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*1/2 Whey Shake (total for all three at the end, sorry i couldnt figure it out individually) this is your pre-workout meal?? omit for 10 egg whites and 1/2 cup of natural oats, save the shake for pwo
Meal 1: (2 cups) Grits if this is post workout, that's fine
(4 oz) Ground Beef switch to quicker absorbing meat like chicken, fish, turkey...make 6oz
(Large) 4 eggs omit,
this is your pre-workour meal??? ur pre workout meal needs to have complex carbs, grits are simple carbs
-792 cals, 48.7 fat, 27.7 carbs, 58.4 pro
>Snack (totals for nuts and celery at the end too sorry again) i want at least 50g protien in every meal u eat.. a snack is a meal.. peroid so add a lean meat
*Whey Shake if not pwo, omit
*Gatorade (PWO)i would omit this for a white bagel or some white rice added to the tuna in the next meal
Meal 2: (1 can) Tuna
(2 navel) Oranges omit for the bold above
-454 cals, 13.6 fat, 35.1 carbs, 49.2 pro
Meal 3: (Half, Skinless, Baked about 4 oz) Chicken up to 6oz
(1 Cup cooked from can) Spinach add an efa like avocado, almonds, flaxseed oil...
-135 cals, 6.8 fat, 7.4 carbs, 14.1 pro
>Snacks u need to be specific.. what snacks??s
Meal 4: (Skinless about 4 oz)Half Chicken up to 6oz and omit chicken for lean beef
(1 Cup cooked from can)Spinach add efa
-135 cals, 6.8 fat, 7.4 carbs, 14.1 pro
*Whey Shake
>1 cup peanuts (throughout the day)
-875 cals, 76.7 fat, 22.3 carbs, 40.9 pro
>3 med stalks celery (throughout the day)
-19cals, 0.2 fat, 3.6 carbs, 0.8 pro
>3 Whey shakes (40 grams)
-362 cals, 3.3 fats, 26.3 carbs, 52.6 pro
so all in all:
-2772 cals, 156.1 fatsi eat less then 100g fats a day, 129.8 carbsi eat 300g carbs a day(JEEZ!), 236.1 pro ur protien needs to go up, make the changes in bold
I decided against apples to keep the carbs lower and cottage cheese for cost.