As most of you know I am on Test Prop (75mgs ED) and NPP (50mgs ED).
Well... I have decided to stop the NPP after being on it for 3 weeks. I am not having Good Luck WITH it this time around. I dont know why. The 19-nor IS really messin' with me. I am having SEXUAL side effects. Nothing horrible. I am HORNY as hell. I am able to get , maintain, and have orgasms.
THE PROBLEM IS... MY ABILITY TO HAVE AN ORGASM is hard as hell... Before I the NPP kicked in I was very sensitive down there... I was able to have my Wife just touch me and I was ready to explode... now!! It seems as though I have to just about kill myself to get off. I literally have to hold my breath until I just about pass out.
The whole sexual experience FEELS phenomenal and it's like I should be able to achieve the orgasm but it just WILL NOT HAPPEN. aND my WIFE is starting think it's all her fault. WHICH IT ISN'T !! She is the absolute BEST thing ever.. hence that's why I married her.
I feel that this is all caused by the 19-nor.. SO I AM STOPPING IT !!!
I mean I am even taking CABERGOLINE !! I dont know if it's fake or not... im starting to think it is. I MEAN I SHOULD NOT BE HAVING THESE ISSUES. I know i am not having a prolactin build up... or a progesterone related issue (leaky nips or non-working member) ... i mean... it still works.... still horny as hell (THE TESTOSTERONE).
I mean... I thought that 350mgs EW of NPP would benefit me in many ways especially since I am on Winstrol but I can't stand the fact of just about killin' myself to blow a load in my woman.
I need you guys thoughts??... opinions?? Am I choosing the correct path?? Should I continue with it regardless?? IS IT THE NPP doing it??
**SIDE NOTE... **
I am upping my TEST PROP TO 100 Mgs EVERY DAY for the next 5 weeks to finish off my cutting cycle since I am removing the NPP.
Then when I start the BULKING CYCLE portion of my CYCLE...
I am going to stick with TESTOSTERONE PROPINATE !!! Dosing for this part of my cycle will be 150mgs EVERY DAY !!! and I will not be continuing the NPP and INSTEAD I will be going against my better judgment and going with TRENBOLONE !!! Mild Tren tho... 50mgs ED. and see how that treats me with sides... if it isn't to too bad... I might consider upping it to 75mgs ED but odds are I will keep it right at 50mgs ED.
And since I was going to run LONG ESTERS for 16 weeks ... well since I am not going with LONG ESTERS anymore it will only be run for 12 weeks instead.
The Orals will stay relatively the same. ANADROL to start it off. 50mgs ED for the first week. and for the next 3 weeks after 100mgs ED... maybe if I am feeling up to it 150mgs ED for the fourth week but I not push it because this is going to be a heavy ORAL cycle since I removed the NPP.
After the Anadrol I will be running 8 weeks of Turnabol at 60 mgs ED... or 80 mgs ED... haven't decided the dosage but... I LOVE BOTH OF THESE ORALS... ....
Ok now that I have discussed all of this in what seems like a book.. let me do a summary so basically I get across what the purpose behind this post was.
1.NPP... causing Sex problems.. not anything BAD... just ability to achieve orgasms has been compromised. I have never really had this kind of problem before so I dont know whats up.
2. Fake Cabergoline?? Do you think it is?? Since I haven't had this problem solved by it?
3. Dropping the NPP because the CONS are currently OUTWEIGHING the PROS.
4. Switched my TEST PROP dosage for the rest of my CUTTING PORTION of the cycle from 75mgs daily to 100mgs daily.
5. Switched my BULKING cycle around to BULK with SHORT ACTING ESTERS rather than long acting compounds.
6. Added TREN to the BULKING cycle instead of the NPP.
7. Running ORALS straight through... unsafe?? maybe... TBOL is MILD though so I am not worried.. I believe LIVER TOXICITY IS OVERRATED.
8. After the completion of this all I will be on a cruise dosage of 300mgs EW and have all BLOOD WORK done to make sure everything is up to par.
Thanks for reading and paying attention to this bros. You know I appreciate your opinions.... THANKS AGAIN !!![]()