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Thread: quick cutting help

  1. #1

    quick cutting help

    hey guys i usually dont do crash dieting but while at the gym i was offered a minor role in an upcoming movie but i need to get as cut / shredded as possible within 10 days. what do you guys suggest as far dieting and supplements for cutting weight / water weight?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    UK West yorkshire

  3. #3
    i have no idea what that means

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    sunshine coast (aust)
    depends on what your bodyfat is now but your not goin to drop alot of bodyfat
    % in that short of time.So i would work the other way and get on a cycle of test p and tren ace at a high dose of both.To give you a big full look while making you hard. I would start doin 1 hour low intensity cardio every morning on empty stomach every morning and get your diet into check.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    There is no way to get shreded in 10 days Bro...good luck thou...XXL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by proironaust View Post
    depends on what your bodyfat is now but your not goin to drop alot of bodyfat
    % in that short of time.So i would work the other way and get on a cycle of test p and tren ace at a high dose of both.To give you a big full look while making you hard. I would start doin 1 hour low intensity cardio every morning on empty stomach every morning and get your diet into check.
    I am at about 9 days in my test prop ,tren ace cycle and my wife is amazed at how much my shape has changed.
    So I agree...then two days before get an over the counter diuretic to drop water....I can not remember which one I was from a gnc type store.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    co-sign XXL.

    But if I were in your situation, I would run forest run. Some Lasix too, but you need a prescription. Strict diet also. Best of luck.

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