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Just wanted to share a little tren experance with you guys. So im on my 7th week of Tren at 75 ED, and 50 Test P ED. (second time using it.) The first time i ran tren i ran it at 350 per week and 500 test P for 8 weeks and bumped it to 525 the last 2 weeks of it. I noticed mood changes and high blood pressure the last 2 weeks but i was almost done with it. I figured i could just "push through" and I did. Now on this second run I started at 525 and its been a roller coaster ride ever sense. I snap and go off on people for no reason, people at work hate me, and my marriage is on the rocks. All though I have been busting my ass in the gym and the results are great the down side about this is ive turned into a monster. Getting 4 hours of sleep at night if I don’t take sleep aid and have higher blood pressure can take a toll on your body and life. Me and my new wife started fighting when my cycle started and there a few new holes in the house and she wants me to go get some crazy pills. (I have a doc appoint next week) I have backed down the dose from 525 to 350 and Im already feeling more back to normal. This will be my final week of tren (8 weeks is up) and im going to finish test P on week 10. I wrote this to share with everyone so they can get a laugh but also maybe learn something like I have. Sometimes its best to run a smaller dose, and if you run a higher dose and you see things are getting away from you just back it down or stop it totally. Now I also have to try to fix friendships at work as well try to fix a marriage. I think ill also have to send a few “im sorry†letters to the people at the grocery store as well as a few old ladies driving down the road. LOL!!
Again i just wanted to share a little story with everyone on my experience hope you get something out of it. Have a good Friday everyone!! LOL!