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Thread: Deca, Test, Winny, Tren & HGH stack plz help is my guy steering me wrong!!!???

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Deca, Test, Winny, Tren & HGH stack plz help is my guy steering me wrong!!!???

    Hello all, this is my first post, and i'm pretty nervous first of all cuz after reading alot of the material here i realize i was possibly going about this dangerously. First off, if this is in the wrong forum i apologize, i did look for the answer to the question i have but couldnt find one specific enough, and yes i read the rules. To start:

    Im 23, 6'2", 195, i can bench about 300-310 for one, visually i feel like im thin for the most part, im a little bigger than most of my lil friends but dudes at the gym make me look like a poodle. I feel like i am much stronger than my physique rewards me for so a friend referred a friend to get on some gear.

    Ok so i know ya'll are gonna tear me a new asshole cuz after reading here it seems ive been careless so far into this cycle, but i see now im fuk'in up and hope yall can get me on track before its too late.

    Ok, So the stack this dude sold me (he calls a medium strength cycle) is 10 weeks, i think im on week 2, actually i think its 2 weeks today.... Heres the gear:

    Deca 300 & Test 250 (fri and tues 600total deca 500test weekly)
    Winny 175 and Tren 75 (sunday and thurs 350winny & 150tren weekly)
    HGH (says its 15mg not sure he means per ui or per recommended dosage) 10ui EOD

    The scary parts...: First of all, ive always been inconsistent with lifting, ill try for a few weeks maybe months and stop, however i get strong very quick, for example, this last time i decided to start lifting again i could barely get 185 for 2 or 3, and within about 4-5 weeks i was benching 255 for 6 and 305 for 1(coulda prolly got 2) On protein, rage, noxplode and a lil creatine. Since i started this cycle 3/13 i literally feel no difference, my strength is unchanged, i dont feel moody, no acne, my joints do kinda ache but then they do often from aggresive street motorcycle riding and other lil things.
    Second worry, all my gear came already prep'd, in syringes, it seems professional enough, the gear is mostly in a pretty big BD rig, opened of course with the roids already drawn up, then slipped back into the original little sterile single packs with every one being marked either "test" or "deca
    etc... why wouldnt he just sell me the raw material and let me go thru the trouble of getting rigs and making up the shots?
    Third: i purchased half the cycle one day, 10rigs of each all of them are 1ML and the 10 of each are bundled together neatly. I bought the other half a few days later, and 10 1cc rigs of "hgh", of course, already prep'd. The wierd thing is when he brought me the other half, the deca and test were mixed in 1 rig, so instead of 1ml deca 1ml test in individual rigs it was 2ml, and slip on pack read "test\deca", what worries me is the first half of the deca and test they are both orange, or thats my opinion on the color, while the second half, the mixed ones, are pretty much completely clear. if they are 1mltest/1mldeca mixed why is this half clear and the first shit (like 3 days prior) darker/orange?
    Next thing, the hgh, he says use 10ui eod, example: chest day 5ui in each peck, under the skin but above the muscle, and so on with other body parts. Well my buddy had gotten the same thing from the same friend, and he used it insanely with no direction, (1 whole cc pre workout) 25each tri 25each peck! =O So i call this fellow, and say hey man, im really not feelin shit from the hgh or the other stuff 4 that matter, how should i eat or train etc? he says nah u dont really need to eat heavy just lotsa protein when u get hungry, and he said if i want to, to use 10ui daily of the hgh. Me, being dumb, was like ah **** this and today used about 40ui, 10 around my quads and 10 in calves, still felt no focus, rush, anything else out of the oridinary.
    Even better, this guy then calls and says "hey, if u can get ur boys to pick up about 800-1000$ of shit i'll throw u another exact cycle that u have for free". whooaaa wait wait, ur gonna give me ***$ in exchange for bringing u 800-1000 in business? ive sold shit before, and thats just ludacris. Was the *** for my cycle robbery?(was told to edit out prices, sorry!)
    The winny burns, pretty bad, the tren very little, and the test/deca not at all but are very thick and take alot of effort to push plunger. The HGH burns real bad also, i tried warming it in my hands before use but still pretty harsh.
    I dont eat right, at all, partly cuz im arrogant and dont really get fat (not much more than a small pudge if im totally outa shape), How important is nutrition and if someone has time i'd appreciate a small guide on how to eat while cycling. Also, havent seen one person on the same stack i am, care to explain? should i change my cycle up, anyone have a better more experienced guide for the next 8 weeks? I know now, i shouldnt really be on this shit cuz i'm clueless as to if he's right or even if this shits real. But its too late now i hope to at least get enough help to be safe and get the most out of all this money invested. I can probably take and show some pictures of the gear, how it was packaged and all if it would help.
    If u took the time to read alllll of this, THANK YOU, i just wanted to be crystal clear on my particular situation to get the best advice from professionals if possible. Another Q, is there any generic way to find out if this shit is real? if its fake, what am i likely injecting? what damage can be caused? please if someone could shine some light, it would really save my ass, and yea i learned a lesson, next time i will research and be more cautious and thorough. Thanks in advance, *Sid*

    ***Sorry forgot, i'm not ur average trainer either, i usually work out 5-7 days a week since i started again around december, Im not sure if my routine is effective or even limiting my success, heres an example: chest day typically
    275/295/or 305 for 1 or two depending on how easy other shit is going up.
    then i do that lil machine press that starts kinda wide and u push inwards, to hit inner chest, and i'll usually top off with a couple sets of perfect pushup or really close grip bench about 3-4 sets of 10, (135-165lbs)

    Legs today: had no spotter so no freeweight squats =[
    on the leg press:

    Then calf raises, leg curls, some other shit just 2 get sore... i dont wanna name all of them but if someone1 could give me a slightly intense routine, with chest twice a week, it'd be great. again thank you all and plz be prompt I dont want to keep this up if its a waste or dangerous!!
    Last edited by sidvicious247; 03-27-2009 at 07:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Wow....that is way way to much for a first cycle man. And preloaded syringes? That would make me real nervous. You came to the right place for advice but you need to edit out those prices before someone yells at ya.

    There are some really knowledgable people on here so don't panic yet. Someone should be able to help you out.

    And Welcome........

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    Im sorry...lost in the novel...ill finish reading another day


  4. #4
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    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    edited. No emails on the board please AND I HOPE YOUR NOT TRYING TO SCAM THIS PERSON OUT OF HIS HARD EARNED MONEY. Thanx

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post
    Im sorry...lost in the novel...ill finish reading another day

    thanks for trying bro lol, and sorry bout the prices i guess i missed that rule.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by PittBoy View Post
    Wow....that is way way to much for a first cycle man. And preloaded syringes? That would make me real nervous. You came to the right place for advice but you need to edit out those prices before someone yells at ya.

    There are some really knowledgable people on here so don't panic yet. Someone should be able to help you out.

    And Welcome........

    thx bro, glad to see im not the only one up and concerned lol. Well, if it matters, i have done some pretty heave pro-hormone cycles, and those went just fine. lets just say yeah, that is alot for my first actual roid cycle, i've read about ppl doing cycles that seem to be about twice my shit in total, except i still cant find someone reporting a cycle with all the same shit im on (deca/tren/test/winny/hgh). He said the smaller amount of winny wouldnt be enough to upset my body, just enough to keep me tight while bulking. bullshit? almost all cycles i read do winny AFTER deca and test. damn this is so confusing lol =\ The syringes, although i'm weary of it, ive used iv drugs a few times a year, really occasional splurge, and i know enough about rigs, all the points arent barbed (so he's either decend with a rig or he's pullin out of a glass vial which would be the most likely way he recieves the gear if its real) The doses are measured exactly, every single one, all 80 of them. and the hgh is a spitting image of the one my friend got so im not sure, note: me and my friends boy, the guy who referred me to the gear man, is extremely resourceful and reliable. Hes a close friend thats very well off and would never consider sending me or my buddy into fake shit. But, u never know >=[

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post me at EDITED
    k i dropped u a note, thx for responding.

  8. #8
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post me at ********
    can't post personal email addresses on open board either, PLEASE EDIT, Are you a SCAMMER ????

  9. #9
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    Thats way the heck too much for a first cycle.
    Even if you were experienced enough to run it it's setup very poorly

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnybigguns View Post
    Thats way the heck too much for a first cycle.
    Even if you were experienced enough to run it it's setup very poorly
    Agreed, i came to that conclusion on my own, hence the reason i'm here asking for some advice/guidance? I know everyone must have something bad to say about the cycle im on and all, but if you guys could plz help out when possible. Reminding me that this sh!t is all jacked up over and over dont help much =/

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnybigguns View Post
    Thats way the heck too much for a first cycle.
    Even if you were experienced enough to run it it's setup very poorly
    by the way, I also wasnt aware (until reading ALOT on these forums) that a diet is extremely important while on the gear, i wouldnt know where to start as far as a Steroid worthy diet, so if anyone has one on hand or can tell me where to look 4 one that be dope, AND lol (i sound pitiful huh!!?) i think i work out pretty hard, but im wondering if there are better routines while on cycle or if u can train more, 7/week or if i should go light, max out,... etc?

    If there are specific diets/lift routines that will maximize this cycle i could use the info, thx.

  12. #12
    Dude stay away from that source. That guy has no shame. All he cares is to get u to buy gear regardless of your well being. If I was you I would have waited a bit longer to do a cycle. But since you already started I would drop everything you are taking other than the test. This from what I've learned here from some very knowledgable people. Some will come alone and advice u better.

  13. #13
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    yeah id drop everything but the test..

    winny needs to be every day and if the tren is acetate it needs to be ed or eod..

    did the guy set you up with any anti-e's / pct meds?

    oh yeah, kick him in the nuts when you get a chance..

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post me at ******
    I'm sure I'm not the only one on staff that would like an explanation of why you feel this member should email to explain?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I'm sure I'm not the only one on staff the would like an explanation of why you feel this member should email to explain?
    because the OP only has 11 posts, and can't PM duhhh! lol... scammer!

    What I want to know is the OP actually injecting. You couldn't just start running 10iu of GH eod, the sides would be out of this world. let alone 40iu's... wtf?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    because the OP only has 11 posts, and can't PM duhhh! lol... scammer!

    What I want to know is the OP actually injecting. You couldn't just start running 10iu of GH eod, the sides would be out of this world. let alone 40iu's... wtf?
    ok so what i have (ive done 2 weeks of all minus winny i didnt do it yesterday)

    so if i rode the next 8 weeks(advice?)
    and about 8 months worth of HGH at 5ui a day?
    So how should i use what i have, cuz my source was real convincing that this was 100% safe cycle, i asked why i was already on winny, he says so i dont get to puffy, so i can keep definition.

    Heres my stats.
    23yrs / 6'2" / 195lbs / on a online bmi calc 6'2/195 says i'm 24%bf, but awhile back (a bit more built) i was 190 and on an electric one said i was 11% so i will have to try one of those today i guess. Ive been working out for 5 years, on for 2 1/2, on and off for about 2, and lifting again pretty consistently since 12/08. Ive been on supplements but i dont seem to be getting any more gains as far as max bench, max squat, etc.

    Diet is my weakness, i dont eat like a should but i will definately start immediately if its critical.

    when i used the hgh yesterday, i felt no real intense reaction. After reading online i do seem to be sleeping harder, and my joints are a little sore but i'm always riding stunt/racing bikes so it takes a toll... let me know what ya'll think.

  17. #17
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    hes an idiot..

    how about anti-e's and pct..
    it the tren acetate or eenanthate

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mammon View Post
    hes an idiot..

    how about anti-e's and pct..
    it the tren acetate or eenanthate
    I already bought the pct its nolva i believe, its at my boys house. The tren.. honestly i'm not sure. how vital is it to know which it is? how can i find out?

    Aside from that, i'm really trying to pack on weight and strength regardless, i mean i spent a shitload of money so ill work as hard as i can, i just wanna get the most out of this gear.

    Did u have any ideas on diet or training?

  19. #19
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    the ester of the tren is very important.. acetate needs to be injected ed/eod.. enanthate twice a week.. shouldnt be using tren on a first cycle anyway.. you have way to much going on..what if an issue pop up.. not going to know which is causing the issue.

    you should have that nolvadex on hand.. never know if gyno symptoms could flare up.

    id get some clomid to go with that nolvadex for pct.

    test alone would be fine.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mammon View Post
    the ester of the tren is very important.. acetate needs to be injected ed/eod.. enanthate twice a week.. shouldnt be using tren on a first cycle anyway.. you have way to much going on..what if an issue pop up.. not going to know which is causing the issue.

    you should have that nolvadex on hand.. never know if gyno symptoms could flare up.

    id get some clomid to go with that nolvadex for pct.

    test alone would be fine.
    Well this dude told me def not to do it more then twice weekly, i'm seriously considering having him come over thinkin hes gonna get paid again and bust him in the mouth with a .40 >=[ its hard to say though if he's being shady cuz my boy that sent me to him is big tymin' u know? like def this dude with the gear wouldnt risk beef w/ us over 550$. I think he's just as uneducated as me on this subject cuz he had 2 keep asking his man when i asked him specific questions. he didnt seem real knowledgeable as far as bodybuilding or cycles, so i donno, should i wreck shop or is he just another middle man that donno shit.

    Question... sustonon is or is NOT test? cuz in my bag i got some that say "sust" wrapped w tha deca and some say test... And for the 10wk cycle i said i got w the hgh, for five n a half stacks, was he workin me or is that right? (i live in a border town... so shit is a bit cheaper here)

    thx man my bad for swampin u with q's, just tryin to get right.

  21. #21
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    6'-2" 195, dude you are not "thin"

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akrobatik View Post
    6'-2" 195, dude you are not "thin"
    lol dog its hard to imagine, but yea i am. i Got REALLY skinny legs, elbo to wrist is think, my arms are about 14 1/2" right now, i got a wide upper back, decent chest, and a big o' fukn dome lol i dont got my cam with me but i'll put some pix up, i donno how i wiegh 200 and look like 170-180. its beyond me.

  23. #23
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    sust is test.. blend of 4 esters

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidvicious247 View Post
    k i dropped u a note, thx for responding.
    Please be VERY careful with this, as you are probably being set up for a scam if you are emailing and he is responding...... NOT SMART

  25. #25
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    This thread has all sorts of wrong in it...watching.

    Diet is my weakness, i dont eat like a should but i will definately start immediately if its critical.
    Wow...of course it's critical. Get on the ball, dude. Stop taking advice from your homeboys. They sound like retards.

  26. #26
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    over 2k posts and your posting this ,wow

  27. #27
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    This thread is a freaking disaster. First of all the OP thinks just because he ran heavy PH's cycles that means he can run heavy steroid cycles. Second he is very relunctant to listen to advice about dropping most of the compounds so why did he come to this board in the first place? So we could tell "OH GO DO IT MAN!".

    OP: Your first cycle you will blow up no matter what you take, less is better stop think "the more steroids I drop in the bigger I am going to get" because even with 5 different steroids in the body, the body can only grow so much at a time. You can gain 20lbs off a test-e only cycle

    Not to mention Tren is not for novice beginners and the dosage is way to low

  28. #28
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    as above. drop everything but the test, have a look in the diet section and eat like crazy. Save the other things for a future cycle.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    This thread is a freaking disaster. First of all the OP thinks just because he ran heavy PH's cycles that means he can run heavy steroid cycles. Second he is very relunctant to listen to advice about dropping most of the compounds so why did he come to this board in the first place? So we could tell "OH GO DO IT MAN!".

    OP: Your first cycle you will blow up no matter what you take, less is better stop think "the more steroids I drop in the bigger I am going to get" because even with 5 different steroids in the body, the body can only grow so much at a time. You can gain 20lbs off a test-e only cycle

    Not to mention Tren is not for novice beginners and the dosage is way to low

    actually im not reluctant to stop any of it, what i'm asking for is a specific answer i told ya'll my stats, the gear i got,

    lay it e.i: take this much *gear* ed/eod, eat like this, get this much sleep, start taking this after this many weeks, etc. i donno whats disasterous about this thread, no one has given me a profession answer and a routine/cycle. but to whoever does, thanks! and yes i'll follow it =)

  30. #30
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    You've been told to drop everything but the test a few times, from what I've read. Diet is a no brainer, you should know how to eat and train properly. If you don't know on your own how to eat and train properly, you're not ready for AS. By taking the ignorant road and just jumping into the lake before learning how to swim you're just hurting the entire AS community.

    Stuff like this gives the media ammunition to fire away at AS, and demonize AS further than it already has. Don't become a statistic, dude.

  31. #31
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    just the test man.. just the test... 500mg a week.. 250 twice a week..

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by lord henry View Post

    over 2k posts and your posting this ,wow
    Yah I wasn't too impressed by this either.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    You've been told to drop everything but the test a few times, from what I've read. Diet is a no brainer, you should know how to eat and train properly. If you don't know on your own how to eat and train properly, you're not ready for AS. By taking the ignorant road and just jumping into the lake before learning how to swim you're just hurting the entire AS community.

    Stuff like this gives the media ammunition to fire away at AS, and demonize AS further than it already has. Don't become a statistic, dude.
    well, sorry 4 deeply upsetting you mr. nooomoto. Trust that i never had the INTENTIONS of "Hurting the entire AS community". Ive been working out for 5 years, and i dont seem to be making any more gains, ive done PH cycles, and decided now was time to try my first AS cycle. If you could simply try and understand that the dude hooking me up sounded like he knew all about this, my friend vouched for him, and AT FIRST i thought i WAS doing this correctly and wasnt jumping into it. As far as diet, i specifically asked him about calorie/carb/protein intake etc.. he said, on this stuff, all you really need is tons of protein and eat normal.
    What i feel your failing to recognize here is that i DIDNT just swallow his bs and go on about this dangerous cycle blind, i took initiative to see if it was safe, correct, ultimately to not become a "statistic"
    I have taken ya'lls advice, test only, pretty simple... What ya'll arent letting me know is it just test only all the way through? all the other cycles ive read about some weeks they are on dif products, will the others i have go bad? should i just throw them away? You guys are doing SO MUCH criticizing instead of just telling me what the **** i need to do because the other punk bitch fed me some bullshit... ponder this: I am EXTREMELY advanced in forced induction motors, time attack cars, etc, if u asked me should u put a twin GT35 kit on a 4g63, i could tell u why u would definately not do that, tell u what would work better, safer, cheaper, OR say ah bro ur just one of those ****s giving the scene a bad rep. Damn what happened to just being cool peeps nowadays? maybe ya'lls roidrage is fawkin wit ya thx for ur time.

  34. #34
    There's not such thing as roid rage with that said. You are asking us to advice u on a decision you have to make on your own. After re-reading your post I personally would drop everything at once. Your source is giving u prefilled syringes that u don't know where it came from or if he used correct sterile technique. After what he adviced u I wouldn't trust him @ all. Do some research here. Learn as much as you can. Get your diet and workouts in check then when you r ready start aas and definately find another source. Best of luck.

  35. #35
    i would forget the cycle altogether. if hes pre-loading them into syringes thats a really bad sign. i mean, why would you do that??? i wouldnt trust the hgh either, if you were running 10iu eod the hgh alone would cost you in the thousands... hes lying to you about what your getting.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    i would forget the cycle altogether. if hes pre-loading them into syringes thats a really bad sign. i mean, why would you do that??? i wouldnt trust the hgh either, if you were running 10iu eod the hgh alone would cost you in the thousands... hes lying to you about what your getting.
    I believe this to be true also. This guy made a lot of money off you and doesn't care to much about your health. I'd stop everything, take the nolva you have, and get on a good diet and exercise program.

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