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Thread: blood work and chinamans yellow tops

  1. #1

    blood work and chinamans yellow tops

    Vets please help. I have been on the yellow tops for about 5 months. Everything has been going well until about 2 weeks ago. I have muscle spasms all throughout my body. For a while there, my pec or my arms would just spasm. and twitch . I get this everywhere throughout my body. I do about 30 minutes of cardio and 1.5 hours of heavy weight training, 5 days a week. I had my doctor do blood work and everything is OK accept my CPK (Creatine Kinase) its high around 210. he told me to stop taking HGH because its causes muscle problems and possible carpet tunnel. I also take superpump 250 4-5 times per week. What do you guy's think? I really don't want to stop taking the HGh because I am just starting to see really good results. I do about 3.3 IU's a day.5/2 protocol.

    Could this be over training?
    the superpump?
    stress from thinking I have a bad disease from muscle twitching?
    or is it the HGH?
    also, I did tear my pec about a year ago. I have not had surgery. could this have something to do with the spasms?

    Let me know what you think or if any of you have had these types of problems.

    Thanks alot,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    HGH is pretty mild....

    I doubt if the HGH is causing your problems... although you may want to quit, particularly if that is what your doctor recommends.

    It seems like your doctor doesn't know what is causing your problem and doesn't know much about HGH. I would think that working out 5 days per week would be the first thing to look at, as that would stress your body more than HGH, in my opinion. I'd look at the intensity of the five day workout schedule, maybe you need some rest.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply. You might be right. I don't my doc knows to much about HGH, just wanted to see if anyone else has experience sides like this. I do train heavy all the time and might need to cut back a little.

    thanks again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    I'd get your doctor to check your creatinine level(by-product of creatine breakdown) as well, just to rule out any kidney problems.

    A high CPK level can be due to acute renal failure, and trust me cause I have kidney failure and you don't want it!

    I'd stop the superpump as well, since it has creatine mono in it.

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