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Thread: cycle help

  1. #1

    cycle help

    hey guys i'm new to this site. just thought id sign up to get some experienced opinions on my next cycle. this will be my second cycle. my last cycle was about 4 years when i was 19. 23 now.

    i want a mass building cycle but i also want to be lean before the summer. which is about 4-5 months away. my main goal though is to add some quality muscle.

    im 190pounds
    been training for about a year straight now. on and off before that.
    about 13% body fat.
    23 years old
    183cm tall

    this is what i want to use.

    dianabol: during the first couple weeks
    suatanon 250: throughout the cycle EOD 500mg a week
    deca durabolin: throughout the cycle
    trenbolone: need help where to start using this. heard different opinions
    winstrol: the last 4-5 weeks of my cycle
    clen: use it during pct? heard different opinions on this aswell.
    nolvadex on hand and ready for PCT

    sorry if its a bit lengthy just need some more opinions before i start. i will be taking this very seriously. thanks for any advice on my cycle.

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Welcome to AR

    and SLOW DOWN TIGER...thats way too many compounds for a second cycle !!!

    what was your first cycle??

  3. #3
    hahaha. sorry ive just been getting good results naturally and thought this would be the best time to bump myself to a new level. first cycle was test e, dianabol, deca and sus. it was a while back. what would be your personal recommendation? i want to use the main mass compounds dianabol trenbolone and the test. if using only one winstrol or clen to finish off my cycle i wont mind as long as it get the results. i like lean mass muscle thats why i was thinking of using both.

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Tren is VERY harsh and NOT for the beginner

    bulking and adding mass is gonna be mostly your diet, not your compounds

    I put on 35 lbs with a Test/Deca cycle

    Winny is better when your bodyfat is low, like 10% or under..... if your gonna bulk up you will probably be a little higher than that depending on how clean your diet is

    I would probably do a Test E- Deca cycle with a dbol kick start.... you can use the clen during PCT along with clomid and nolva

    I would also have an AI on hand in case of gyno signs

    but DIET is gonna determine 89% of your gains

  5. #5
    nice results. i have everything i mentioned on hand thats why. i think sus is better then test e personally. so i shouldnt take any tren and winstrol? what should i do with them haha. why wouldnt tren be a good choice? and will clen have the same cut looking effects as winstrol? thanks for all your help dude. diet will be top notch

  6. #6
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    deca and tren are both 19nors. not good to take both in same cycle.

    You didn't mention Which tren you got, tren A or tren E?

    I dont' think you should be using tren just yet....I would wait for about a few more cycles and knowledge on handling sides before tackling tren.

    and when you do try Tren I would make sure you go with Tren A first. but that mean ED shots, so that is another thing you need to be ready for

    clen is strong, and will raise your core body temp,so you have to be careful with it

    save what you don't use from this cycle and build a better third cycle

    its NOT the amount of compounds that make a good cylce. Its diet, training and rest

    I never have more than 3 compounds and that includes a oral kickstart

    oh, and I am 5'11" 260 right now

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    North dakota
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael321 View Post
    nice results. i have everything i mentioned on hand thats why. i think sus is better then test e personally. so i shouldnt take any tren and winstrol? what should i do with them haha. why wouldnt tren be a good choice? and will clen have the same cut looking effects as winstrol? thanks for all your help dude. diet will be top notch
    Test is test the only difference is the ester. Sust is a combination of four different ester and was designed for hrt. Test e is a single long acting ester and keeps blood levels much more stable and would be my choice for your cycle if you are worried about bloat just run an a.i if you notice bloat.

    Tren is known for harsh sides and causes gyno through a different mechanism then test and some consider that gyno much more difficult to deal with. Also its sides are harsh as a I mentioned, insomnia night sweats shortness of breath.

    Clen is a fat burner winny is not, it also has some anticatobolic effects but I believe these are often over stated. Clen will help in a fatloss process if your diet is spot on much more to winny would.

  8. #8
    thanks alot. i have tren e. so i might just save it.

    sus250 week 1-15 500mg/week EOD shots
    Deca250 week 1-15 500mg/week
    Dianabol week 1-5 45mg/week
    Winstrol possibly week 12-PCT
    PCT and clen over 4 weeks

    knocked off the tren for another time
    how does that look?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    cut out ya winny to many comnpunds second cycle. Keep it simple stupid as they say. Easy.

    ths what im doing it my thrid cycle.

    test 400 mgs a week for 16 weeks
    deca 400 mgs a week for 14 weeks

    My second cycle was excatly the same guess what 35 lbs after cycle and pct i kept 31. just look at it like that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    what is the russian name for Clenbuterol?

  11. #11
    okay thanks guys. just more question. is deca really useful to waste so much money on or is it better if i have it with test. coz last time i remember just using it to support my joints

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