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Thread: good news for gyno peeps

  1. #1

    good news for gyno peeps

    I had a pretty good case of gyno at the begining of my AS cycle. Now I am off, and its been about 3 weeks, I have been doing heavy cardio as well as taking Hydroxycut. I have cut down the amount of fatty tissue ALOT, I wish I could post. I do have an over sized nipple a bit but its no where near what it was before and Im still not done. Anyone else expierenced this kind of gyno reduction. Im sure it wss gyno cause I went to a doctor not a PS and he told me it wss gyno. Im pretty happy, but it is only temp or can i be happy for a while if I keep up my cardio and eating behaviors???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My guess is that you had a build-up of estrogenic fat. Usually if you have a case of fat buildup near the nipples then it will go away when you lower your bf%. Was it a soft buildup of fat or a hard lump caused from gyno? Well, atleast it is mostly gone... you might want to take some nolva to finish off the job.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Agreed Whoisdaman, armidex also worked really well to keep my gyno down this cycle.

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