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Thread: Is this normal?!?!?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Is this normal?!?!?!

    My first cycle and I'm going with 600 mg/wk Test and 400 mg/wk of Deca. I am injecting twice a week, mon & thurs. I was originally injecting 200 mg of deca and 300 mg of test (2 and half cc) all in one shot in the thigh. My leg was sore for 5 days so I decided to change it up. I put 1 and half cc of test in one leg and 1 cc of deca in the other. I've done that twice. Each time I had no pain in the test leg but alot in the deca leg. The pain comes on 2-3 minutes after shot and stays for about 3 days. The pain is bearable, like a slight pulled muscle so I can live with it. Just wondering if this is normal???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I've been shooting 200mg of test and 200mg of eq in my thigh's with some pain. There's going to be some pain or discomfort but if you move the pin around while it's in your thigh you'll have some serious pain like I did last monday.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Tactical Range
    Just curious why you chose to do so much test on a first cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    The deca has a high BA content that is causing you the extended soreness in your leg. It is suprising to hear that the test is not giving you any soreness.....since it is usually the one with a very high BA content. (BA is a type of alcohol in case you dont know). The pain will somtimes subside after 2-3 weeks of injections but you can pop a few Aleve or Advil pills to help the pain it is too much.
    Good Luck bro.

    INNERVISION- he is doing 600 mgs a week of test and that is not alot. 500 mgs is very common for a first cycle so 600 is just fine. Any less than 500 mgs/wk and you will not get the amount of gains you need to justify the side effects that the test is gonna give you not to mention the fact that it will still shut your nat. test production down at lower levels below 500mgs anyway so why not make the most of it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Tactical Range
    Trevor I hear what you're saying, it just seems like for a first cycle most people i know started at 4-500 and got perfect results being it their first time. If you start too high, it just means higher doses down the line too. 600 isnt a lot for most people after a couple cycles, i was just wondering why that # to start.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Columbia North - BC
    This week did 250mg Sust in my right thigh, and 200mg Deca in my left. The pain seems the same, sore but not to bad. I found that Deca in the shoulder was sore for a abit longer tho.

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