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Thread: Ryan Moats mother in-law dies as ***hole cop harasses him

  1. #1
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    Ryan Moats mother in-law dies as ***hole cop harasses him

    For those that done know Ryan Moats is a pro running back with the Houston Texans.

    A quick link to the story is below along with the 16 minute video of how some asshole cop held him up in the parking lot of the emergency room as his mother in-law dies...all for running a red light on his way there.

    video and audio is from the cops dashboard.

    A few things come to my mind while watching this...

    1. This cop is a fvcking asshole and deserves to outright lose his job

    2. Moats deserves to commended for such a display of self control. I myself on the other would have lost it on this cop and God knows what would have happened from there.

    3. Its shit like this that will ALWAYS stir up and rekindle the race card.

    4. I just hate cops...period!

  2. #2
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    What a cock sucker. I hope he gets fired

  3. #3
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    He really lives up to the word "pig"...good job, Chief.

  4. #4
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    the Moats family has called for his job. I hope he does get fired...he deserves that and more.

    This story really has me boiling...

    How can someone be soooooo inconsiderate of another human being? I just dont get it...

  5. #5
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    Yeah I saw it last night on TV.

    Truly messed up.

  6. #6
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    happened where i live, plano area

  7. #7
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    holding on my last comment for hte time being
    Last edited by IronReload04; 03-27-2009 at 03:37 PM.

  8. #8
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    they are lucky the cop showed restraint, he could have used a tazer, but they stopped their advancement on him.

    And why didn't she just go ahead into the hospital?? or was she driving?? no?? then leave the area, not like the cop would have left the driver and pursued her.

    And in most cases, when you are called to the hospital like that.. the patient has already passed away, the family should have already said their goodbyes..

    Cop followed SOP.. God bless him for not shooting them when he was attacked in such a manner.

    Good job Faithful Public Servant.
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  9. #9
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    Fire his ass. Just what the world doesn't need: another prick with a badge.

  10. #10
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Ok, i have seen the first 4 minutes of part one

    I see NOTHING wrong with the cop. Am I seeing the same video as you guys.

    what I see is the running back being a pain in the ass and not cooperating. Had he cooperated and conducted himself like a civilized human being, perhaps the cop would have shown some understanding. SInce no effort was seen by the runningback to be cooperative, the cop had no choice but to assume the absolute worst case scenerio for hte protection of his own life.

  11. #11
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    this is what the running back could have done differently

    "sir, please give me a couple minutes to speak. My mother in the law is on her deathbed right now....she has seconds.....We can go in and verify this at the front desk"

  12. #12
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    How would you feel if it was your mother who died and you couldn't be there?

  13. #13
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    How would you feel if it was your mother who died and you couldn't be there?
    Thats not his mother for one. Its his step mother. But, I will just assume they are extremely extremely close for argument.

    Put yourself in the cop's position. YOu got this guy that ran a red light, is not stopping after lights and sirens.

    Ya, I understand that many of us would do the same thing. You have to understand that the cop's neck is on the line and he has to assume the worst to protect his own life.

    Moats did not really help matters by not being polite and cooperative. Had he have acted more smartly, perhaps the cop would have been more understanding.

  14. #14
    Although the cop is right that he did run a red light and thats no excuse , But the cop could have been more considerate of the situation. I say very poor common sense for this cop.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    they are lucky the cop showed restraint, he could have used a tazer, but they stopped their advancement on him.

    And why didn't she just go ahead into the hospital?? or was she driving?? no?? then leave the area, not like the cop would have left the driver and pursued her.

    And in most cases, when you are called to the hospital like that.. the patient has already passed away, the family should have already said their goodbyes..

    Cop followed SOP.. God bless him for not shooting them when he was attacked in such a manner.

    Good job Faithful Public Servant.
    I totally respect cops but this guy was being a @$$hole.

    BTW his mother-n-law die while the cop was talking to this guy outside the hospital.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    You have to understand that the cop's neck is on the line and he has to assume the worst to protect his own life.
    These people wanted to run inside, not shoot it out! He held him there and dicked him around!

  17. #17
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    i dont think anyone would act "calm" and state a perfect answer in a moment like this

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    Ok, i have seen the first 4 minutes of part one

    I see NOTHING wrong with the cop. Am I seeing the same video as you guys.

    what I see is the running back being a pain in the ass and not cooperating. Had he cooperated and conducted himself like a civilized human being, perhaps the cop would have shown some understanding. SInce no effort was seen by the runningback to be cooperative, the cop had no choice but to assume the absolute worst case scenerio for hte protection of his own life.

    that's the problem as i see it.. He's been taught all his life "don't trust whitie" so there ya go, you call cops pigs and act like an ass.. then the cops will bring an ass whoopin with them..

    here ya go..
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  19. #19
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    Some cops will act like pricks no matter how respectful you are. I havn't seen the video, but my experience with cops is that 90% of the time they're not necessary and they just cause trouble. Everyone knows that they're not really necessary, so they have a complex and try to bully people. Not really the cops fault I guess. They just have a shitty job that only an asshole would want to do. In my experience most people break lots of laws every day, because most laws are pointless and stupid. This cop was probably just doing what he's supposed to do, but everyone hates cops, so everyone will love to use it as an excuse to point out that cops are all aseholes.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    Ok, i have seen the first 4 minutes of part one

    I see NOTHING wrong with the cop. Am I seeing the same video as you guys.

    what I see is the running back being a pain in the ass and not cooperating. Had he cooperated and conducted himself like a civilized human being, perhaps the cop would have shown some understanding. SInce no effort was seen by the runningback to be cooperative, the cop had no choice but to assume the absolute worst case scenerio for hte protection of his own life.
    With all due respect , if you had a family member passing away and you wanted to say your final words i would love to see how you would have handled it. Even when the god damn nurse and security advised the cop the woman was dying he still didn't let him go !

  21. #21
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    Video for people who didnt see it

  22. #22
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    cop is a piece of sh**!

  23. #23
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    that officer is a piece of shvt and deserves to lose his job..

  24. #24
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    Yeah, the cop was following orders, but shit... even the nurse came out trying to tell him!!!!

    for ****s sake...let the man go in.. ****, go in with him pigster...jackass

  25. #25
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    maybe the cop would of believed him if they would've strolled the dying woman outside on her death bed.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    they are lucky the cop showed restraint, he could have used a tazer, but they stopped their advancement on him.

    And why didn't she just go ahead into the hospital?? or was she driving?? no?? then leave the area, not like the cop would have left the driver and pursued her.

    And in most cases, when you are called to the hospital like that.. the patient has already passed away, the family should have already said their goodbyes..

    Cop followed SOP.. God bless him for not shooting them when he was attacked in such a manner.

    Good job Faithful Public Servant.
    lol... she wasn't dead, she was dying. she died while he was outside with the cop. running a red light isn't good, but they said the cop pulled a gun on him, FOR RUNNING A LIGHT?!

    how could you try to dominate the situation so much you wouldn't let someone go see their dying mom? is that cop really so high on his horse that he thinks he should interfere with that? if he were in that situation would he be calm and collected? i highly doubt anyone would be. he should be fired without a doubt. doing your job doesn't mean keeping people from a dying relative. get his info and send him a ticket and left him go into the hospital

    on espn they said the cop is on "paid leave"

  27. #27
    Spywizard just lost some serious points off the respect-o-meter.

  28. #28
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    All the cop had to do was escort them to into the hospital and confirm the details of the situation. I had a similar event happen when I was rushing my Lady to the hospital for our second child. she was scheduled for a C-section the following day but little dude was not trying to hear it.
    I did a stop and go near the hospital and pulled the campus police in doing so. once they saw I wasn't BS'in them they actually helped me get her inside and in to a wheel chair after which congratulating me on the pending birth.
    This cop had no excuse other then he was being a c#ckbag!

  29. #29
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    cop is a jackass and deserves to lose his job.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    this is what the running back could have done differently

    "sir, please give me a couple minutes to speak. My mother in the law is on her deathbed right now....she has seconds.....We can go in and verify this at the front desk"
    If you listen to the video he never had a chance to say anything because everytime he tried to talk the cop told him to "Shut your mouth". Even when his partner told him, that they have confirmed with the hospital that SHE IS DYING, the cop responds with "ok I am almost done here" then proceeds to give him a 2 minute disertation on respect before letting him go in. I am usually on LE's side on 90% of the time but this guy deserves to lose his job.

  31. #31
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    that cop is a complete dic-head. JC!!

  32. #32
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    well looks like our idiot cop got fired today...and good, i glad he has been. and before the supporters of this dick head start coming to his rescue has been brought to the for front that there has been a pattern of this type of behavior and has ultimately cost him his job.

    Zack Thomas linebacker now with the Dallas Cowboys wife was arrested and detained for 5 hours for a class C citation. basically and illegal U-Turn...

    this cop is over zealous and has displayed on more than one incident of an abuse of power.

    luckily two incidents were with high profile people that brought this idiot to his own demise. who knows how many "regular" people and "every day joes" that idiot has screwed with for no reason what so ever?

    well, it looks like enough to get his ass fired!

  33. #33
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    the cop has a ego, it's has NOTHING to do with him doing his job.

    I've seen video's of cops getting spit at in the face and they keep there cool.

    The guy is telling him "My mother is dying...RIGHT now".

    His response is "Shut your mouth".

    I hope he looses his job and gets a good job at fat burger, and he'll probably get fired there.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    the cop has a ego, it's has NOTHING to do with him doing his job.

    I've seen video's of cops getting spit at in the face and they keep there cool.

    The guy is telling him "My mother is dying...RIGHT now".

    His response is "Shut your mouth".

    I hope he looses his job and gets a good job at fat burger, and he'll probably get fired there.
    he did lose his job today, he was fired!

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    he did lose his job today, he was fired!
    Good, this guy gives cops a bad rap.

  36. #36
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    Good! Let's hope he never works in any position of authority again! This guy shouldn't be so much as mall security!

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  39. #39
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    Seems the asshole cop harassed Zach Thomas' wife as well. She arrested her for making an illegal u-turn and she spent 5 hrs in jail on trumped up charges made up by the cop. All charges against her were dropped eventually though.

  40. #40
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    Well number 1 I would have stopped and told him what was happening, hopefully he would have let me go, but this cop doesnt seem like he would have done it, cause he was so intent on making a point, he really didnt care at all. It would have been everything for me to have not beat the shit out of him and go to jail. I will say this Moats kept his cool and if I had to deal with my wife's mom dying that 1 cop couldnt have stopped me. Also the right thing for the cop to have done was said buddy I got this go check to see if she is dying. Then said go pay your respects and come back asap, then he could have finished up. I am pissed that when the security guard came out, and then the nurse came out to tell him she was dying and they needed him asap all he said was I am almost done. Well as far as I saw on the news he tried proving his point to the wrong person, and his job is on the line. Also the wife thinks it was racially motivated too, so one more giant leap back for cops trying to do their job and for racism to end one day. I believe it was not racially motivated it was the cop just being a cocky jerk cause he had power and they didnt. But the way they were treated I can see why she thinks that it was racism. Well I hope he can never work as a cop cause that means he will get a job as a cop in another small city near me and if I ran into him he would have had the worst smart mouth to deal with, I push buttons if I didnt do anything wrong, or the cop gets cocky. I actually got a ticket dropped by the highway patrol because they got in my face, and I kept telling he was only picking on me cause I was in a sports car. He didnt want to show me his lidar, I just had the car calibrated and well long story short he got the wrong car and they dropped it. Good thing I know how to build a car cause he was dumb.

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