Originally Posted by
sorry if I sound harsh, but my words are still true !!
The DAMAGE that you can do to your body is NOT WORTH the gains you MAY make.
You have 5 more years BEFORE your body is mature enough to go through what steroids will do to you
Take that time and look at the other things FIRST and give them a chance to work
change your diet for a full YEAR !!! get it approved by the diet gurus here.
change up your workouts for a YEAR!! maybe you are over training...maybe you need a full MONTH off from the gym
You break through plateaus by doing those things first .
We are not here to STOP YOU from using steroids, we are here because we CARE about your HEALTH and because we have been down the road you are going and trying to SAVE you from doing damage that you don't need to do
you wanted advice, you got it, the advice is DO NOT USE STEROIDS right now
the advice was, Have PATIENCE and work on the other avenues that you NEED to fix first , and not overnight, but over TIME
what you do from here is UP TO YOU
good luck.......if we didn't care, we wouldn't say a word to you