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Thread: First Cycle: HELP!

  1. #1

    First Cycle: HELP!

    I am a 6'1' 185 lbs college baseball player not looking to get huge like bodybuilders. I want to keep my flexibility and get more lean hard muscle with the cycle. I emailed one site telling them everything my stats, baseball situation, and that it was my first cycle.
    even being an amature with steroids i knew this was way too much for a first cycle.
    I also read that many ball players take equipoise and thought that with winny would be a good idea but then found out nothing should be run without test. but the thing is i dont want the side effects of it. I have friends that have taken it straight and hated it.
    So what do you guys think?
    Also, would a pro hormone like R.A.G.E. be a suitable place taker of test. I have taken a couple of cycles of that and got fairly good results.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Test S?

    Sust? Or Suspension?


  3. #3
    and im 20

  4. #4
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    your too young and suspension has to be injected twice a day

  5. #5
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    ^ At least 2xD.

    Whoever wrote out that cycle is a moron

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    ^ At least 2xD.

    Whoever wrote out that cycle is a moron

  7. #7
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    The side effect for me so far from 400mg of test for the last 4 weeks are. (Besides significant strength and muscle size gains). 2 pimples, slightly more oily skin, some sweat while sleeping. I also take arimidex .5 mg a day. This helps with bloating and gyno and acne etc. And i should say the side effects are less now in the end of the fourth week. My point is for me its not that bad at all. If you that worried about side effect maybe you shouldn 't commit to aas.

  8. #8
    yes i have been told i am too young
    but i know people the same age and younger that have taken them and turned out fine
    im not looking to take multiple cycles, but probably just this one
    plus steroids are everywhere where i play so i might as well even out the playing field

  9. #9
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    Dude this sound strangely fake. You dont need a lot of excess muscle for baseball.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by taylor m 14 View Post
    yes i have been told i am too young (yes, you are. And you more than likely have a diet/training problem.)

    but i know people the same age and younger that have taken them and turned out fine (bro, have you checked out their blood tests? Do you know what their hpta is gonna be like in 15years? )
    im not looking to take multiple cycles, but probably just this one (we all say its only gonna be one.)

    plus steroids are everywhere where i play so i might as well even out the playing field (thats not the issue)

  11. #11
    not fake at all.
    the guys i know that have taken roids have had increases of at least 3mph in their fastball
    that doesnt sound like a lot but trust me it is
    and thats what im looking to get

  12. #12
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    No dude your fake.

  13. #13
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    Read post 10

  14. #14
    and what are you getting at? i dont see anything fake in there

  15. #15
    and are you taking the test by itself or stacking it?

  16. #16

    First cycle: HELP!

    Im a college baseball player looking to start my first cycle.
    Im 20 years old and have been told im too young for aas but have plently of friends and teammates that have done them and turned out fine.
    I know that test is a must in any cycle and have been told that IF i do start this young it should only be test at around 400mg/week.
    But I dont the bulkiness
    So is there anything else I can take with for my first cycle that wont bulk me up? And im not opposed to having a very low dose of test just as long as I dont put on blow up. My goal is to put on about 10 lbs and get cut.
    Also could a pro hormone such as R.A.G.E. be a substitute for the test?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by taylor m 14 View Post
    Im a college baseball player looking to start my first cycle.
    Im 20 years old and have been told im too young for aas but have plently of friends and teammates that have done them and turned out fine.
    I know that test is a must in any cycle and have been told that IF i do start this young it should only be test at around 400mg/week.
    But I dont the bulkiness
    So is there anything else I can take with for my first cycle that wont bulk me up? And im not opposed to having a very low dose of test just as long as I dont put on blow up. My goal is to put on about 10 lbs and get cut.
    Also could a pro hormone such as R.A.G.E. be a substitute for the test?
    I merged your threads, no reason for a second thread when you already have one going on the same topic...

  18. #18
    Fine by me.
    Just trying to get it seen by more people for more advice

  19. #19
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    I understand, just every so often bump your thread to bring it back to the top of the "new posts" section if no one has responded.

    in reference to a couple of your questions, there are no pro-hormones that will be a suitable replacement for test, and at your stats, your goals could easily be achieved through proper diet and training.

  20. #20
    do you have any suggestions for my situation?
    I know im no guru but i have done a good amount of research and so many articles said so many different things. So i thought Id ask the people that have a lot of experience with aas.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by taylor m 14 View Post
    do you have any suggestions for my situation?
    I know im no guru but i have done a good amount of research and so many articles said so many different things. So i thought Id ask the people that have a lot of experience with aas.
    I hid my suggestions in the post above yours...

  22. #22
    ya thats what a lot of people have said too.
    But i have been lifting for a while now and put on about 30 lbs but now ive plateaued
    And the thing is i change up my workout constantly and have a good diet but havent seen any results lately despite all this

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by taylor m 14 View Post
    ya thats what a lot of people have said too.
    But i have been lifting for a while now and put on about 30 lbs but now ive plateaued
    And the thing is i change up my workout constantly and have a good diet but havent seen any results lately despite all this
    how many calories per day, and what is the breakdown of protein/carbs/fat?

  24. #24
    no idea what the exact amount is.
    But i get as much protein in as i can and always have a good source of it in every meal usually turkey, chicken, tuna, or peanut butter and have a protein shake every night
    same with the carbs. alot of pasta
    dont eat any fatty foods. the only fat that i do get is in the foods i listed above

  25. #25
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    as I suspected, I stand by my advice.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by taylor m 14 View Post
    no idea what the exact amount is.
    But i get as much protein in as i can and always have a good source of it in every meal usually turkey, chicken, tuna, or peanut butter and have a protein shake every night
    same with the carbs. alot of pasta
    dont eat any fatty foods. the only fat that i do get is in the foods i listed above
    yea, we need to overhaul your diet.. im in the diet branch of this forum everyday.. if you REALLY wanna get your diet set right, get in there and post a detailed diet up.. we'll get you started

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