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Thread: problem with aromasin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    problem with aromasin

    i'm on 500mg sus and on 25mg aromasin for a few months on and off .the first time i took aroma my libido increases. i'v been off aromasin for a month and decided to resume and since resuming aromasin my libido seems to decrease and i feel like somthing blocking down there.
    is it possible that aromasin, since it's steroid, block my androgen receptors and thats what ****s my libido ?( i've read that aromasin metabolite has affinity of 0.28 percent compare to dehydrotestosterone to the androgen receptor)

    or did i suppress my estrogen too much althogh i'm 17% bf?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hold up did you start and stop taking sustanon? Lay out how you have been doing the cycle with doses.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    i'v been on sustanon 500mg nonstop for 5-6 months .
    i took it for 2 months witout any AI or SERMS then i started feeling unusually sweaty and started to bloat too much without any problems with gyno (i'm not prone) then i started taking aromasin25mg. on day 1 of taking aromasin i felt increase in libido within 2 hours and the increase in libido continued with each tablet escpcially the first 2 hours of taking it.
    i stoped aromasin after 2 months then resume taking after a month or so off but this time i had the opposite effect on sex drive. i resume aromasin because i started bloating again
    note: i'm suffering from hypogonadism thats why i'm priscribed with test injection but instead of trt i decided to cycle 500 mg without decreasing the dosage because i do not want to loose my gains.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    500mg for 6 months? doesnt sound like you have this going right at all you need to learn about cycling and cruising at 250mg/week between the cycles. You should be able to keep gains at 250mg/week.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    yea i honestly don't even know where to begin to advise on this....let's wait for the vets

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    i know about cruisin its just psychological i'm affraid of loosing what i have gained it's kind of an obssesion ,i've made the 500mg as a trt and i know it's a cycle.
    i'm worried about my sex drive and why aromasin increased it then and now decreasing it and if its due to too low est or is it the metabolite of aromasin that blocks my androgen receptors.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    So you want to stay at 500mg/week forever?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by muse26 View Post
    i know about cruisin its just psychological i'm affraid of loosing what i have gained it's kind of an obssesion ,i've made the 500mg as a trt and i know it's a cycle.
    i'm worried about my sex drive and why aromasin increased it then and now decreasing it and if its due to too low est or is it the metabolite of aromasin that blocks my androgen receptors.
    Its due to your hormones getting screwed up, you do know that aromasin is a type II steroidal AI????
    Forget that i just read the second paragraph, you don't have a clue.
    My advice, get a grip and stop the abuse.
    Iv'e been running C&B for years and you could happily cruise on 125mg wk, you need to sort your head out mate.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    yes if i could but i know that i will eventually reduce it to a trt dose but i dont see it coming anytime soon. however the body has its balance mechanism like shbg and other globulines so i gues i will have less free test evantually then the first times .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Lets stay on task, anybody have an idea why his sex drive is down?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    i know aromasin is type II steroidial suicide of inhibitor but it breaks down to 17 dehydro metabolite that has affinty to the androgen receptor is it possible that this metabolite messing with my sex drive??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69 View Post
    Lets stay on task, anybody have an idea why his sex drive is down?
    PMSL, Are you serious!!!

  13. #13
    Partner if you stay on AAS for too long you are going to have sexual dysfunction period. Everyone is different as to when that will occur. Unless you are wanting to stay on for the rest of your life you need to get HCG and create an exit stategy ASAP. If you are not competing or planning on doing HRT for life then you need to have a better plan. You could put a bandaid on your drive and maybe get it back temporarily but your masking the underlying problem. Because of the lack of provided detail in your posts, I'm assuming (I could be wrong) you just started a cycle and liked how your feeling and just haven't come off. You don't want to do this if you are young me on this. If you need help figuring out what to do to come off successfully then let us know and we will help. I'm by no means saying you've messed yourself up already or your recovery is gonna be a nightmare as I've seen people do worse for much longer and recover still but I don't want to see you going down that path unless that is what you have consciously decided to do. If it is then disregard my concern. I'm not trying to offend you just help.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    sorry for the delayed reply i'm 28 i was diagnosed with hypogonadism and put on hrt and instead on doing hrt i cycled and now i can not come off affraid of loosing my gains. although i was explained by others in this post that i will not loose anything if i go into my hrt it is still hard psychologically to come off . i'll appreciate any help in that matter.

  15. #15
    Partner I'm relieved to hear you on HRT because long usage would have led you that way. Since it is already an issue and you will have to supplement test for the rest of your life you don't have to worry about the shutdown cuz it already happened to you. Many people on HRT use a blast and cruise method which works well. That is run with something like a 3 month cycle followed by a maintenance HRT dose of like 150-200mg per week. You need time down there to keep the rest of your system functioning properly. Blood lipids and so many other things get skewered and risk long term damage if you don't allow them to return to homeostatis. Lower your dose to a low HRT maintenace dose for a few months and get your blood work done. You will be suprised how much you will keep while cruising. Get used to that pattern and don't worry about backing off a little on your gains. You will thank yourself later with good health. You deserve that. Everyone does.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Bro, it's sounds like your addicted to test like crack head is to crack. You should see a counsler. I seen a show on tv like this, the guy just couldn't stop blasting, it was a mental addiction. I'm sure if you took a cruise for a while, you still maintain your gains, and get you hormone levels back on track.

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