when i was 4 i saw my first porno ...it was called p*ssy hunt... wins my top 5 down the line
when i was 4 i saw my first porno ...it was called p*ssy hunt... wins my top 5 down the line
porn on Beta
Last edited by -Ender-; 05-28-2009 at 10:35 AM.
Harley Davidson and The Marlboro Man
Last edited by -Ender-; 05-28-2009 at 10:36 AM.
1. apocalypse now
2. the godfather
3. midnight cowboy
4. mar adentro
5. casino
1)GI Jane
3)Friday the 13th
4)The Butterfly Effect
5)The Crow
all very good choices...missing riddick..did someone mention full metal jacket or apocalypse now?
office space
rambo 2008 (yeah, i liked it...nice and violent, the way i like it)
the matrix
american history x
i'll think of a 5th later :P
Okay, someone is new here and a female, so I'll mind my manners. But just to let you know, as someone who's been there and done that, a woman wouldn't last 1 minute at SEAL training. Don't let Hollywood fool you otherwise. GI Jane is a fun movie, but loses points based on its premise.
My top 5, in no particular order:
1) Pulp Fiction - dialog was incredible.
2) Lock, Stock, & Two Smoking Barrels - storyline inter-relationships.
3) The Rock - Master Chief Dennis Chaulker...'nuff said.
4) The Godfather - actors and storyline were top notch.
5) Heat - Michael Mann at his finest. DeNiro, Pacino, Kilmer, etc. Great cast, great story, and great characters.
Honorable Mention:
The Terminator
12 Monkeys
Die Hard
The Exorcist
The Shawshank Redemption
The Dark Knight
The Green Mile
The Shining
The Seven Samurai
The Lord of the Rings
The Usual Suspects
Fight Club
The Silence of the Lambs
Dr. Strangelove
American History X
Lawrence of Arabia
Apocalypse Now
Hamburger Hill
Blackhawk Down
A Clockwork Orange
Slumdog Millionaire
LA Confidential
Bridge on the River Kwai
Gran Torino
Das Boot
No Country for Old Men
The Unforgiven
Cool Hand Luke
The Great Escape
The Deer Hunter
Blackhawk Down
Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid
The Big Lebowski
Stand by Me
The Graduate
Good Will Hunting
God, there's too many to list.....
The best of JBM's POV
Brown Ninja's Private Collection
Prone's Asian Attack
Sigman Roids Suicide Pvssy
vpchill's Black Superstar
This is a sweeeeet thread:
1.Raiders of the Lost Ark!(Can't believe nobodys gone with any Indiana Jones)
3.The Empire Strikes Back
4.From Here to Eternity
Followed closely by a multitude of others including the awesome rock'n'rolla and snatch
yeah..the alien series was awesome..classics
see alot of sci fi stuff..what peeps favorite horror,
prince of darkness
evil dead series
rob zombies halloween
devils rejects
texas chainsaw
not to mention looking forward to drag me to hell
1)Pulp fiction
2)Saving Private Ryan (despite the rampent and somewhat blatent proAmerican anti anyone else portrayal of the war)
3)300 (don't take it seriously and it can be a good laugh)
4)Kill Bills
5)Preditor 2 then 1
6) The Terminator and T2 (T3 was filth and I am not hearing good things about 4)
These are in the order I thought of them not how I favour them.Private Ryan should be much lower but I am not re-writeing it.
terminator 2
shawshank redemption
tae guk gi (the brotherhood of war)
the prestige
Devils Rejects and Memento. Wow I thought I was the only person in the world who got Memento.
memento was f'ing awesum
and the aliens series was awesome but i think number 2 stands head and shoulders above the rest. there was so much about that movie too love. it starts slow at first but the tension it builds is awesome right up until it expodes when the marines enter the hive. even the characterisation in that movie is great-there are so many memorable characters from vasquez, hudson, hicks, ripley...even the sleezeball company exec paul reiser plays. and almost forgot bishop! there are sooo many great scenes in that movie. man sorry to go on an aliens rant but i am hooked on that movie from start to end
^^^ No sorry Needed. Thats a Great Movie.
no worries. man i'm gonna have to go out and rent memento this week to, its been ages since i've seen it. i reckon itd have to be guy pearce's best movie
I own a copy. I thought it was a great movie. Most people tend to get lost watching it.
he is great in la confidential but i think as an actor memento would be the more challenging role eg:keeping track of your characters development in each scene given the variable memory and he pulls it off brillianty. but he is f'ing great in la confidential but kevin spacey stands out for me
blackhawk down
Gremlins 1-2
Just a few
blackhawk down
Gremlins 1-2
Just a few
^^^^ joined 2003, post count 15? Wow man.
Guys, it's impossible to fit best films ever into just five slots.
I'm going to list the five best films ive seen in the last 5 years.
No Country for Old Men
Man on Fire
Gran Torino
Kill Bill 1 and 2
Ive just watched the new Bronson movie (British Charles Bronson) and it was a very good movie, that man is insane...
I spose if a movie is not readily accessible to most of its audience then it loses its power so i'm with you there.
On that point thats why i thought i'd see a bit more of raiders of the lost arc in peoples top 5 here. it is acessible to anyone and is the most engaging movie i've ever seen. its lost none of its lustre from when i loved it as a kid. man that fight scene between indy and the big nazi underneath the plane trying to take off, the chase scene where indy's being dragged along beind the truck-haha the cairo fight scene where the sword fighter comes out to challenged indy and opens with a display of sword fighting finesse and indy just shoots him. does anyone else rate the indiana jones movies or did crystal skull ruin it?
I was on vacation LOL
haha ya, i was waiting for someone to catch that.
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