He doesn't Normally PCT, This is the first time he has ever mentioned PCT to me.. and he called it a super PCT so.. so didnt I.
Get a kick outta that one did ya??
Whoa whoa whoa !!! What caused you to attack me Immortal.. I have been given sh*t for trying to create a cycle not even close to that and you are going to tell me i dont know what I am doing. THANKS MAN.. NO REALLY THANKS !! Pssh...
I called it crazy because I got sh*t on for trying to do a 24 weeker before, and I just kinda go off of that now, Yah I have run a gram of test per week before.. yah, I have done cycles even similar to this one before.. minus the HGH and Suspension Kickstart and ending..
I just thought it was overkill and more than anyone needs.. First, its DIET that determines what kind of results u see from a cycle.. not how many compounds you can stuff into a 24 week period...
Hell, if you don't think it's that bad of a cycle maybe I should just start the same one and run it right along side of him... BUT IF I WERE TO DO THAT EVERYONE ON HERE WOULD BE CALLING ME AN IDIOT AND A MORON FOR DOING THAT TO MY BODY and now my Bro knows more about cycling than I do?? Fact remains is I know he thinks that everything relies on compounds.. he doesnt DIET.. He doesnt cardio.. he's winded walking up the stairs of my Deck. Health wise I would say he's a wreck but.. he's an animal.. Plain and simple.. he basicaly eats what he wants and somehow it transforms into muscle. He was the one who got me into AAS. He GAVE me my first cycle. And Told me to run 800mgs of CYP per week.. didnt tell me of PCT, also gave me some Anadrol, told me 3 a day would be a good place to start.. if I wanted to and felt up to it... bump it to 4 a day... LET ME TELL YOU.. I HAVE NEVER HAD SO MANY GODDAMNED NOSEBLEEDS IN THEE COURSE OF 12 WEEKS IN MY LIFE... I can only imagine what that did to my body, (blood pressure must have HIGHER THAN IMAGINABLE.. ) ONCE AGAIN maybe that cycle is the reason I am currently on BP meds.. I got my BP taken probably 6 months after that cycle and it was 183/112.. so yah the doc put me on meds .. obviously... maybe it's one of the reasons WHY i am on TRT now at 27. I dont ever count that CYCLE as a cycle I have done.. so when I say I have done 9 successful cycles.. fact remains I have used AAS 11 times.. 2 of them.. WEREN'T SUCCESSFUL CYCLES in my eyes.
I'll save this cycle in my Notebook and down the road .. I'll use it...