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Thread: Test Cyp

  1. #1

    Test Cyp

    I have been running test cypionate at 500mg a week for 9 weeks now and have only noticed 8lbs of gain, I'm wondering what the deal is, I have been running nolva along with it the entire time, could it be that I have too much estrogen built up and thats stopping my gains, my diet is solid, I eat all the time, looking for some insight on this, thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    You need estrogen to make gains. Why are you taking volva? Are you prone to gyno?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Training experience?
    Cycle experience?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    Nolva being ran the entire time could have a lot to do with the gains! Although if it is 8# of lean muscle I see nothing to complain about! Thats 1 pound every week so far! Also just cause you eat all the time does not mean for certain your diet is correct! You might think it is perfect and i am not saying it is not, but most people find this to be the issue

  5. #5
    Starting weight: 200
    Training experience since: 2006
    Cycle experience: This is my first cycle of Test, although I have done 19-norandrosta ph in the past and had great gains, but lost most of it everytime i have came off it no matter the pct.

    I was running Nolva bc I am prone to gyno as I've had some issues with it while using the 19 nor's.

    I have heard that estrogen is necessary for gains, but i didn't know that using a serm like nolva could hinder them, thats interesting as it isnt an AI.

    My diet consists of the following: Meal #1: two scoops whey, 2 slices white bread, two table spoons jelly, Meal#2: 60min later: 8 eggs(two whole) two cups oatmeal, meal#3: VPX zero impact bar, Lunch: I can tuna two slices whole wheat bread, Meal 4: two scoops whey, 2 cups oatmeal, blended, yogurt lowfat, Dinner Fish, Steak, Or chicken and sweet potato with salad, before bed: Cottage cheese and oatmeal.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You want further gains you will have to attack your diet, re-design and increase! How many mgs of nolva are you taking?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009
    On the edge
    Your diet could use a bit of work, do you have macros and do you measure your food or do you just eat approximately?

  8. #8
    I am using 20mg nolva a day, I measure my beef and chicken 8oz each serving, yea I am going to start with more high G carbs in the morning and through out the day, thats probably my issue trying to stay lean at the same time.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by UCfer08 View Post
    I am using 20mg nolva a day, I measure my beef and chicken 8oz each serving, yea I am going to start with more high G carbs in the morning and through out the day, thats probably my issue trying to stay lean at the same time.
    Cut the nolva in half or completly stop it and sort your diet out otherwise you wont grow anymore, re-design and increase for further gains.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Nolva being ran the entire time could have a lot to do with the gains! Although if it is 8# of lean muscle I see nothing to complain about! Thats 1 pound every week so far! Also just cause you eat all the time does not mean for certain your diet is correct! You might think it is perfect and i am not saying it is not, but most people find this to be the issue
    Nolva doesn't hinder gains to that extent, nolva doesn't tamper with estrogen it merely just blocks it from binding in key receptor sites such as the breast.

    Quote Originally Posted by UCfer08 View Post
    Starting weight: 200
    Training experience since: 2006
    Cycle experience: This is my first cycle of Test, although I have done 19-norandrosta ph in the past and had great gains, but lost most of it everytime i have came off it no matter the pct.
    If that is you in your default picture, you are really skinny. I can't believe you are 208, you need to focus on diet first. I don't mean this in an offensive way or anything, but you clearly need to eat alot more than the average person to gain weight.

    If you don't have your diet down gains suffer, pure and simple.

  11. #11
    yea that was before i started little bigger now, yea i agree my diet needs to increase

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by UCfer08 View Post
    I have been running test cypionate at 500mg a week for 9 weeks now and have only noticed 8lbs of gain, I'm wondering what the deal is, I have been running nolva along with it the entire time, could it be that I have too much estrogen built up and thats stopping my gains, my diet is solid, I eat all the time, looking for some insight on this, thanks in advance.
    IF your looking for more SIZE,,MASS during your cycle you should add more calories to your diet..CARBS,PROTEIN, and good fats.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    It 99% of the time comes down to the diet..,. it is always the diet

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