joke or not, if she can't give you the respect enough to not make flirtacious comments to random guys then she is either very much trying to make you jealous (especially if she knows you can access this stuff) or doesnt care if she loses you.
I could almost forget the rest of the crap flirting but the part about posting a pic while the guy is working out is too much.
Gotta agree with the rest of the boys, ditch her.
kill him
then tell her you will kill any person she ever talks to again. as well as her animals.
that should teach her
or option B
Fvck her mother
wow thats fvcked up...i had a girl (longest relationship iv had) and she would crave on attention...i know your pain, but at the end if you guys need each others facebook passwords then marriage isnt going to work out. its going to hurt bro but its something you have to do..take it out on the weights and another girl will def. come could also do what one of my friends did and on facebook just change your relationship status to single and never talk to the bitch agian lol...btw change your facebook pw
if you go after the guy, she will laugh at you and say look at this idiot, i didnt even cheat on him, and it will definately show weakness on your part. shell actually love this drama to a certain extent. just carry out your pride that you dont need that bullshit and can live without it. then shell crinnge inside and will regret it for the rest of her life... given she loved you in the first place.. i think dr. phils advice was good lol..
i agree stay strong and dont give into your emotions..if your anything like me i would want to kill that guy with a hammer...but you have to stay cool...if anything just have a convo with a girl so when she gets on your facebook she will see it...but at the end you need to get rid of her...if you bring it up to her shes going to be like wow it ment nothing your crazy..i just dont understand if she knew you had her pw then why would she talk like that
I still dont get it.
If this was the first time, I'd say talk it out. Since she did this AFTER you two have already exchanged passwords due to trust issues, I'd say she doesn't give a shit about your feelings or your trust.
I'm not going to say what you should do because that's your perogative. I've dumped women for this in the past though and I'm glad I did.
as a result of this thread i am now going to check my girlfriend's accounts.
all good, just by how comfortable she sounded it definately wasnt the 1st time.. not trying to overnaalyze, but ideally somebody would be hesistant with a guiltier conscience the first time.. given that and that she knows you have access get rid.. look at bronx tale, if you didnt pass the door test you were outt.. forget talkin about going fast and slow with some tantric homo
Only had to read teh first line and I was like peace out
lets get a girls perpective here?
I'm sorry that you were planning on getting married to someone who was having that kind of conversation with another man, it's not fair to you and you need to put yourself first. If she is doing it now, she will do it later. You need to find a woman that can commit to you and treat you the way she wants to be treated.
it is the guys fault also her profile says in a relationship with notus so he knows exactly what he is doing.
notus just reading this pissed me off. nomatter what u have to talk to her about it even if u walk away. what i dont get is she knows u have her password so why would she even do it. another thing this guy sounds so fvcking gay and if he is that might be another excuse. i didnt understand the yo thing or the court part sounded like inside info.
if u beat his as s after u talk to her i wouldnt blame u it always makes me feel better he knows she is ur girl bro
keep us posted
katsmeow I love how the pic came out of both of us on ur avatar.
i agree with KatsMeow dude.
life's too short. get what you want. then get out
it sucks. and isnt easy....i heard it's because as male's we are always trying to recreate our last best sexual experience.
Tell her you're leaving her, in your jeep with the top down, to go meet some chick for a Blue Moon with an orange slice at happy hour.
I'll tell you, love is out there...
However, there are detours...and your GF (hopefully EX by now) is one of them.
To me this wouldn't even be an issue.....especially if it is a girlfriend. A wife I would probably work on it a little to see if the marriage is salvageable......a girlfriend, no.
To me, the purpose of dating is not just about sex and the initial BAM, but what the person is like, their character, and if it would be someone that I could see myself sharing my life with.
HUGE RED FLAG the moment I read about the password exchange.
The ball is in your court, my friend. I myself would walk. And walking does NOT mean failure or that something is wrong with you, or her for that matter. It is simply a case of not a match.
Life's too short to sell yourself short. 28, you're still young!Go for it!
notus, just one thing have you even brought up the situation with her.
If so what did she say?
well we know its going be like its just texting or it was not even her.
Just remember if she does this behind your back, what else does she do?
Also if you stick it out i do believe you have gave her the licence to repeat and maybe go a little further.
But we are talking about the future of your life, which you planned to have with this girl.
So it is easy for everyone here to sit and say to you dumb her ass, shes this and that.
But at the end of the day look deep inside what do you want from life?
To live with distrust and always worried or thinking what if? is she going do it again? what else has she done that i dont know about?
If you guys have had some trust issue before ( from your quote where you said you gave each other passwords and username) maybe i dont think it is time to get married and really are not ready for that sort of commitment.
Good luck and i wish you the best.
my sister has been married 17 years,3 beautiful kids,really nice hardworking husband,mortgage and very close family.
just found out she has been cheating for almost 3 years,she even made her husband go to the doctors,put on medication for paranoia(even though she new he was right,but she was too bitch coward to abmit it)
she ended up dumping her kids and running away with the boyfriend.husband had a breakdown but got over it very quickly cus he knew all along he was right and hed to be strong for the kids.
she rings my mom on a daily basis crying cus the new bf is a cock,the kids wont see her and all her friends have turned their backs on her........
but she still blames everyone but herself!!!
now shes not allowed to answer the fone after 8.30 pm or allowed out after 8pm.its the first time in her life someone has had that control over her cus they are both so jealous of each other...but its what she wanted.
iv told her i will go round and F*CK up her new boyfriend cus he refuses to come to me even though iv slagged him off on the fone loads of times,but she loves him and since i said that she wont talk to me......
the moral is never ever beleive someone wont cheat,i let women know from day 1 if i even think they might i will finish with them..when they know they can flirt,or chat or keep things from you and you act like a door met they will just keep taking this piss,and that will drive you insane.
the first twinge of jealousy just finish it,if you look for evidence you will find it!!
it's tough, I'm still not over my last relationship but learning from it everyday. Once you forgive someone for doing something wrong they just think that they can continue to do it and you will always be there like you were the last time.
It's hard but I know there are good people out there, hopefully both of us will find one. In the mean time, learn something from this relationship.
Men Lie, Women Lie. I mean what can you really do? You either dump her and handle your emotions or Keep her and Always think she may cheat. Your screwed either way.
Personally, Dont look for things unless you know your ready for what you find..
Secrets are a Mothasucka
**** that bitch....i would never speak to her again because i would probably say the most ****ed up shit i could think of
So she gave you the password then went ahead and flirted anyway ? Is she a blonde ?
^that's what I was thinking, too!!
sorry to hear about that, bro.
Cut your losses.
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