aye am just about to go on my first course of testosterone propionate and boldenon and was wondering how muck estragen blocker aye should be talking and what is the best stuff
aye am just about to go on my first course of testosterone propionate and boldenon and was wondering how muck estragen blocker aye should be talking and what is the best stuff
I'll move this to the correct section.
while I do that, please post the following
body fat%?
years training?
planned pct?
prop and bold is not a good combo in my opinion.
Whats the planned cycle look like.
well was not sure to tak deca or bold but the guy am gettin the gear of has bold and a thought that would do
well not got 1 planned a 6 week course a will knw more when a see a mate
test prop is a short ester steroid mate (fast acting) meaning it has too be injected every day or every other day at least ,bold is a long ester and takes around 4-6 weeks too kick in fully ,so you see the problem ?
you will have too inject every day with the prop,just as your finishing your cycle the bold will be kicking in so that will be a wasste of money and time.
go get yourself some test enanthate and do 12 weeks at 500mgs per week (2ml usealy)
thats all you will need for some nice gains.
14 days after last injection start pct (post cycle theropy)
nolvadex week 1 40mgs every day,weeks 2 20mgs every day,week 3 20mgs every day,week 4 20mgs every day
clomid-week1-100mgs every day,weeks 2 50mgs every day,week 3 50mgs every day,week 4 25mgs every day.
you can use nolvadex on cycle at around 10-20mgs every day as an anti e too counteract the possable chances of gyno.
hope this helps .
well i am 21 5ft10 and weigh 72kgs no sure of my body fat content and hav bein trainig for a year and where do u mean the rite section where should aye be writing this
Last edited by chris1; 06-29-2009 at 02:11 AM.
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