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Thread: Test p/Tren a Cycle LOG

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Test p/Tren a Cycle LOG

    Hi Everybody!

    I have been reading and researching on this great Board for quite some time and thought i would share my Cycle with you all. It should motivate myself and maybe help others when planing a simular cycle. I will try to update regulary and always glad to get some advices or feedback
    Excuse my English please, since I am from Europe.

    Stats:27; 5'6 small guy and 170lbs; bf hard to tell...2 pack can be seen but rest not ...little "bacon" at the bellybutton..guess something around 14%

    BodyType: thin, smallboned type, with the bad luck of putting on bf always at the stomach;

    History: 8 years of workout, 1 cycle test E 250 e5d for 16 weeks. => detailed: 19y gaunt, weak @ 108 lbs; 7 years workout hit and stagnated @ 155lbs at the 14%bf; 26y TestE cyle hit 177 lbs
    __________________________________________________ ______________

    Goal: Rather content with current weight and mass, but another 10 lbs to 180lbs would be nice.
    Mainly want to finally reach the "6pack" and lower my bodyfat...having bad genetically build, this goal always leeds to loosing quite some muscle mass...i would like to keep my current mass and get cut and bring in some quality. => we all know 10%bf @ 180lbs can look even more muscuolar than 15% bf @ 200lbs
    Summary: wanna keep about my weight and if anyhow possible even build up some lean mass and cut the bodyfat 2-4%.
    __________________________________________________ _______________4

    1-15w test p 50ed
    3-10w tren a 50ed (8w)

    Tren a: will do the main work and 1st choice steroid for my goal; 8 weeks and see if that will do...else maybe a little longer
    test p: base steroid to tren....will take test p only 3 weeks to get into the rythm of "cutdiet" and cardio....and will continue takiing it for another 4 weeks after tren has been taken out: tren quite kills your own test production and read quite a lot about taking test a little longer since your own axis is shut down

    Why compounds with a short halflife?: test e gave me an awful bloat...even on keto diet the water retention was awful...looked like a balloon head. just because i dont want to pull too much water.

    PCT: had no neg. reaction at all on test e exept the bloat. so ill have a look how i react to tren...clomid etc. of course here and planed as PCT...just will see how much other compounds will be needed.

    __________________________________________________ ______________


    1 cup oats with splenda, 5 eggwhites + 1 yolk
    2 1 can tuna with 2 spoons of flax oil + 60g whey
    3 PWO: 60g whey, 100g Dextrose, 2 spoons of flax oil
    4 150g chicken breast, veggies, half a cup dark rice
    5 1 can tuna with veggies
    6 60g whey + 2 spoons of flax oil

    6l of water

    Workout Free Day (Sat): instead of PWO a nice fast food meal for pleasure and bodyshock

    Multi Mineral
    Multi Vitamin

    results to 230g P, 150g KH, 70g F and around 2200 kcal......close to my kaloric equilbrium (long years of testing and dont forget im a small guy and a lazy student who does not really have to work much).

    as the progess goes on and if i get desired bf faster, i will add another meal for building up
    __________________________________________________ _______________


    5days WorkOut each muscle Group @ about 15 sets....short but hard!
    5days Cardio on workout days straight after waking up for 40minutes...exept leg day, where cardio will be moved to free day
    1 day totally off which will be Saturday

    MO: Cardio/Chest
    TU: Cardio/Arms
    WE: Legs
    TH Cadio/off
    FR:Cario Soulders
    SA: OFF!!
    SO: Cario/Back

    Abs will be done 2 times a week in between Sets
    __________________________________________________ _____________

    e4d 20 -25 min for a Tan
    Rammstein music 4 traning
    Last edited by TrueLeonidas; 03-03-2009 at 06:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    so it has begun!
    as expected cardio was really tiring today since i have not done any in quite a while. so i decieded to choose my cardio only day today and hit the gym tu,we,th,fr and su
    cardio just consists of a nice run around the woods here

    diet is giving me a hard time too....i do (nearly) always eat clean...but a lot of my diet usually consists of diary products: milk, cheese, yogurt....and my cabrs come from fruits and noodles....
    drinking this whey with water instead of milk alone is BAHHHHH....and i hate oats .....
    the funny thing is i am consuming less kcal than usally, but still it semms sooooo much more food than usual......i guess cause its quite filling food and if u kind of force urself to eat it with no pleasure it becomes actually i was fighting to eat everything, instead of feeling hungry

    so i put my gym day and tan day to tomorrow...which means no brake until sat .

    I am even more happy now, that i gave myself 3 weeks of test only before tren to get into this cut thing. i can keep up to the plan...cause the mind is strong ...but it is really tiring and is costing more energy than i i will need a little time to get used to this and not cursing everytime i have to run/eat oats .

    the injection went smooth and easy in the right problem with that....little thight feeling in my leg now...but not really noticable.

    170lbs today morning pre cardio confirmed
    Last edited by TrueLeonidas; 03-03-2009 at 06:17 PM.

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Welcome and good luck

    make sure you have your PCT planned and and in hand before you get too far into the cycle!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Thank you for the post! yes as soon as im on tren i will post my exact pct and might need a little help .

    i am really happy i planed in those 3 weeks "get used to low carb/cardio Diet" thing.

    i did my cardio today and kept well to my diet plan. but now gym time, i really feel this awful headache and feeling like sucked out and tired. i know this feeling allready from my ketodiet....its like u have a curtain in front of your eyes alle the time....i just thought it would not be as intense on 150 cabrs vs no carbs.....i just have no energy for gym today.....need time to get used to this .

    so i will hit the gym wed-so, and take today as a sturday with extra cardio......and take a nice carb meal now, so i can still stay in "sheddule" with 5times gym....makin it also easier tomorrow cause i will have no cardio to do since i did it allready today.

    good writing this log....cant "loose my face" to all of u and will have to kick msyelf to the gym the next 5 days, no matter how tired i am.

    one problem is that i have still off from university this week and i tend to stay awake all night and sleep 12 hours all day lolol...good old student life....will be the last year i just have to get up at midday and then have enough time for all the training cardio and food.

    so tomorrow chestworkout and tan yay
    Last edited by TrueLeonidas; 03-03-2009 at 06:53 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California
    bro if u can take a before and after pic. I'm going to be running tren and test as well in a couple of months. I wish you the best.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I would love to see those pics also.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    hey thx a lot.....u wanna do tren too...what are ur goals?

    sure ill get some photos made or else put in some rather recent pics from my laptop.

    forced myself up early (2 afternoon lol) today and kept to my diet. felt really great until i hit the gym. went tanning in the "sunbath" before and during work out i was just feeling really hot and tired....but was a good chest work out after all:

    calssic benchpress, cable pull overs, incline with dumbbells and butterfly to 3 sets each 10-8-6 reps => if managed next time more weight!.....i could do this even with incline and butterfly, so the work out was great.....just really tiring and with my heart beating like an old steamtrain lol.

    had a quarrel with "my girl" after workout for like 2 hours about nothing....allready now my stress border line is really low...the diet, the long way in front..a lot of factors....gotta try to stay more calm, else i will blow up everytime a conflict accours when im on tren.

    so all in all a good workout, a nice tan, a strict diet....but feeling ewwwwww

  8. #8
    good stff
    Last edited by ProjektSpeed; 03-08-2009 at 10:19 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    a little stressy the last days....let me summon it....chest workout was wow! chest is still hurting...but no pain no gain!.....leg workout was also great.....the othe work outs were a little tiring and casual.....injections went welll...and gettin used to the diet....2 lbs down!!

    tomorrow d1 really starts......i get my new gear getting used to diet and i can really start my 14 week left cycle tomorrow with hard lifting

    the week will be like this

    mo cardio
    tu back
    we cardio/arms/abs tan
    tu legs
    fr cardio
    sa cardio shoulders/abs
    su cardio/chest tan
    Last edited by TrueLeonidas; 03-10-2009 at 12:11 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Have I mentioned how much I love Tren? I'm running Test-E/Tren-E in a month or so with a dball jumpstart. Post some pics. I'll be following.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by TrueLeonidas View Post
    Hi Everybody!

    I have been reading and researching on this great Board for quite some time and thought i would share my Cycle with you all. It should motivate myself and maybe help others when planing a simular cycle. I will try to update regulary and always glad to get some advices or feedback
    Excuse my English please, since I am from Europe.

    Stats:27; 5'6 small guy and 170lbs; bf hard to tell...2 pack can be seen but rest not ...little "bacon" at the bellybutton..guess something around 14%

    BodyType: thin, smallboned type, with the bad luck of putting on bf always at the stomach;

    History: 8 years of workout, 1 cycle test E 250 e5d for 16 weeks. => detailed: 19y gaunt, weak @ 108 lbs; 7 years workout hit and stagnated @ 155lbs at the 14%bf; 26y TestE cyle hit 177 lbs
    __________________________________________________ ______________

    Goal: Rather content with current weight and mass, but another 10 lbs to 180lbs would be nice.
    Mainly want to finally reach the "6pack" and lower my bodyfat...having bad genetically build, this goal always leeds to loosing quite some muscle mass...i would like to keep my current mass and get cut and bring in some quality. => we all know 10%bf @ 180lbs can look even more muscuolar than 15% bf @ 200lbs
    Summary: wanna keep about my weight and if anyhow possible even build up some lean mass and cut the bodyfat 2-4%.
    __________________________________________________ _______________4

    1-15w test p 50ed
    3-10w tren a 50ed (8w)

    Tren a: will do the main work and 1st choice steroid for my goal; 8 weeks and see if that will do...else maybe a little longer
    test p: base steroid to tren....will take test p only 3 weeks to get into the rythm of "cutdiet" and cardio....and will continue takiing it for another 4 weeks after tren has been taken out: tren quite kills your own test production and read quite a lot about taking test a little longer since your own axis is shut down

    Why compounds with a short halflife?: test e gave me an awful bloat...even on keto diet the water retention was awful...looked like a balloon head. just because i dont want to pull too much water.

    PCT: had no neg. reaction at all on test e exept the bloat. so ill have a look how i react to tren...clomid etc. of course here and planed as PCT...just will see how much other compounds will be needed.

    __________________________________________________ ______________


    1 cup oats with splenda, 5 eggwhites + 1 yolk
    2 1 can tuna with 2 spoons of flax oil + 60g whey
    3 PWO: 60g whey, 100g Dextrose, 2 spoons of flax oil
    4 150g chicken breast, veggies, half a cup dark rice
    5 1 can tuna with veggies
    6 60g whey + 2 spoons of flax oil

    6l of water

    Workout Free Day (Sat): instead of PWO a nice fast food meal for pleasure and bodyshock

    Multi Mineral
    Multi Vitamin

    results to 230g P, 150g KH, 70g F and around 2200 kcal......close to my kaloric equilbrium (long years of testing and dont forget im a small guy and a lazy student who does not really have to work much).

    as the progess goes on and if i get desired bf faster, i will add another meal for building up
    __________________________________________________ _______________


    5days WorkOut each muscle Group @ about 15 sets....short but hard!
    5days Cardio on workout days straight after waking up for 40minutes...exept leg day, where cardio will be moved to free day
    1 day totally off which will be Saturday

    MO: Cardio/Chest
    TU: Cardio/Arms
    WE: Legs
    TH Cadio/off
    FR:Cario Soulders
    SA: OFF!!
    SO: Cario/Back

    Abs will be done 2 times a week in between Sets
    __________________________________________________ _____________

    e4d 20 -25 min for a Tan
    Rammstein music 4 traning

    I would really add more food to that diet.

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