planning planning
slacked off for the past 5 months...lost solid 17lbs of muscle.
not been traing or eating well at all..185, gut and muscle loss.
alot of juice/supplement experience
32yr 5'8 185 now
goal: lean hard 195-200lbs
400mg bi-test. 200cyp/200enth blend @ week on going
350mg bi-tren. @ week 6wks
IGF-1r3 80mcg/day 40mcg morning/40mcgs post workout 30days
HGH 3ius morning 5 on 2 off on going
Cytomel T-3 10mcgs a day (just enough to keep thyroid up with tren/HGH)
Propecia or avodart....reading avodart works 2 ways and not as much sexual problems.
all supplements not gonna list haha
thanks so much for all input