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Thread: 2nd cycle reccomendations

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    2nd cycle reccomendations

    hey guys... i took my first cycle about 3 months ago of test p, 100mg/mL EOD for 8 weeks. i then took nolvadex for 4 weeks(40, 40, 20, 20). this was a bulking cycle, and i put about 15 lbs of lean muscle on while also losing some bf.

    my next cycle is going to be test e and tren. i will run it for 10 weeks, and was wondering what u reccomend for dosage of each.


  2. #2
    WOW...just got the same exact thing this morning. However I was informed to run it for 6 weeks with 100mg of each EOD. Also I'll be running Letro at .25 ED. You going to run an or any other suplements? My last cycle I took milk thistle for my liver, do you know if that's needed as well since supposedly the Tren is very toxic, or did I need it just because I was using orals? Very interesting to see someone post this, maybe we have the same source LOL
    Last edited by TheBeastWithin; 07-02-2009 at 09:15 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Poopooing on your parade
    You'll probably get persuaded not to try tren for your second cycle.

    If you do decide to go through with it however, use TrenA. The short acting esther will allow the drugs to get out of your system quickly if you find you can't handle the sides. And if you are going to do TrenA, then use TestP again, and shoot them together. I'd shoot ED, if at all possible.

    Prop 50-75, tren 50mgs ED. Double for EOD.

    Tren is a pretty rough AAS though.

    What are your stats?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by _CrossroadS_ View Post
    You'll probably get persuaded not to try tren for your second cycle.

    If you do decide to go through with it however, use TrenA. The short acting esther will allow the drugs to get out of your system quickly if you find you can't handle the sides. And if you are going to do TrenA, then use TestP again, and shoot them together. I'd shoot ED, if at all possible.

    Prop 50-75, tren 50mgs ED. Double for EOD.

    Tren is a pretty rough AAS though.

    What are your stats?
    Been reading your post on this similar cycle. Do you think EOD will make dfference as opposed to ED, and my 6 weeks as opposed to your 10? Also anything I should add supplement wise while tunning this?
    I'm 6' 212lbs. 13% Thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    im 21
    about 15% bf

    will it be ok of i shoot the tren EOD?

    My last cycle I took milk thistle for my liver, do you know if that's needed as well since supposedly the Tren is very toxic, or did I need it just because I was using orals? Very interesting to see someone post this, maybe we have the same source LOL
    this was probably due to the pills seeing that injections are far less hazadrous to your liver and kidneys compared to pill form

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel094 View Post
    this was probably due to the pills seeing that injections are far less hazadrous to your liver and kidneys compared to pill form
    That's what I was assuming but just wanted to make sure.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2009
    im postiive that i want to use tren. i am looking to shed down to about 6-8% bf and gain some lean muscle... my diet and workout routine will be very strict to achieve this

  8. #8
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    Apr 2009
    Hey bro! I know you think your ready for Tren, but your not! You did well your first time at bat, shot the prop, which can be a pain in the ass (for real) and you ran a single compound to see how you body would react. This is a great first step!

    I would strongly suggest you run something like deca with your test this time.
    A test/deca cycle is still one of the best, and provin cycles out there. With correct diet and hard workout, you should see alot of mass increase, not to mention the nice affect deca has on your joints. You could try longer ester test this time to run with it, cyp or ent, and just shot every 3.5 days or Monday morning Thursday evening. A 500mg Test/500 mg Deca ew dose would be a really good cycle for maybe 15 weeks on Test, 13 weeks on deca.
    Other than normal PCT of Nov and clomid, I would keep some caber on hand to counter deca dick. You will get the same thing on Tren because they are both 19 nors.
    Sides want be near as bad as Tren could be and you would find out how your body reacts to a 19 nor.

    Just my .02 cents. You may even want to run some dbol first 4 weeks as a kick start since your used to quick results from the prop cycle.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    I would keep some caber on hand to counter deca dick. You will get the same thing on Tren because they are both 19 nors.
    I was not aware that Tren would cause a decrease in drive, the Test won't counter act this? Also I'm unfamiliar with "caber".

  10. #10
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    Feb 2009
    im interested in taking the tren to shed the fat while also gaining mass from the test

  11. #11
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    Apr 2009
    You need to READ MORE! Your DIET! not the compound your on determines if your cutting or bulking. My current cycle of Test/Deca has so far produced increased strenght, weight has stayed the same (around 235) and body fat % is down everytime I have it checked ( twice a month)

    But hey bro, its your body, you may do great on it and I wish you luck.

    And if you think running test with Tren/Deca will always prevent a limp noodle, then your wife and or GF is in for a let down!


  12. #12
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    Oh, by the way, if you run Tren, you need to spend some time in the PCT forum.
    Your PCT from your prop cycle was weak!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    And if you think running test with Tren/Deca will always prevent a limp noodle, then your wife and or GF is in for a let down!

    Just wanted to clear up that I asked about this...
    I have ran Deca w Test n never got the dreaded Deca D--- that is why I made the assumption the Test would help combat any limpness. Also I have read on this board that running test w deca will help.

  14. #14
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Tren is NOT for the beginner. The cons out weigh the pros here.

    Cutting is ALL about diet and NOT gear. If your diet is off, all the gear in the world isn't going to cut fat for you.

    Which Tren are you talking about? Tren E would be an even bigger mistake then Tren A
    'but you really are NOT ready for either

    your stats after one cycle show without a doubt your DIET is NOT correct

    you should be well over 225 at your height after one cycle

  15. #15
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    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBeastWithin View Post
    Just wanted to clear up that I asked about this...
    I have ran Deca w Test n never got the dreaded Deca D--- that is why I made the assumption the Test would help combat any limpness. Also I have read on this board that running test w deca will help.
    dude dont hijack this guys thread, if you have questions start your own thread...

  16. #16
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    OP if your interested in losing BF, of course it all comes down to diet, but maybe you can look into NPP (nandrolone phenylpropionate) its deca with a short ester attached, everyone that runs it seems to love it, and its supposed to be a lot better for cutting as opposed to regular deca, with a lot less water retention... ive never run tren, but honestly, its not a coincidence that almost EVERYONE agrees not to run tren for a second cycle.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville, AR
    For a second cycle (and im no pro, im only on my first currently) but id not even really think u really need to bump it up, usually people take 3-5 cycles before really stacking with harder stuff. I would myself skip the tren as I read that the sides are no joke. You were kinda underdosed with the test on your first cycle. Id stick with Test E and take 500mg each week, 250mg / 1ml every 3.5 days for 12 weeks. People REALLY underestimate 500mg of Test E/C per week.

    You can always take more later, but cant get out what you've already injected.

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