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Thread: Calling all knowledgeable bros??

  1. #1

    Calling all knowledgeable bros??

    Im planning of running in July
    Prop 1-3 100mg EOD
    EQ 400mg week 1-10
    Test e 400-500mg week 1-11
    winny 50mg ED weeks 9-14
    Prop 100mg EOD weeks 13-14

    Do you think if I dont use L-dex that Ill gain some body fat? And if I plan to use l-dex will it decrease my gains? Is .25mg ED a suffient amount? Or will the prop and winny help me to cut. Madmax posted on a thread that a cycle of EQ at 400mg week and Test E for 500mg a week would probably cause a gain in bf? But with the winny and prop can I expect to loose some bf? Im at about 12% now. Ideally I want to be about 7-8%. Ill be running a cycle of winny, clen and eca before this cycle to help cut, then later in the summer running the above cycle followed again with clen and eca? I think these are pretty realistic goals. Thanks guys for all you help...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    A cage in the Zoo!
    I would run the .25 ed just to get rid of the little water you will have. As for will it cut you up? Keep your diet clean and hit cardio ed-eod. good luck

  3. #3

  4. #4
    id also like to know.. bump..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    at .25 your fine, I would rather not have the bloat and look all filled up on your period than worry about a minute amount of gain if any lost. If your diet is on point and your training is right with it. Your goals will be met. the AS is not going to make you loose fat, will they harded you up?? yes! will you get hella vascular off them?? yes but will they make me loose fat?? no! AS is not the key point to any goal rather it be bulking or cutting. It's like a supplement_ Your diet and training and recovery is going to be your biggest key, if these are good then the AS will work for the best.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town

    Re: Calling all knowledgeable bros??

    Originally posted by Jenseno9

    Do you think if I dont use L-dex that Ill gain some body fat? And if I plan to use l-dex will it decrease my gains? Is .25mg ED a suffient amount? Or will the prop and winny help me to cut. Madmax posted on a thread that a cycle of EQ at 400mg week and Test E for 500mg a week would probably cause a gain in bf? But with the winny and prop can I expect to loose some bf? Im at about 12% now. Ideally I want to be about 7-8%. Ill be running a cycle of winny, clen and eca before this cycle to help cut, then later in the summer running the above cycle followed again with clen and eca? I think these are pretty realistic goals. Thanks guys for all you help...
    Jens [/B]

    bro, if i was you i would run the ldex at .5 ed.....winny is best used to maintain muscle while isnt going to shred you like i think you belive it will help some but not to the degree you think...with most cycles unless its a strict cutting you will gain some amount of fat, it might be a very low amount but odds are you will probobally gain some...if you used test cyp instead of test e then that would help on the water bloat....would you consider using fina.. ..if you threw that in to that cycle then i think youd have better results...

    fina 75mg ed (5-13)
    eq 400mg (1-10)
    prop at 150mg eod (1-10)

    i think that would be a good cycle for your expectations bro....if you want you could swap the cyp for the prop.....its up to you, but if it was me i would run it that also throw var in there but you might not be able to afford that..i like the idea of the eca,clen and winny before hand, that will help you me if you need anything else....Madmax..

  7. #7
    ok thanks guys....This is what Im going to change to
    Late April
    Winny 50mg ED 1-6
    eca 1-2, 5-6
    clen 3-4, 7-8
    clomid 7-9

    Late July
    Prop 1-3 100mg EOD
    EQ 400mg week 1-10
    Test cyp 400-500mg week 1-11
    winny 50mg ED weeks 9-14 or fina???
    Prop 100mg EOD weeks 13-14
    l-dex .5mg ED

    What about swaping the winny for fina? After thinking about it some more I have decided to just change the Test e for cyp. I would like to get up to about 195 and then cut. Madmax as well as everyone else thanks for your help. If anyone has any other opinions or advice Id love to hear it. thanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    use the fina instead of winny, and run it 8 weeks at the end, youll be glad you also extend the prop in the beggining to 4 weeks, you will not need the prop at the end if you run drop the prop from the end..Madmax...

  9. #9
    so fina at 75mg ED weeks 7-14...thanks madmax...

  10. #10
    Prop 1-4 100mg EOD
    Test E 1-12 400mg week
    EQ 1-10 400mg week
    fina 7-14 75mg ED
    prop 100mg EOD 13-14
    l-dex at .5 ed
    clomid starting week 15

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