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Thread: What to expect?

  1. #1

    What to expect?

    Age 28, bf 19%, 5,7, 200lbs.
    how much gain should i get in size and in strength by the 6th week of deca250 1 shot a week and test e 1 shot a week.
    this is my first cycle. They told me to step it up to 2 shots a week.
    i am taking 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per my body weight. when i started the cycle i was at 190-193lbs.

    the only thing is that i dont really get my 8hours of sleep. i have always had problems sleeping.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    deca! on 1st cycle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jrsnipe View Post
    Age 28, bf 19%, 5,7, 200lbs.
    how much gain should i get in size and in strength by the 6th week of deca250 1 shot a week and test e 1 shot a week.
    this is my first cycle. They told me to step it up to 2 shots a week.
    i am taking 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per my body weight. when i started the cycle i was at 190-193lbs.

    the only thing is that i dont really get my 8hours of sleep. i have always had problems sleeping.
    How much test e are you using?

    what do you have planned for a pct?

    and there is no way to tell!!

    how often are you eating?

    what is your cycle look like write it down..?

    and why would you do deca on your first cycle?

    let see what you are doing and see if we can make it the best thing for you

    and your BF% is way to high to start a cycle.....for several health reasons.....


    bump for the question asked now that you have posted your diet i need the rest.....nolv is not enough for a need a lot of help with this cycle so you dont hurt yourself...
    Last edited by *RAGE*; 03-12-2009 at 01:12 AM.

  4. #4
    8:00 am
    mass gainer 60g protein shake
    8 eggwhite, 1cup oatmeal

    1 cup brown rice with 2 pieces of chicken breast

    2:00- 2:30pm
    50g whey protein shake

    chicken breast w/ salad or veggies.

    5:30 protein shake 1-hour before i go to the gym

    right after i finish working out i drink 50g of whey protein shake.

    sometime chicken or tuna with white rice or salad.

    11:00pm - 11:30
    protein shake

    and sometime i wont go to sleep until after 1-2Am so i take a protein shake before bed.

    someone told me that if i wanted to bulk on my cycle i should just and eat.
    and than someone else told me to do cardio 15 before work out and than keep my workout intense so that i could burn stored fat.

    for pct i am going to do nolvadex.

    any guidance will be appreciated.
    what health problems can i face.

  5. #5
    who is 'they'? is they us? because if they is us we give some decent advice sometimes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The Kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by jrsnipe View Post
    8:00 am
    mass gainer 60g protein shake
    8 eggwhite, 1cup oatmeal

    1 cup brown rice with 2 pieces of chicken breast

    2:00- 2:30pm
    50g whey protein shake

    chicken breast w/ salad or veggies.

    5:30 protein shake 1-hour before i go to the gym

    right after i finish working out i drink 50g of whey protein shake.

    sometime chicken or tuna with white rice or salad.

    11:00pm - 11:30
    protein shake

    and sometime i wont go to sleep until after 1-2Am so i take a protein shake before bed.

    someone told me that if i wanted to bulk on my cycle i should just and eat.
    and than someone else told me to do cardio 15 before work out and than keep my workout intense so that i could burn stored fat.

    for pct i am going to do nolvadex.

    any guidance will be appreciated.
    what health problems can i face.
    IMO you have too many protein shakes. Substitute the shakes for real meals, for ex. 8-10 oz chicken 1 sweet potatoe and 1 cup veggies. If you are trying to bulk you need a lot more food than what you are getting....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    "how much gain should i get in size and in strength by the 6th week of deca250 ?" what kind of answer could anyone give to this? what kind of measurement could anyone use in this situation? do you want someone to say your chest will increase 5 inches and your biceps will increase 4 inches and your bench will go up 50 lbs........ its confusing. here is a simple answer to your question, you will get out of it what you put into it, quite simply. if you train right and your diet is spot on and your dosages are right and you run for the proper amount of time and use the correct ancillaries you will have great results. if not then you wont.

  8. #8
    what are your recommendations?
    i was being guided by someone at the gym that i trusted... until i started reading this forums. I know it was a bad move on my side.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jrsnipe View Post
    8:00 am
    mass gainer 60g protein shake
    8 eggwhite, 1cup oatmeal

    1 cup brown rice with 2 pieces of chicken breast

    2:00- 2:30pm
    50g whey protein shake

    chicken breast w/ salad or veggies.

    5:30 protein shake 1-hour before i go to the gym

    right after i finish working out i drink 50g of whey protein shake.

    sometime chicken or tuna with white rice or salad.

    11:00pm - 11:30
    protein shake

    and sometime i wont go to sleep until after 1-2Am so i take a protein shake before bed.

    someone told me that if i wanted to bulk on my cycle i should just and eat.
    and than someone else told me to do cardio 15 before work out and than keep my workout intense so that i could burn stored fat.

    for pct i am going to do nolvadex.

    any guidance will be appreciated.
    what health problems can i face.
    deca is shutting down you natural test....gyno.....19 percent bf, high blood presser high cholesterol......

    Nolvadex is not enough for a pct....

    again how much test are you using......

    write it out for me and your pct...

    you need to add an AI, and clomid.....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jrsnipe View Post
    8:00 am
    mass gainer 60g protein shake
    8 eggwhite, 1cup oatmeal

    1 cup brown rice with 2 pieces of chicken breast

    2:00- 2:30pm
    50g whey protein shake

    chicken breast w/ salad or veggies.

    5:30 protein shake 1-hour before i go to the gym

    right after i finish working out i drink 50g of whey protein shake.

    sometime chicken or tuna with white rice or salad.

    11:00pm - 11:30
    protein shake

    and sometime i wont go to sleep until after 1-2Am so i take a protein shake before bed.

    someone told me that if i wanted to bulk on my cycle i should just and eat.
    and than someone else told me to do cardio 15 before work out and than keep my workout intense so that i could burn stored fat.

    for pct i am going to do nolvadex.

    any guidance will be appreciated.
    what health problems can i face.
    deca is shutting down you natural test....gyno.....19 percent bf, high blood presser high cholesterol......

    Nolvadex is not enough for a pct....

    again how much test are you using......

    write it out for me and your pct...

    you need to add an AI, and clomid.....

    and your diet needs some work bro...

  11. #11
    test e 250 once a week.
    i am doing a 12 week cycle. being that my 10ml will not give me for the 12 weeks they told me to start taking Propionate 100 twice a week and Boldenone Undeclynate)
    250 twice a week to complete my 12-13 weeks.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jrsnipe View Post
    test e 250 once a week.
    i am doing a 12 week cycle. being that my 10ml will not give me for the 12 weeks they told me to start taking Propionate 100 twice a week and Boldenone Undeclynate)
    250 twice a week to complete my 12-13 weeks.
    Ok bro lets start over...

    sound like you have so people giving you so strange put it nice

    you can mix your test that is fine......

    I would run your test 250mg two times a week monday and thrusday.....for 12 weeks...

    I would run you deca at 400mg 200mg two times a week you can inject the test and deca together.....for a total of ten need to stop it two weeks before you stop you test....

    I would do your pct like this 100 mg ed for clomid for two weeks and then drop it down to 50mg ed for two more weeks

    at the same time

    i would run you nolv at 20mg ed for four weeks...

    I would get some Arimidex asap for water retention.....and gyno.....and run it during your pct.. at .10mg ed for the four weeks....

    I almost told you to get off your cycle and hit the guy that told you to cycle like this at that bf%......

    I hope this more research while you are on your cycle so if something comes up you will know what to do......go to under diet they have a lot of good ones on there.....good luck

  13. #13
    should i do alot of cardio now to bring down my bf?
    thanks for the advice.

  14. #14
    With 19% bodyfat, why are you trying to bulk?

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