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Thread: Im gonna be's Jared....

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Wink Im gonna be's Jared....

    Whats up everybody im John, Let me tell you alittle about myself and my plans before i ask some diet
    questions.....well im 18 pretty much 19 years old. (i know about my endocrine system and all of that im not cycling yet no
    worries) and im a big guy....I started lifting weights at the age of dad was a pro strongman/powerlifter....needless
    to say he didnt care much for you know every body i knew where the strongest people i knew but also some of
    the fattest. me growing up seeing that my whole life i guess i felt that was cool.

    so i started playing football and was pretty good at it. I played Defensive tackle and by the time i was 16 i was
    about 340 lbs at 5'11 but i was was pretty well conditioned. i was a pass rusher and lead the team in sacks and tackles so i
    knew how to move...i competed in some like junior strongman events and won some of them and i thought it was awesome
    from then until i moved to FL to play for UCF. well when i got to FL I all of a sudden lost interest in football...started falling
    in love with MMA and trained with team nogueira orlando for a good while....since then i had lost probably 20 pounds so im
    like at 320...i've tried to lose weight like crazy since then which was about 7 months ago...i attribute most of my weight
    being still here because of my diet. now im a poor college kid who eats ramen noodles everyday but i picked up an extra job
    and want to start using the keto diet to get this weight down.

    i just want to be able to break 300 as a first goal. if i can do that i know ill throw down because of
    fear of regression (pheonix theory)...i was just wondering what kind of food should i get. i dont have much money to work
    with so ill get what i can. right now im thinking about getting alot of eggs, fruit from the fruit market mainly
    apples,oranges,pears,and i can get some walnuts from there too. protein powder to get all my meals in, and a f***load of
    meat from the meat market, i figure the cheapest things are like whole chickens,select grade beef, and ground beef. i just
    need a little help as far as structure and all of that. i've watched the newbies vids over and over and im just asking for a
    little support and input. ill even post pics im not scared to show my fat just scared to not lose any! im gonna make this a
    mission and use it like the physique clinic over at T without the free biotest (). but im a dedicated dude and im gonna
    be's jared.... follow this thread and take bets if you want but im about to skyrocket down to short

    term goal is 300 overall goal is 215, 12% bf..and i want to walk around at those stats.
    Last edited by JohnThePhoenix; 05-02-2009 at 04:47 AM. Reason: structure

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    man, i didn't even bother reading past the first line because it's not paragraphed and shit.

    A tip - Space it out and lay it out better and i garuntee you a) people will actually read your post and b)help you out

  3. #3
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    1. i dont condone keto diets..

    2. post up a diet of what your eating with macors (pro/fat/cal/carb)

    3. ur a big fcuker, im 6'4 275lbs at 17%.. god damn son

    4. we can get your weight down, but your gonna have to be patient and put the time into calculating your diet into a correct split and reg.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by makod View Post
    man, i didn't even bother reading past the first line because it's not paragraphed and shit.

    A tip - Space it out and lay it out better and i garuntee you a) people will actually read your post and b)help you out
    You can't read one long paragraph composed in succession?
    Who gives a rats (__!__) how the post was composed "paragraph wise", as it's the content that matters not the presentation. I could understand if it were a layout of the timing of meals/training, yes, but for general background and where he wishes to go, all one needs is patience and the ability to read. Posting a gripe about how one presents his/her intro doesn't help the user at all, tactile advice does. It comes across as you just being too lazy to read one extended paragraph and/or the inability to provide actual legit/intellectual advice.

    Just a thought for the future, not a flame but instead constructive criticism, the kind you learn from and move on with actual execution and practice of the newly learned skill-set.

    In regards to the original thread starter, I'd use the advice from "jamy" and you will then see a host of helpful people chime in. You have to lay out something to be critiqued as from what I've learned in my short time here thus far, you can't expect someone to compose an entire diet and outline for you w/out any effort put forth initially on your part.
    Not a flame at all, just "seconding" the advice of jamy as it was good advice to help you, unlike the 2nd post which was a complete non-sequitor and should be sh*t-canned aka deleted IMHO.

    Last edited by Cheylayna1978; 05-01-2009 at 12:00 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The easiest way (for me at least) is to take a blank piece of paper with the following headings:


    Then figure out your BMR (doing a quick search will get you the formula) and try to plug in as best you can the foods you think will be beneficial to your goal (weightloss). Then post the proposed diet and the fellas here will adjust as needed. They are really helpful and will offer good advice as long as you put in the initial effort.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheylayna1978 View Post
    You can't read one long paragraph composed in succession?
    Who gives a rats (__!__) how the post was composed "paragraph wise", as it's the content that matters not the presentation. I could understand if it were a layout of the timing of meals/training, yes, but for general background and where he wishes to go, all one needs is patience and the ability to read. Posting a gripe about how one presents his/her intro doesn't help the user at all, tactile advice does. It comes across as you just being too lazy to read one extended paragraph and/or the inability to provide actual legit/intellectual advice.

    Just a thought for the future, not a flame but instead constructive criticism, the kind you learn from and move on with actual execution and practice of the newly learned skill-set.

    In regards to the original thread starter, I'd use the advice from "jamy" and you will then see a host of helpful people chime in. You have to lay out something to be critiqued as from what I've learned in my short time here thus far, you can't expect someone to compose an entire diet and outline for you w/out any effort put forth initially on your part.
    Not a flame at all, just "seconding" the advice of jamy as it was good advice to help you, unlike the 2nd post which was a complete non-sequitor and should be sh*t-canned aka deleted IMHO.

    we advise our members to space out thoughts so we can better read and understand what they say..

    all and all, good advice though,...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    1. i dont condone keto diets..

    2. post up a diet of what your eating with macors (pro/fat/cal/carb)

    3. ur a big fcuker, im 6'4 275lbs at 17%.. god damn son

    4. we can get your weight down, but your gonna have to be patient and put the time into calculating your diet into a correct split and reg.
    why don't you like ketos? i personally think a keto diet would work well for him, at least for 12-16 weeks, then he's gonna have to do a change up, but overall i think they are good for losing weight if you don't mind not gaining as much muscle

  8. #8
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    why don't you like ketos? i personally think a keto diet would work well for him, at least for 12-16 weeks, then he's gonna have to do a change up, but overall i think they are good for losing weight if you don't mind not gaining as much muscle
    my ideology-if you fail at 40/40/20, do carb cycling. if you fail at carb cylcing try keto. i think keto is last resort for me, but for those who run dont make it your primary.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheylayna1978 View Post
    You can't read one long paragraph composed in succession?
    Who gives a rats (__!__) how the post was composed "paragraph wise", as it's the content that matters not the presentation. I could understand if it were a layout of the timing of meals/training, yes, but for general background and where he wishes to go, all one needs is patience and the ability to read. Posting a gripe about how one presents his/her intro doesn't help the user at all, tactile advice does. It comes across as you just being too lazy to read one extended paragraph and/or the inability to provide actual legit/intellectual advice.

    Just a thought for the future, not a flame but instead constructive criticism, the kind you learn from and move on with actual execution and practice of the newly learned skill-set.

    In regards to the original thread starter, I'd use the advice from "jamy" and you will then see a host of helpful people chime in. You have to lay out something to be critiqued as from what I've learned in my short time here thus far, you can't expect someone to compose an entire diet and outline for you w/out any effort put forth initially on your part.
    Not a flame at all, just "seconding" the advice of jamy as it was good advice to help you, unlike the 2nd post which was a complete non-sequitor and should be sh*t-canned aka deleted IMHO.

    Mate i was giving the OP a tip on how he should set out his post. Thats it.

    He probably didn't know. But now he does because of me - not because you decided to throw your 240 words in about how my advise was no good.

    Because of my advise he will get better feedback. The guys on this forum sit down and think about every person's post on here and give good advise. Why should it be made harder on them when they have to read a large clump of words.

    If you don't agree with something i say in regards to diet - ok - argue. But don't sit half way across the world and type out some crap on the internet about "people don't need to worry about how they write posts blah blah blah"

    Sorry OP for Cheylayna1978's post and this post.

  10. #10
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    cheylana, you bring nothing to the table but hijack threads and you do a phenomenal job at that, sorry OP, cheylena give advice that people can actually use

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    cheylana, you bring nothing to the table but hijack threads and you do a phenomenal job at that, sorry OP, cheylena give advice that people can actually use
    I was not hijacking the thread, but merely giving my thoughts to the first non-sequitor post about the presentation of the thread starter's information. As well, if you actually took the time to READ my post instead of being set on trying to demean my contributions, I did respond in suggesting that the thread starter present something for critique and once that is done, we can better help with then having something to actually go on.

    Talk about an oxymoron aka calling the kettle black. You bring nothing but an opinion I could care less about and then move on to attempt to "tell me" what to do. Sorry, I don't take demands from any man, not even my boyfriend, so my advice is to go find some other lady to boss around because "I ain't the one". I've helped a lot of people who have pm'ed me for help, so you have no idea what is at "my table" because there is no seat available there for you.

    For purposes of my enjoying the information here and helping those who have pm'ed me, I have you on ignore now, a great feature of the board, as I'm not remotely interested in anything you have to say to me nor anyone else, as it's evident that you either can't read or you fail to read one's entire post before you hit reply to then talk down to another member. That's useless in it's purest form.

    Talk about a hi-jack, you can't even read an entire post before jumping down another's throat. Reading is fundamental.

    'Layna aka the HBIC.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheylayna1978 View Post
    I was not hijacking the thread, but merely giving my thoughts to the first non-sequitor post about the presentation of the thread starter's information. As well, if you actually took the time to READ my post instead of being set on trying to demean my contributions, I did respond in suggesting that the thread starter present something for critique and once that is done, we can better help with then having something to actually go on.

    Talk about an oxymoron aka calling the kettle black. You bring nothing but an opinion I could care less about and then move on to attempt to "tell me" what to do. Sorry, I don't take demands from any man, not even my boyfriend, so my advice is to go find some other lady to boss around because "I ain't the one". I've helped a lot of people who have pm'ed me for help, so you have no idea what is at "my table" because there is no seat available there for you.

    For purposes of my enjoying the information here and helping those who have pm'ed me, I have you on ignore now, a great feature of the board, as I'm not remotely interested in anything you have to say to me nor anyone else, as it's evident that you either can't read or you fail to read one's entire post before you hit reply to then talk down to another member. That's useless in it's purest form.

    Talk about a hi-jack, you can't even read an entire post before jumping down another's throat. Reading is fundamental.

    'Layna aka the HBIC.
    aside from you being oblivious to what i just stated, you still havent given any helpful advice, of course your credible enough coming from your internet greek god trainer

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    the both of you need to chill and stop flaming each other..

    phate and i, not to mention others, didn't bust our ass's to make this diet forum better so that people can come in and flame on each other..

    layna, as much as you have an independent additude, it's none of our business and care as to how you deal with your bf or other men.. u did come off a little hard on the makod, i would greatly appreciate it, in the future, if u could be a little more sensetive to our members.. we have a way of doing thing here.. your coming off a little too harsh

    makod, lets be a little nicer to the op, as right as you are about the way he presented his issues...

    eat, u know i got ur back bud.. but let's just put all this aside and get back to the important matter at hand, which is the OP and how we can help him.....

    we do not tolerate flaming here.. it's a part of the forum rules...

    lets be civil...

    dont get me wrong, even i flip my lid once in a while, and im known to be one of the most patient people on this forum...

    let's get back to work guys
    Last edited by jamyjamjr; 05-02-2009 at 01:28 AM.

  14. #14
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    back to the OP, could you please post a detailed diet with macros???

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    why don't you like ketos? i personally think a keto diet would work well for him, at least for 12-16 weeks, then he's gonna have to do a change up, but overall i think they are good for losing weight if you don't mind not gaining as much muscle
    well phate, after i switch to the 40 40 20 split i kinda frown on keto man...

    iv been cutting great, and have never been stronger in my life....

    what stops the op from doing keto, dropping a buncha weight, then going back into a carb diet and putting it all back on???

    i think it's a matter of culture..

    im middle eastern.. 90% of our food is made with white rice and everything is eaten with white pita bread.... this is my culture...

    i used to kick my ass trying to do keto.. drop weight then put it back on cuz i'd eat simple carbs again...

    keto is too extreme for a lifestyle change... this is jmo....

  16. #16
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    1. OK i've edited the layout accordingly
    2. Im going to find my BMR.
    3. I have an idea about the diet i want to do but im just trying to structure it im sorry if i made it seem like i wanted you guys to make the diet for me. i was just asking if you thought those foods were ok but dont worry i understand ill give you what i think it should be like.
    4. ok im gonna post my proposed diet... but im sorry to ask you this dumb question but what exactly is a macro??

  17. #17
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    take the time to watch these videos.. they'll answer 90% of your questions.. then post up a new diet

  18. #18
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    ok so i've found that my bmr is 2896. (i used the weight 330 just to be safe cuz i feel

    alittle heavy.)

  19. #19
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    macros.. pro/fat/cal/carb per meal

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnThePheonix View Post
    ok so i've found that my bmr is 2896. (i used the weight 330 just to be safe cuz i feel

    alittle heavy.)
    can u get an accurate bf estimate.. maybe from a trainer from a gym?? or post up a pic??

    your bmr is way off cuz your bf is high...

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    ok thanks jamy! ill watch them right now and post the diet right after there done. im working midnight shift so ill be online til about 6am.

  22. #22
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    ill check up on you tomorrow... btw u can use to get your macros

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    um yea ill post a pic later on this afternoon... but it won't be pretty. lol

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    alright cool.

  25. #25
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    i was 325lbs 35% at one point in my life.. dont worry about it.. ur here to fix that, just like i did (and still am, im at 15-17% right now)

  26. #26
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    ok so this is what im thinking.

    * drink 20g whey protein (with water) before i do HIIT in the morning when i wake up at 5:30 - 6:30 am

    -7 a.m. im gonna scramble 4 eggs (or pour egg whites if i can afford it) with some ground beef (about .25 of a lb) and have that with a bowl of grits.
    [take multivitamin and ***** oils (ubo's choice if i can find it]

    between 8 and 9 a.m. if im hungry (probably will ill snack on celery and nuts(walnuts or peanuts(unsalted))

    -9:30 a.m. ill drink a whey shake and eat an apple and an orange.

    between 10 and 11 a.m. snack on nuts and celery some more and maybe drink a no carb(and no sugar) arizona greentea if i have any cravings.

    at 11:30 a.m. I want to be hitting the gym i'll be doing the 30 minute circuit and high rep low weight core lifts then 15 min treadmill 3.0 to 4.0 alternating every 1:30 sec, 15 min bike mid rpm, 15 min eliptical moderate pace, then jump rope for 15 min with 1:30 on then :30 off. I should be done around 1:30 pm

    so at 1:45 pm im going to have another whey shake and a mini snickers bar.

    -2:00 pm a can of tuna(a little hot sauce) or 6pc sushi and an apple or orange

    -between 2:30 and 3:30 snack on celery, nuts, and maybe an orange if they arent hittin it

    -4:00 pm half of a baked chicken with spinach.

    4:30 - 5:30 pm same snacks

    -6:00 pm cottage cheese, some lean steak.

    6:30 - 7:30 pm same snacks but a whey shake as well

    -8:00 pm the other half of the chicken and spinach.

    only those snacks after 8
    do some light jogging/walking later in the night maybe around 9 and try to sleep by 10:30

    im trying to get my macros at 40p/>10carbs/>15 fat/ per meal and about 2300 calories a day.
    and im only drinking water (as close to 2g aday i can get) and no carb arizona greentea.

  27. #27
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    have u watched those videos man???

    it doesn't seem u have...... based upon how you've set up your diet...

    not trying to flame, but that doesn't sound like the advice given on the vidoes...

    for christ sake, ur eating snickers bars..

    if you dont have the will power, ur never gonna see 12%....

    watch the videos

    then get an accurate bf estimate... go to a nearby gym.. like a 24hr fitness, they'll give u one.. or just post up a pic as planned

  28. #28
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    i watched the vids and my man was talking about eating simple sugars after your workout. im saying he was like not cheesecake but pancakes and all that other stuff im feeling like a mini snickers bar isnt as bad as SOME PANCAKES? i watched the vids bro im just trying to get it together.

  29. #29
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    I've got two pages of notes on everything this guy said. i sat here and set up my 8 meals for an endomorph WITH him on the 6th vid...

  30. #30
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    im saying i have willpower i just dont have the right structure thats why im in the diet forum talking to you bro. i appreciate the help but cutting me down for trying to follow UR instructions i mean damn dude im not a nutrition teacher im an obese kid trying to learn.

  31. #31
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    ill post a pic but im at work right now and the gym rat working next to me says im at 43%

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnThePheonix View Post
    ill post a pic but im at work right now and the gym rat working next to me says im at 43%
    yea, aright....

    i see where your comin from...

    but i dont think your getting the complete message of the video...

    try to simplify..

    if your bf is at 43%.. we seriously need to recalc ur bmr... so try to post that pic..

    also, get some macros for me for your diet.. go to, the website will help...

    i need all this info to furthur tweak.. ill be waiting...

  33. #33
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  34. #34
    Join Date
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    ok with that diet i have:

    +334.9g protein
    +87.9g carbs
    +115.9g fat
    +2,816 cal

  35. #35
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    thats some progress right there.. u cant give me detailed macros for each meal???

  36. #36
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    oh im sorry ill hook it up for you, and ill do gatorade instead of the bar lol. i saw you posted gatorade as a simple carb on another guys diet.

  37. #37
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    only while ur working out or pwo!!!

  38. #38
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    right.. putting it where the snickers was.

  39. #39
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    *1/2 Whey Shake (total for all three at the end, sorry i couldnt figure it out individually)

    Meal 1: (2 cups) Grits
    (4 oz) Ground Beef
    (Large) 4 eggs

    -792 cals, 48.7 fat, 27.7 carbs, 58.4 pro

    >Snack (totals for nuts and celery at the end too sorry again)

    *Whey Shake

    *Gatorade (PWO)

    Meal 2: (1 can) Tuna
    (2 navel) Oranges

    -454 cals, 13.6 fat, 35.1 carbs, 49.2 pro


    Meal 3: (Half, Skinless, Baked about 4 oz) Chicken
    (1 Cup cooked from can) Spinach

    -135 cals, 6.8 fat, 7.4 carbs, 14.1 pro


    Meal 4: (Skinless about 4 oz)Half Chicken
    (1 Cup cooked from can)Spinach
    -135 cals, 6.8 fat, 7.4 carbs, 14.1 pro

    *Whey Shake

    >1 cup peanuts (throughout the day)

    -875 cals, 76.7 fat, 22.3 carbs, 40.9 pro

    >3 med stalks celery (throughout the day)

    -19cals, 0.2 fat, 3.6 carbs, 0.8 pro

    >3 Whey shakes (40 grams)

    -362 cals, 3.3 fats, 26.3 carbs, 52.6 pro

    so all in all:

    -2772 cals, 156.1 fats, 129.8 carbs(JEEZ!), 236.1 pro
    I decided against apples to keep the carbs lower and cottage cheese for cost.

  40. #40
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    damn i need some more protein and less carbs..should i kill the oranges for cottage cheese jamy?

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