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Thread: hunger is setting me back!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    hunger is setting me back!

    I am doing fina/winny 10th day with t3/clen. I started getting hunger a few days in and I started taking dexatrim. The dexatrim doesn't really help much, and I really need to figure something out. I am putting more fat on, and I can tell that my gut is growing a little. My goal in this cycle was to LOOSE fat obviously, , but the hunger is really really setting me back. Does anyone have any suggestions? I hear bromo + yohimbine kills appetite, and it will prevent any possible progesterone related gyno from the fina...

    Anyone got advice? My diet is usually very clean, but this constant hunger is really messing it up. I still eat good foods, but now I am adding in unhealthy carby and fatty foods. I usually am able to cut those out and I had dropped some good bf% before this cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ephedrine can help with the hunger and clean your house from junk, just throw it out. If i dont have candy at home i dont eat it but when it´s there sometimes it can be hard not to take it when you want it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    London Baby!
    Give it a couple more weeks and REALLY try to not eat any bad foods except on your cheat day. I wouldnt take bromo just for appetite control. Here's what I do. Drink water or diet soda all during the day. Palme is right about the junk...just throw it out. I know it eaiser said than done. My wife cant diet for shit...she has the same ailment as yourself. A lot of times if she gets hungry during the day, she'll just drink a protien shake with water. Thats all the advice I can give. You can be strong bro...good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    palme, absolutely true bro. I cooked 1.25 lb of ground turkey yesterday, taco seasoned, and put an lb of peas into the mix. Turned out great, very healthy, and this is usually how I prepare my meals... myself.

    I cut out fast foods, and junk foods already. But I still use sun chips sometimes since it has dietary fiber and is a whole grain food. The problem is that I find myself sitting there and eating 1/2 a damn bag at a time. When it comes down to it... I just need to control myself a little more. I am usually very disciplined, but I think there are two major factors that are making my normal discipline more difficult..

    1. the t3/clen is making me more hungry.. might be the cycle too, I'm not sure
    2. I stopped taking adderall due to some personal reasons... I was taking it for add/adhd and it really does wonders for me, but I am making an effort to stop. I actually stopped taking it three weeks ago...

    I DID, however, take it for the first time in the three weeks TODAY since I have a midterm in a couple of hours. I HAVE NO HUNGER... I am a little bit hungry, but I can easily control msyelf right now. If I didn't take the adderall, my appetite would be OUT of control right now.

    At least I'm off the hook today.I just feel like I've taken alot of shit today... did my winnny, fina, t3, clen, tylers, and adderall, and dexatrim. It seems excessive to me, but I feel just fine.

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