I have a good friend that competes in strong man competitions and he runs test year round. Also my other buddy competes on a national level with bodybuilding and he said run test till you achieve where you wanna be. I have cycled juice i would say 6 times longest i ran test was like 5 months...test e. I thought about running it for a long time like a year or so and cycling other stuff on and off throughout the year as well...like d-bol do like 6 weeks on 6 weeks off...equipoise cycle on and off throughout the year as well. I read an article from a un-named pro bodybuilder and he said the same stuff...take it until you are where you wanna be..the hell with the yo yo effect, is what he referred to as gaining weight and loosing weight from getting on and off juice. what do you guys think?? i'm looking to hear from some experienced guys not kids that have run some test once or twice. thanks alot