mung with floppy mushy smegma crusted on your lips
mung with floppy mushy smegma crusted on your lips
bastard father of 12
floppy cocks with mushy smegma
what is munging?
chinese babies breast milk
cancer ridden cock
1. mung 2766 up, 682 down love it hate it
The one thing worse than genocide. One must first have no shame. Then he/she must use a newspaper to find the obituary of a recently deceased man or woman. Then must find a buddy, with no shame, who will aid them in this act. The partners then go to the cemetary where they dig up their victim, and flip a coin. The loser, (or winner depending on how sick you are), applies his/her lips to the genitals or anus of the corpse, while the other partner procedes to climb the nearest tombstone and elbow drop the corpse's stomach. Thus forcing out a blend of rich bodily fluids and embalming materials onto the partners. This blend is called mung. The act of getting this blend on your face is called munging. Chicks'll dig this one.
Freeloading bastards who mung will surely burn in hell.
by Oedipus Mar 1, 2005 share this
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sausage fest with melatonin
Chinese babies do not deserve to live
go munging with ninja brown cocks
asian baby dicks flopping
munging big roasted almonds topped with smegma dingleberries hanging off my asshole
chum bucket scum tastes liek asian medly mixed veggies
that almost even grosses me out
feed on asian babies witih flaxseed oil in jamica
red vaginal secretion after you mung an asian baby
barack obama
you are a sick ****er. Welcome
goro vs. homer simpson
socrates was an old busybody with a small penis
Barack Obama is my hero
mill believed in the harm principle and was an advocate for absolute free speech
karl marx is a communist believe that history is predetermined and were all suffering from false consciousness-we mispercieve realty
homer Simpson rapes women as a hobby
marx believes that the superstrucute is our culuttres and ideologies in which we think are important, but in fact it is the base (the economy, means of producution, and means of relations) that matter
nozick was a libertarian and believed in maximizing liberty in the smallest possible government.
General Mung and his soldiers of fortune
he bleived in unpatterend theories, as long as fair procedures were in tact, it did not matter how you got there hence, the end state theory, opposite of historical theory, or caring how someone got something
I like nozick
he used the wilt chamberlian example to express the faults of patterened theories or a system for his or her wants (welfare, etc) and why it wuold fail. he believes the free action s of pepole will bring us down
Ron Paul for president
rawls demonstrates the beginning state, or behind the veil of ignorance
welfare mother
behind the veil of ignorance, rawls demonstrates 3 ideologies of distributive justice
1-liberties-equalities for all
2-equal opportuniries (jobs, etc)
3-difference principle-states that the greatest benefit goes to the least advantaged
is it ridiculous that i knwo all thsi on the top of my head word for word as its written in my ntoes?
philosophy phd
I give you an A
the scarce article-envirnmental activist was arrested and imprisoned for 18 months because he did not unveil the poeple who stole and freed animals. was this a fair procedure? what do yo think? his reasoning was because of the ethics dilemma and to preserve his reputation and career as an animal activist
man wearing diapers
wilt chamberlain had sexual intercourse with 20,000 women over his lifetime.
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