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Your body releases it's own HGH about 8 - 10 times daily with the largest spurt occuring at night while you're asleep. The key to using HGH is not to interrupt your natural production. This is quite a difficult task since your body releases its own HGH multiple times per day and at different times every day. So unless you have some type of device which shows you when your body is going to release its own HGH, taking HGH will always be a "hit or a miss" in regards to interrutping your natural production.
Anyway, this is the way I see it...
If you are taking higher amounts of HGH, then I really wouldn't worry about interrutping your natural production. Why? Because if you are taking 15IU p/day and you interrupt that 1 - 2IU for that day then what difference is it going to make considering you just took 15IU that day?
On the other hand, if you are taking smaller amounts then I would defenitely try and inject around times where the chances of interrupting your natural HGH production are slim. So the best time to shoot HGH would be in the AM upon waking up as your body would have released a high amount of HGH during sleep. The next best time to shoot HGH does not exist as your body can release HGH at any time of the day. From here on shooting HGH once again becomes a hit or a miss. Keep in mind that interrupting your natural HGH doesn't make the HGH you injected useless.
Also, your body can release its own HGH after an intense workout session, and if this was the case I would try and avoid injecting HGH around that time. And injecting before bed time is a bad idea unless your 50+ or have a condition where your body does not produce enough of its own HGH.