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Thread: anabol question

  1. #1

    anabol question

    Hey guys newbie here just starting my first thread. In the process of researching i came across a product anabol in 50ml injectable form and was wondering if any body else has heard of this in injectable form. If so any positive feed back thanks guys. love the site and all the knowlege i'm recieving. keep up the good work guys.

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  3. #3
    less than 10%BF
    no cycle history yet but I non stop research
    as far as training always been a cardio type person but recently got into strenght training. and loving it.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    ^^^ Yep all you need to know is there lol...

  6. #6
    if this is about me being young and my diet I can understand the concern but all i really want to know is if anybody knows about anabol 50ml injectable real deal or just a supplement all the googling and i haven't found a straight answer. but appreciate the feed back.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimpunk86 View Post
    if this is about me being young and my diet I can understand the concern but all i really want to know is if anybody knows about anabol 50ml injectable real deal or just a supplement all the googling and i haven't found a straight answer. but appreciate the feed back.
    160lbs is very light to jump on the juice, while you aren't exactly "young", your weight is more of an issue at 6'0 you should be able to get up to 200lbs naturally or at least get up to 180lbs. I know thats not what you want to hear, but just for the record anabol only cycles are stupid, any oral only cycle GENERALLY is stupid.

  8. #8
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    There is such a thing as legit injectable dbol, but that doesn't mean what you have is legit, it's hard to say with so many fakes around.

  9. #9
    i wasn't planning to do an anabol only cycle just trying to get the facts straight and as far as weight goes i started at 145 and now stand at just over 160 took almost two years for that gain alone naturally. but like i said i don't plan on cycling ana just wanna know about injectible form for research purposes cause it's the only thing i've had trouble finding info about. i can dig you guys giving such respectable advise so please keep it coming.

  10. #10
    does vet grade injectable ana sound right but like i said just wanna know if there was such a thing. thanks big

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    There is such a thing as legit injectable dbol, but that doesn't mean what you have is legit, it's hard to say with so many fakes around.
    Agree, theoretically you can make any oral into an injectable form. But some people use oral names for fake steroids they make.

  12. #12
    until i know for sure i most certanly will stay clear of the so called legit pharm grade ana. thanks again guys. that just about sums it up for me

  13. #13
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    wouldent use injectable dbol ,its very painfull and needs to be injected everyday,now anabol is just a trade name for a big ugll from thiland ,there are many diff names for dbol it just depends on who is makeing them.

    as for a cycle ,a rule of the thumb is 500mgs of test e/c per week for 12 weeks and a nolva/clomid pct for 1st cycle.

  14. #14
    thanks henry that helps out alot not being sarcastic thanks

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