I'm in the middle of my workout. And I THROUGH myself into my workouts.
I'm sure you've all had experience with THE GUY who comes over when your at the end of a set and says something like....."hey, you know a really good exercise for "insert random bodypart that you are exercising" is "insert gimicky exercise."
DUDE.... do I look like i need your ****ing help?? Why are you bothering me while i'm crushing this routine?? I got a pump going here and your ****ing up my mojo with your stupid ass advice on how i should be doing tricep burnouts on a decline bench by doing really fast skull crushers to burnout and then superset it by immediatly pressing the weight till burnout.
This is why i'll never let myself carry a gun.
Maybe i'm being way too hard on this guy (and no i'm not on cycle). So lets take a poll and find out.
So how much do you hate this guy and his retarted ilk that are in every gym?!?!.....