Thanks Big I'm in your debt buddy.I wanna upload one of my jams while the slide runs not the bullshit they give you to play, but I can't figure out how any suggestions would be great.
Thanks Big I'm in your debt buddy.I wanna upload one of my jams while the slide runs not the bullshit they give you to play, but I can't figure out how any suggestions would be great.
Last edited by dedic8ed1; 05-12-2009 at 06:34 PM.
Very , very nice work
look great,vascularity superb....not sure what to say apart from this slideshow could be the way forward.....
did see your other post,i just wanna ask when your that lean are you irretable and tired all the time??
i only have to cut carbs for a few days and i suffer terrible rage
Look great . nice work ,, 10 lbs talipia ? note to self
Occupational hazard buddy,but if your a dick your only gonna be a bigger dick when you deprive yourself of foods you typically eat.If I didn't hate my job I'd be the happy go lucky guy that annoys people with his oh so bright and shiny personality.But I do hate my job so yeah I'm kinda a dick but I just keep to myself so I don't offend any one.
I have to give it to you. You're shredded.
you seem to have great work ethic towards fitness and it shows big in those last full shots.
very nice dude, hard work paying off, congrats
Dude this is outstanding work, respect mate. your in awesome shape and look outstanding.
Nice brother! keep it up....
Good Luck!
Fantastic slideshow buddy! Shows your whole contest prep journey
- looked ripped and vascular ... good stuff
- You love your calves!!! he he, they look daunting.. like someone stuffed mangoes in them
- I suggest you try to blitz your traps more... they seem to be your weak point
- Also, like me, quad sweeps are not in our genetic card deck it seems...sigh... u just gotta work them even harder I suppose... hacks are really good for that I've discovered recently!
Thanks,I'm trying to keep my body as symetrical as I poiisbly can.I've had to lay off chest a bit to bring up my arms and back and I have,quads,hams are priority now.As far as traps I really don't like the look of really big traps.I'm not gonna compete at a level where I need to blow all my muscles out.Looking for more of a Gaspari,Dugdale,Zane type physique at best.I don't want crazy size, condition is the defining achievement for me,it's the discipline and dedication that drives me along with the vindicating achievement at the end of the road Thanks for the comments.
You look Great Bro. Great Progress
F*****g a!
Long time no talk man ... Its Merc.
Great job !!!! Keep up all the hard work man ..
No I am not Anthony ..... Even Bc ( the owner of the site cleared that up a long time ago ) so did admin .. anthony had bc so mad that he even include me in his lawsuit .. which was totally dropped against me by BC , when he found out the truth that I had nothing to do with it .. ( but not anthony - he lost alot to bc - millions in judgement against anthony ..
here is a thread I started yesterday for more info ..
i cant pm yet .. still waiting on Admin to fix my account ..
Hope all is well with ya ..
Thanks for clearing that up.I always had a lot of respect for you buddy great answers and influence "RESPECT"Everything is great!!!I'm hoping to open some doors in this game I have so much passion for.There's a lot to be said of someone who goes through 16 weeks of contest prep with no date to display the fruits of his labor.I just want people to have a reason to want to work with me whether it's diet diagnosis on what works for the individual,training,meal preperation based around specific life style etc,Rather spend all kinds of money in a school for pt,kineseoligy,phisyoligy that is the biggest joke I've ever had the displeasure of seeing.These trainers I see in these big 10,000,000 facility's don't have a clue none are even close to a marketable condition and preach all these gimic exercises and don't teach there clients anything close to beneficial.Let me just say I'd rather train and make people better and be happy just making my bills then be miserable at my robot job with the prospect of making 25hr some day,forget that intrinsic value is my pursuit of happyness and this is how I wanna live on my life,on my terms.
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