doing bent over bb rows and kinda let the form go on the last rep. jerked up and instead of letting the upper back and arms take the weight it pulled my body down and I felt the above in left lower back. racked the weight immediately and finished the workout with some pain, but was able to finish. Now i can barely bend over to pick up my 15 month old daughter that only weighs 25lbs. when I sit it locks up and I walk hunched for about 2 minutes until I can straighten out. no leg pain, so I think sciatica is r/o and no numbness or tingling to the lateral aspect of leg or back as well. its all sacral and lumbar region with a definite listing to the right to compensate for the pain right now. my question is strain sprain or possibly both? and should I take ibu? I am worried about the cox-2 inhibitor response from ibu, that is why I stay away from it. I am only running test prop right now, so could i just take some tylenol until I start my winny portion of cycle?