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Thread: 20 Kick Ass Week Competition Cycle

  1. #1
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    20 Kick Ass Week Competition Cycle

    Hello Guys.

    I am looking to do my first every competition. I am in decent shape at the moment and have a few cycles under my belt.

    My somatotype is an Ecomorphic Measomorph so I dont hold TOO must fat normally, i can gain size at a decent rate although not ridiculasly fast.

    I have about 8 weeks worth of original Schering Primobolan i would like to use up and think i can get a little more to do say 10 weeks.

    My last cycle was 800 mgs of Test 400, 300mgs of Tren Enthenate and 300 mgs of Equipoise. My gains from that were steady. Fair amount of must gain but probably the best quality gains i have ever got, looks great on that for around 12 weeks.

    I respond quite well to Tren I think and also the EQ. I am happy to go up to high dosages.

    I do not want to use HGH however i will be looking to use some IGF1

    I can easily come up with a cycle myself however i would like some examples of things you guys have run to get good success. I have currently been off cycle around 5 weeks. I will stay off for another 2 weeks i think however then i need to get back on and want enough time for the show.

    Your input is much appreciated.


  2. #2
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    Something that consists of prop, tren, mast would be good...

    Week 1-10 Test prop
    Week 3-10 Tren ace
    Week 3-10 Mast prop
    Week 5-10 Winny


    Week 1-10 Test prop
    Week 3-10 Tren ace
    Week 3-10 Mast prop
    Week 3-10 anavar

    Get proper diet and PCT down first... But those would be some precontest cycles i'd look in to

  3. #3
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    Only staying off for 7 weeks huh? Good luck.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Only staying off for 7 weeks huh? Good luck.
    I was thinking the same, not good for further gains!

    I think you would be better at designing your own cycle and then post it up for all of us to review

  5. #5
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    Do you think my gains would be much better the longer i am off?

    Ideally, i dont want to shoot every day for 10-16 weeks.

    What i was thinking was:

    Week 1-3 150mgs Anadrol
    Week 1-18 - 1600mgs of Test 400
    Week 1-9 - 600mgs of Organon Yellow Cap Deca.
    Week 9-20 - 600mgs Equipoise
    Week 12-20 - 500mgs Primobolan
    Week 12-20 - 300mgs Tren Enthnate
    Weeks 14-20 - 100mgs ED of Winstrol
    Weeks 17-20 100mgs ED of Prop

    Would possibly like to throw some Anavar in there at some point as i have never run it and possibly some IGF-1

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns View Post
    Do you think my gains would be much better the longer i am off?

    Ideally, i dont want to shoot every day for 10-16 weeks.

    What i was thinking was:

    Week 1-3 150mgs Anadrol
    Week 1-18 - 1600mgs of Test 400
    Week 1-9 - 600mgs of Organon Yellow Cap Deca.
    Week 9-20 - 600mgs Equipoise
    Week 12-20 - 500mgs Primobolan
    Week 12-20 - 300mgs Tren Enthnate
    Weeks 14-20 - 100mgs ED of Winstrol
    Weeks 17-20 100mgs ED of Prop

    Would possibly like to throw some Anavar in there at some point as i have never run it and possibly some IGF-1
    Alot of things are wrong with that cycle

    1) Deca for 9 weeks is kind of short, most run it for 12 weeks

    2) Equipoise is generally ran for 14 weeks not 11

    I probably missed somethings, the format you wrote your cycle is throwing me off.

    What are your stats?


  7. #7
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    OK, What format would you like me to show it in?

    I am aware that 9 weeks is kind of short, but its still in my system for 12 weeks, (3 weeks after last shot) - And i have had great results from it running it for 8 weeks (so its in my system 11 weeks in total.

    My last cycle had equipoise in and i run that for 10 weeks. My gains started around week 8 and it was in my system 13 weeks in total - all was fine.

    I hear it time and time again, know your body - and i kinda do now. I have arranged that through personal experience.

    What else is wrong with that in your opinion?

    Stats 5.10/5.11

    Age: 23

    Weight 13 Stone

    BF around 11%

    Anymore input is appreciated.


  8. #8
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    Anyone ??

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    Week 1-3 150mgs Anadrol
    Week 1-12 - 1600mgs of Test 400
    Week 7-20 - 600mgs Equipoise
    Week 12-20 - 500mgs Primobolan
    Week 12-20 - 300mgs Tren E
    Weeks 15-20 - 100mgs ED of Winstrol
    Weeks 12-20 100mgs ED of Prop

    This is the same cycle my Trainer used in one of his competitions btw..But in the begining 6 weeks he used some slin and GH..and some other stuff he wouldnt tell me abt..ofcourse the doses r different cuz hes a pro..but the compounds r almost the same
    now IMO id throw in some Haloestin in the last 4 weeks..but that would be pretty risky if u love ur liver..cuz ur using a good dose of winny as well..


  11. #11
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    I may try it but just with 6 weeks of Prop

    Anyone else thing it will be a good or bad cycle?

  12. #12
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    i think the cycle will be hard on your body especailly with so little time off and your gains want be maximized. You need some more time to recover and more pct time. Your not going to keep these gains if you dont let your receptors have a break.

  13. #13
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    I am going to have another 3 weeks off from now i think... Do you think that will be sufficient?

    What would be best, to only run a 16 week cycle with more time off?

    Or less time off and 20 weeks?

    My last cycle was a kind of lean mass cycle. This one next, is going to be fore the show. I want to get as much size from it as possible, yet get into competition lean conditioning.

  14. #14
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    u can do a 20 week cycle..but id 10 weeks get as big as u can..LIKE BIG open everything all kinds of food and stuff..and a 10 week hard leaning cycle..and u dont have to use so much juice..jst use like 4-5 compounds..but boost the doses up..

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrathchild212 View Post
    u can do a 20 week cycle..but id 10 weeks get as big as u can..LIKE BIG open everything all kinds of food and stuff..and a 10 week hard leaning cycle..and u dont have to use so much juice..jst use like 4-5 compounds..but boost the doses up..
    If he does that he is going to need a lot more then 10 weeks to get into contest shape.

  16. #16
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    I mean I don't believe the whole "you need time off for your receptors to rest" there is no proof of receptor downregulation, there is proof of myostatin levels increasing and cortisone levels increasing to combat anabolic levels during steroid cycles, but not receptor downregulation.

    Why you need time to rest is simple, one you need to let your own hormones bounce back and let your body rest from synethetic hormones and two being on longer doesnt mean more gains since like I mentioned before the gains start slowing due to a rise in catabolic and muscle limiting hormones. So takign a break saves you cash and has your primed for your next cycle while giving your body a rest.

    Personally the seven weeks your taking off will limit your gains somewhat and how much you keep during PCT is all dependent on PCT/diet/genetics.

    At the rate you are going, you will probably be on HRT by late 20's

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post

    At the rate you are going, you will probably be on HRT by late 20's
    HE ISN'T KIDDING... I AM 27 YEARS OLD and on TRT permanently !!! I must have screwed myself up somewhere along the way... or maybe... maybe I always had low levels of TEST and just never knew it... No way to tell... NEVER HAD BLOOD WORK DONE AT 20 when I started cycling... soooo... ya know??

    But if you do that proposed cycle I believe you are heading for nothing but trouble later on down the road....

    If I were you...

    if you are going to do a cycle for 20 weeks....

    1-20 Test Prop 125mgs ED
    1-10 NPP 100mgs ED
    12-18 Tren ACE 50mgs ED
    12-20 Primo (USE WHAT YOU GOT) Might as well... Should Harden you up right before the comp... I think you said you only had 8 weeks worth... ideally it would be better for you to get some more PRIMO and run it at least 14 weeks at 600mgs +

    STAY AWAY FROM ALL THOSE ORALS... AREN'T NEEDED WHEN RUNNING SHORT ESTERS IMO !!! If you are going to use all kinds of compounds and such and throw your body into turmoil.. at least know the potential consequences. NOT SAYING ANYTHING AT ALL IS GOING TO HAPPEN AT ALL BUT...

    It's not the compounds that make the BODYBUILDER... it's the DIET and TRAINING !! You can throw together all the compounds in the world and if your DIET and Training aren't up to par... YOU ARENT GOING TO GO ANYWHERE !!!

    Anyways... the cycle I outlined above.. isn't the perfect cycle.. you should design your own but by the sounds of it you are trying to incorporate as many things as you can without thought of what could happen.

    I just don't even know dude... now I am questioning myself for this post.. part of me wants to highlight and delete the whole thing but I am not going to.. DO WHAT YOU THINK IS BEST !!! That's all I can really say I suppose...

    I personally think you need to rethink your whole strategy... maybe HIRE A PERSONAL TRAINER/NUTRITIONIST/MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL to monitor your body while you go through with all of this... just to be on the safe side and to maximize EVERY WAKING SECOND UP UNTIL THE COMPETITION !!!

    That is what I would do if I were you... I just outlined a that cycle as a possibility... a cycle that I plan to do in the future... (minus the TREN) and adding the PRIMO for 20 weeks to run concurrent with the TEST. But since you said you LOVE TREN... and don't get me wrong... I DO TOO !! But

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    I mean I don't believe the whole "you need time off for your receptors to rest" there is no proof of receptor downregulation, there is proof of myostatin levels increasing and cortisone levels increasing to combat anabolic levels during steroid cycles, but not receptor downregulation.

    Why you need time to rest is simple, one you need to let your own hormones bounce back and let your body rest from synethetic hormones and two being on longer doesnt mean more gains since like I mentioned before the gains start slowing due to a rise in catabolic and muscle limiting hormones. So takign a break saves you cash and has your primed for your next cycle while giving your body a rest.

    Personally the seven weeks your taking off will limit your gains somewhat and how much you keep during PCT is all dependent on PCT/diet/genetics.

    At the rate you are going, you will probably be on HRT by late 20's

    this sound advice.^^^^ also, i might add that i read somewhere that the liver creates enzymes to conteract foreign substances, in this situation aas, and those enzymes need time to clear out of the body before another cycle can work as well as it should. i am no doctor, but time off lets you body catch up, get used to holding all that new muscle.

  19. #19
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    So is your main feedback that the dosages are high?

    I am totally in agreement, training and FOOD more than ANYTHING are the most important.

    I am thinking then i may stay off longer and instead do 17 weeks instead of 20 (on gear)

    I have a whole new Flex book on training programmes i am following and currently taking lots of supplements.

    Would a safer cycle maybe be

    Week 1-3 100mgs Anadrol
    Week 1-17 - 1600mgs of Test 400
    Week 1-8 - 400mgs of Organon Yellow Cap Deca.
    Week 9-17 - 600mgs Equipoise
    Week 7-17 - 500mgs Primobolan
    Week 9-17 - 300mgs Tren Enthnate
    Weeks 11-17 - 60mgs ED of Winstrol
    Weeks 14-17 100mgs ED of Prop

    What do you guys think is the main compound that should be dropped if any? I want to go for it good, and the plan is to only ever do this one show then never touch high dosages again.

    Thanks for all the input so far.

    As a proposed cycle, what do you think of it in regards to timings and choice of compounds?

  20. #20
    Why do you want or need to run all of those compounds for your FIRST ever competition. You're 182lbs at 5'11, you can just run the standard pre-competition cycle to help burn fat and PRESERVE lean tissue (you're running all this stuff thinking you're going to make any gains in a hypo-caloric state?). How about this, for the 12 weeks leading up to your contest:

    1-12 Test Prop, 75mg/d
    1-12 Tren Ace, 75 mg/d
    1-12 Masteron Prop, 100 mg/d
    8-12 Winny 50 mg/d

    Even this is pretty excessive for a first competition at you're low weight, but it will definitely work. So just throw in the T3/Clen cycling and you'll be very pleased. Absolutely no need for all the compounds you want to run at your stats and experience level.

  21. #21
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    The 2-3 weeks prior to stepping on stage you wann cut out test/eq/deca/or for that matter any other aas that causes water retention. Even if you run the best AI any water will **** you up on stage.

    2-3 prior only run winny/var/halo/masteron or other hardeners.

    For the other 20 weeks its all how hard you bust your ass and how your diet is! at 11% bf% right now you have a good shot.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer;46***81
    The 2-3 weeks prior to stepping on stage you wann cut out test/eq/deca/or for that matter any other aas that causes water retention. Even if you run the best AI any water will **** you up on stage.

    2-3 prior only run winny/var/halo/masteron or other hardeners.

    For the other 20 weeks its all how hard you bust your ass and how your diet is! at 11% bf% right now you have a good shot.
    Most guys will run Letro nearing the comp to get rid of any water retention from estrogen. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've personally never heard of getting off test coming up to the show.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Most guys will run Letro nearing the comp to get rid of any water retention from estrogen. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've personally never heard of getting off test coming up to the show.
    It works for some and others don't take the chance...

    Personally I can see both ways. But if its the first comp might not wanna risk it.

    The last two weeks are something of a majical experiance. Your body hates you, you hate you, the aas hate you, water well you know.

    There was a guy on another board that even gets off tren cause he says it makes the progestrone rev up and that ****ed him up....

    The comp experiance is one unique animal.

  24. #24
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    Isnt it better to run Arimidex and Proviron then hit Letro say 4 weeks out?

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns View Post
    Isnt it better to run Arimidex and Proviron then hit Letro say 4 weeks out?
    curious to no is it better to run arimidex and proviron together on cycle if you have the money?

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