i know this is stupid but i have this huge fear of needles and can never inject myself
i know this is stupid but i have this huge fear of needles and can never inject myself
get over it.. once you do it you will wonder what the fuss was about.
Just don't get freaked out about it and understand it just has to be done, no big thing
the inject that really got me over the fear was a quad injection...just relax and put the needle in slowly...if feels like nothing...i know how your feeling just do it and you will look back and be like wow
yea i knw test is awesome has to be done still scared though lol i hate when doctors have to give me shots
yea ill deff try drinking it should taste awesome.....i herd everyone does it
hahaha omg man me to i knw how it is. im just gonna go do it. all my friends do it with ease im the only one bitchin
Why doesn't someone just ban tinyballs already? He obviously has no life or gf (ever i suspect) and is just typing out useless informative dribble on all the threads.
Save me the 5 mins of my life sifting through his inane rants admin pls.....
please just kill urself im sick of seeing ur post this post is about me ahaha leave us be
stupid tinyballs no one likes u
lexed, you can block him ya know.. his posts wont even show
nice i did it
Just do it, once you get past the first shot you'll be fine. Try using a ice cube to numb aea and go slow you won't feel a thing.
i did it in the thigh. i just yelled this is for laduem and did it lol jk
I use to be a real bad needle phob took my awhile to get over it.
Check out this site.
s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . com
thanks great site really detailed
my buddy called me up. went home to do his first shot. he told me he got over heated got butt naked sweating his ass off. almost passed out. just from getting worked up about this sht. i told him throw it in cheek. aspirate thats it he called me back told me he didnt even feel it. i told him. the one they stick in ur arm at the doctors is way worse. and after getting over that fear he is excited about the next shot
that is how all of my friends are after first shot they got over it. just took me a while
soon you will be looking forward to injection day
I remember looking forward to it then slowly hating it then liking it again.
I go through phases of liking it and not
Way to man up Lexed. Soon you'll be looking forward to those injections.
ino wt ur feeling mate, god i HATE blood tests let alone jabs!
Grats on doing your first shot for more the part their nice easy and painless.
For a second there I thought you meant you did it as in you blocked tinyballs.
Tinyballs probably lost his GF to some jacked dude now he has to troll.
I start my cycle in about a week
Do you guys go in slow or just like .. jab it down and push it in within a millisecond?
I plan to do the latter
jabbing fairly slow causes less damage to the muscle, and you should have less soreness
i did both lol injection and blocked tiny thaks for the help guys
I knew you could do it.
although i've never had a doctor give me a shot of anything i'm quite sure it's totally different than doing it yourself.
"Do you guys go in slow or just like .. jab it down and push it in within a millisecond?
I plan to do the latter" by HOLLYWOOD.JACK
I experienced that same dillemma my first injection and embarrassingly spent about 5 minutes counting down 3-2-1 over and over again thinking I'd just jab it in after the 1.
I ended up touching the needle to my thigh and to my surprise it just "slid right in" like a hot knife through butter. My hands were shaking and sweaty, the whole nine yards. Pretty embarrassing. Now it's just like brushing my teeth. Just get up, swab the top of the vial with alcohol, fill the syringe, replace the needle with a fresh one (you'd be amazed how much that helps), swab the site, and administer. Nothin' to it.
congrats on joining the darkside bro
Im the same way scared to inject... But figured its best to just do it.. Still havent done it yet but as to I have a broken wrist from a wreck and cant lift right now. But when it heals yeah buddy soar cheeks here I come.
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