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Thread: In Pain!!!! Help!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Great White North

    In Pain!!!! Help!!!!!

    I'm on dbol cycle right now.

    I had practice the other day and I had the BIGGEST pump in my legs ever, and I ran around like a fukin old lady and im gonna get cut because I run as fast as a fat man. How do I keep from getting this nasty pump in the legs.....

    I'm only on 20mg/day.... yet its killing me!!!

    Other question: Once I stop taking dbol, how long will it be for my legs to return to normal>!>!!!?!? Fuck was it painful


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Dbols half life is jsut a few hours. What are you going into - like deca/test or something?
    how long have you been on the dbol?
    If you are going into a long ester an have been using the long ester for 2 weeks plus I would say stop the dbol if it is affecting your performance for things you need to get done. I don't think you will crash cuz the other aas is starting to or will in a few days "kick in". If you are on nothing else are stopping all aas - I would start post cycle therapy 12-24 hours after last tab - but bump for help as I don't know of anyone that has used dbol "last" in a cycle or just alone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Great White North
    ya, I was just using it alone... (please, I know I shouldnt do that)...

    i still have a lot of dbol left so I was hoping I could train for another week on it or so (with 2 practices in that week)....

    ah fuck..... well if theres one thing I would like to share to the newbies like me: DON"t DO AS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT U GETTIN INTO!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dude i loved my quad pumps that i got from my dbol. It´s a awsome feeling. The backpumps i can be without

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