels, turkey sandwich on wheat bread 4 tbls. cottage cheese
    lunch- ham sandwich wheatbread cottage cheese, 1 cup brown rice (tuesdays, thursdays) off school
    post lunch- homemade weightgainer. 1/2cup oats, 2tbls olive oil, 2 tbls honey, 2 scoops whey, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 2tbls natty pb
    pre dinner- turkey sandwich cottage cheese wheat bread
    dinner- varies but grilled chicken breast 8oz. veggies, milk
    post workout- weight gainer

    I do this diet the days I can I have to revolve around school I have tuesday and thursdays off. School days you can minus two meals.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You need a casein source before bed but still you should be able to gain weight naturally. I am your height and didnt cycle until I was well over 200lbs. Your goal of 190 can be attained without juice.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Ditch the weight gainers/whey shakes/whey protein and so much cottage cheese. Go for red meats, and also increase proportion sizes.

    Also ditch the sandwiches, i get more protein in a small can of tuna than those sandwiches. And yeah the new and LAME 5oz tuna cans and not the 6oz cans! WHATS THE DEAL WITH THAT? ok thats just me ranting a lil

    Anyways, switch out the sandwiches and shakes with whole 6-8oz chicken breasts, 1/2lbs of extra lean ground beef, lean cuts of steaks, etc......

    Whole food is where you grow. I see that your getting most of your cals from carbs and fats....not enough from protein at all.
    you need to work with a diet for a while and if you are not growing change the foods up, increase the cals, and respond from that. Its a dedication may know it but you need to do it all the time.

  9. #9
    Thanks for the input I'm sure I can do it naturally i just hope its by the time I is hurting my diet bad and It seems like I'm pissin in the wind I'm sure a few cycles would help achieve my goals in time its just is it worth the risks. I wanna look big and stand out with my uniform as it stands now u can't tell I'm cut till I take off my shirt I want it to be obvious.I lift hard and I'm totally committed to this diet Im so eager to be at my goals it would rlly suck if time cut me short.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1k1d2nv View Post
    Thanks for the input I'm sure I can do it naturally i just hope its by the time I is hurting my diet bad and It seems like I'm pissin in the wind I'm sure a few cycles would help achieve my goals in time its just is it worth the risks. I wanna look big and stand out with my uniform as it stands now u can't tell I'm cut till I take off my shirt I want it to be obvious.I lift hard and I'm totally committed to this diet Im so eager to be at my goals it would rlly suck if time cut me short.
    If your diet is lacking and you use AAS then nothing will change for you...maybe a decrease in strength and weight in the end. Diet is the foundation for your body's growth. Without it you wont gain anymore weight, even with AAS.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    If your diet is lacking and you use AAS then nothing will change for you...maybe a decrease in strength and weight in the end. Diet is the foundation for your body's growth. Without it you wont gain anymore weight, even with AAS.
    yea thanks bro your right the red meats I deff dont eat enough. as for tuna I hate all fish basically seafood except shrimp. The only part i disagree with you in is about the lack of protein those sandwichs are loaded. Its 10grams for 3 slices of turkey I use 6 slices, plus 8grams from the wheatbread and 6 grams for the cottage cheese. So thats 34 grams of protein in one sandwich sometimes I eat 2 sandwiches back to back. The weight gainer adds up to roughly 1100 cals cant remember the protein but it was enough, but as for what u said i deff need to add in the red meats, im already eating one 8 ounce chicken breast served with veggies so a nice sirlion would fit in well.

  12. #12
    bump.. any other opinions?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    What type of supplements are you taking? When and how often?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    You may want to rethink this, Do you really want to risk your chances of getting into the hall of fame.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 1kid2nv View Post
    breakfast- 4eggs scrambled. 3/4 cup oats (oatmeal), 1 scoop whey protein glass of milk
    try 12 egg whites, 1.5c of oatmeal measured uncooked, cut the whey
    mid morning- 2 bagels, turkey sandwich on wheat bread 4 tbls. cottage cheese
    you need more protein here, have some tuna
    lunch- ham sandwich wheatbread cottage cheese, 1 cup brown rice (tuesdays, thursdays) off school
    try 1.5c brown rice and get in that protein, 50g/meal at last
    post lunch- homemade weightgainer. 1/2cup oats, 2tbls olive oil, 2 tbls honey, 2 scoops whey, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 2tbls natty pb
    solid food, 1.5c oats and 50-60g of protein worth of chicken/tuna is fine
    pre dinner- turkey sandwich cottage cheese wheat bread
    i don't know how much turkey you put on but i hope it's close to 8-10oz
    dinner- varies but grilled chicken breast 8oz. veggies, milk

    post workout- weight gainer
    solid food
    I do this diet the days I can I have to revolve around school I have tuesday and thursdays off. School days you can minus two meals.
    too many shakes, changes in bold

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by mmnjtwa View Post
    What type of supplements are you taking? When and how often?
    I take animal pak, ON whey 4 times daily, white flood and green mag

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    too many shakes, changes in bold
    thanks a lot bro. ha thats a shitload of rice and almost 1000cals my bathroom doesnt know what its in for
    Last edited by 1kid2nv; 02-17-2009 at 01:52 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    sure A rod! Hit it up!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    dude if your a pitcher you don't need to bulk up you could possibly mess up your mechanics trust me if your a bad ass on the mound nobody will care how you look

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008
    you have a great body!!! better than 99% of the people out there.... be proud of what you have!!!!

    thing is, with the whole baseball/steroids thing - do you wanna risk your future/career if by chance they randomly test you?

    i know you wanna get bigger, but with this whole crackdown on AAS use - it could put your reputation and career at risk....

    something to think about. best of luck!

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    sure A rod! Hit it up!
    hahah weak... I think his case is gonna spark a lot of random testing as low as high school, college and through AAA

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock29520 View Post
    dude if your a pitcher you don't need to bulk up you could possibly mess up your mechanics trust me if your a bad ass on the mound nobody will care how you look
    I'm not trying to be a ronnie coleman or anything I just want to putt on mass not so much to where it affects sports just a typical 190lb baseball build a good adequate size

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    you have a great body!!! better than 99% of the people out there.... be proud of what you have!!!!

    thing is, with the whole baseball/steroids thing - do you wanna risk your future/career if by chance they randomly test you?

    i know you wanna get bigger, but with this whole crackdown on AAS use - it could put your reputation and career at risk....

    something to think about. best of luck!
    thank you very much your exactly right about everything

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    yea man your bodyfat percentage is pretty impressive seeing as how you said you weren't eating right

  25. #25
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    I have a couple friends that will be playing college bball and football next year so their trying to get a cycle in to have an edge. but like other people said its up to you.

  26. #26
    thats what i need an edge its just is the sacrifices great enough im so damn curious haha its killing me

  27. #27
    I think I'm going to try a cycle of test e to see where that puts me I keep eating and targeting 3 to 4k calories a day, im very active.. considering im 164-167lbs depending on the day and Im staying on this bulking diet 100%fueling the test e, will this be a safe route for me? I want this so bad and im busting my ass eating and in the gym, i've never wanted anything more

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    you not taking in enough calories 4000 will barley support 200 lean lbs generallt you need at least 4,500 to grow quickly at your age and that might be a little low considering your involved in sports you have a higher than usuall requirment hell a 150lb cage fighter usually eats 5000.

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