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Thread: cycle and pct help, what should I add

  1. #1

    cycle and pct help, what should I add

    This is what I have on hand
    eq 2btl 10ml @200/ml
    Prop 4btl 10ml @
    Halo 120 pills
    dec only 5 mls 300/ml
    30 50mg tabs clomid
    1 Hcg

    I dont necessarily want to take all of this, this is just what I have on hand, also id like to keep all of these on the low end of recommended dosage

    the only place I know of to get pct is through ar-r so let me know what I should buy from them b4 starting this

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    On the edge
    Is that you in your avatar?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    If your honestly asking us how to run your cycle of give me 3 of these 2 of those and 4 of these. As well as what to order as far as PCT goes. Then your not ready for the ride. And have much to learn.

  4. #4
    alright I was thinking 400 mg of eq per week for 10 weeks
    after week three 250 mg of prop 50 ed
    halo 20 mg ed 10 in the am and 10 b4 workout or 20 b4 workout?
    shold i leave the deca out or where should I fit it in
    also I just found a bottle of cyp

    ya thats me in the pic, Ive added 15 lb since then, still ablout the same lean wise

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by casanova333 View Post
    alright I was thinking 400 mg of eq per week for 10 weeks
    after week three 250 mg of prop 50 ed
    halo 20 mg ed 10 in the am and 10 b4 workout or 20 b4 workout?
    shold i leave the deca out or where should I fit it in
    also I just found a bottle of cyp

    ya thats me in the pic, Ive added 15 lb since then, still ablout the same lean wise
    wouldn't 50mg/ed of prop be 350mg/week?
    why wait till after week 3 to add the prop?
    I wouldn't even bother with EQ at less than 600mg/week and for less than 14 weeks.

  6. #6
    oh yeah I was only thinking m-f in my head

  7. #7
    really all I want to know is in regards to the clomid and the hcg and what I need to add to stay safe

  8. #8
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    Damn I wish I can just find bottles of gear laying around. Must be nice.

  9. #9
    should i just get rid of the eq then b/c I only have enough for 400mg/ wk for 10 weeks. Wont it atleast help with my appetite and rbc while im on the other crap

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
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    you're call on the EQ, personally I would save it till I had more.
    clomid and nolva for pct, perhaps aromasin also.

  11. #11
    ok so will liquidex work in place of the nolva?

  12. #12
    HCG 3 days after my last shot 250iu every three days for a month
    start nolva 20mg ed with hcg
    clomid after I finish the hcg @75/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20

    is this ok

  13. #13

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by casanova333 View Post
    ok so will liquidex work in place of the nolva?

    First off lets pump the brakes for a second.

    No offense, but its obvious you havent done enough research. Which isnt a big deal, youre in the right place.

    Lets get your stats first and go from there.

    diet summary/# meals per day
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)


    That PCT is all screwed up.. Were gonna start fresh. Sound good?

  15. #15
    i know I just read your sticky in the pct section but there is so much info im confused on when to use what. I know the correct things just my timing is what im unsure about

  16. #16
    my question about the liquidex was b/c im not sure what arr calls their nolva

  17. #17
    age 27
    height 5'8
    weight 180
    bf% 10-12
    diet summary/# meals per- day gonna bump up to about 5-6k cals a day 5 meals
    years lifting 8yrs with some breaks/ workout split mon legs tue chest/tri wed back/bi thurs sholder/traps
    cycle experience 3rd cycle
    pct/estrogen control knowledge used clomid and hcg on previous cycle but its been 2 yrs
    goals (size/cut/strength 20 lbs if possible mybe 15

  18. #18
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    Nolva is Nolva. Or it goes by Tamox.

    Quote Originally Posted by casanova333 View Post
    age 27
    height 5'8
    weight 180
    bf% 10-12
    diet summary/# meals per- day gonna bump up to about 5-6k cals a day 5 meals Well.... Lets see it. INCLUDE MACROS AND WEIGHT!
    years lifting 8yrs with some breaks/ workout split mon legs tue chest/tri wed back/bi thurs sholder/traps
    cycle experience 3rd cycle Youve done 2 cycles and youre only 180lbs?!
    pct/estrogen control knowledge used clomid and hcg on previous cycle but its been 2 yrs You need some more research.
    goals (size/cut/strength 20 lbs if possible mybe 15
    Last edited by WARMachine; 07-19-2009 at 03:54 PM.

  19. #19
    wake up weight gainer shake 600 cal
    1-2 hrs eggs oatmeal fruit and milk
    snack cashew almonds or protein bar
    lunch chicken, fish or beef, potatoes vegetables
    snack turkey sandwich
    dinner chicken fish or beef brown rice vegetables
    protein shake

  20. #20
    ok cool tamox I saw on there so i know I can get that..

  21. #21
    age 27
    height 5'8
    weight 180
    bf% 10-12
    diet summary/# meals per- day gonna bump up to about 5-6k cals a day 5 meals Well.... Lets see it. INCLUDE MACROS AND WEIGHT!
    years lifting 8yrs with some breaks/ workout split mon legs tue chest/tri wed back/bi thurs sholder/traps
    cycle experience 3rd cycle Youve done 2 cycles and youre only 180lbs?!
    pct/estrogen control knowledge used clomid and hcg on previous cycle but its been 2 yrs You need some more research.
    goals (size/cut/strength 20 lbs if possible mybe 15

    I only weighed 135 at 18 yrs old first cycle was enathate and deca gained 20 lbs

    food wise I try to eat as much as I can b/c if I dont stuff my face I wont gain a pound i dont really ever put on much fat, i guess im a hardgainer so i have to eat alot
    pct I know im confused and thats why im asking for help

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by casanova333 View Post
    wake up weight gainer shake 600 cal Garbage. Need food!
    1-2 hrs eggs oatmeal fruit and milk 8 egg whites. 80Grams of Oats. Mixed fruit.

    snack cashew almonds or protein bar Crap. 6oz of lean chicken. 4oz of brwn rice.

    lunch chicken, fish or beef, potatoes vegetables Again, 6oz. turkey/beef/fish/chicken. 4-5oz of sweet potatoes.

    snack turkey sandwich Crap. Repeat above, could add some Lentils or other mixed veggies.

    dinner chicken fish or beef brown rice vegetables 6z of lean meats. 4oz of brn rice/sweet potatoes/yams. 4oz of mixed veggies. dinner salad. 1tbl spoon olive oil. 300Gs of mixed berries/fruit.

    protein shake Casein shake IF youre gonna drink it before bed. Cottage cheese is also good here. (2 shakes a day maximum. 1 PWO, and one more wherever else. )
    BOLDS Thats what a diet should look like.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    ^^ Looks better already.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by casanova333 View Post
    age 27
    height 5'8
    weight 180
    bf% 10-12
    diet summary/# meals per- day gonna bump up to about 5-6k cals a day 5 meals Well.... Lets see it. INCLUDE MACROS AND WEIGHT!
    years lifting 8yrs with some breaks/ workout split mon legs tue chest/tri wed back/bi thurs sholder/traps
    cycle experience 3rd cycle Youve done 2 cycles and youre only 180lbs?!
    pct/estrogen control knowledge used clomid and hcg on previous cycle but its been 2 yrs You need some more research.
    goals (size/cut/strength 20 lbs if possible mybe 15

    I only weighed 135 at 18 yrs old first cycle was enathate and deca gained 20 lbs

    food wise I try to eat as much as I can b/c if I dont stuff my face I wont gain a pound i dont really ever put on much fat, i guess im a hardgainer so i have to eat alot
    pct I know im confused and thats why im asking for help
    Well i can tell you right now, there is no such thing as a hardgainer imo. Thats just a fallback for guys who dont diet correctly. Yeah sure, i bet you do have a hard time gaining weight. On THAT diet. But if you were to actually eat 5K cals a day, with 300Gs of Protein, it would be nearly IMPOSSIBLE for you not to gain weight.

    Ill help you along, but in all honesty, you couldve made it to 180lbs naturally if you wouldve had this knowledge beforehand. Your frame could easily support 185+lbs natty from the looks of it.

    But enough beating a dead horse.

    Lets get started here. Lay out the cycle and PCT for me. Ill critique it from there.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    ^^ Looks better already.
    And hell, thats just the tip of the iceberg. That was just me throwing it together in about 2 minutes.

    Get a guy like Phate to put a full plan out for ya, and just wait!

  26. #26
    alright enough said, I should have been more descriptive maybe this isnt perfect but I eat 12oz of chicken usually eggs Ill eat 5or6 scramble but I leave the yolk in a bowl of oatmeal a big steak or piece of fish not 6oz in short Im eating alot more calories than I could get of 6oz here and 4oz there

  27. #27
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    12 oz of chicken? What a day? I eat that by 1:00 PM.

    8-10 eggs. 80Gs of oats is more than 1/2 a cup.

    Youre not eating that many cals. From what youve posted, id put it around 2500 cals. And thats a generous estimate.

    Anyway, you gonna post the cycle and PCT?

  28. #28
    no not a day a sitting

  29. #29
    what im trying to say is each meal im eating 10-12 oz of meat or chicken and a good amount of carbs too.
    breakfast a good sized bowl of oats and 6 eggs for example and yougurt for example. I guess I just wasnt specific enough sorry


    I was thinking 400 mg of eq per week for 10 weeks
    after week three 250 mg of prop 50 ed
    halo 20 mg ed 10 in the am and 10 b4 workout or 20 b4 workout?
    I also have 10ml of cyp and 5 ml of deca but im not sure where to fit it in

  30. #30
    That PCT is all screwed up.. Were gonna start fresh. Sound good?
    I have hcg gonna get the tamox and I have clomid

  31. #31

  32. #32

    comments please

    ok this is the new plan, comments please
    12weeks eq@600mg/week
    10 weeks prop @200/week
    20mg ed halo for first 6 weeks

    nolva with prop throughout
    hcg 3 days after last prop shot
    clomid and nolva with hcg 4 weeks

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by casanova333 View Post
    ok this is the new plan, comments please
    12weeks eq@600mg/week
    10 weeks prop @200/week
    20mg ed halo for first 6 weeks

    nolva with prop throughout
    hcg 3 days after last prop shot
    clomid and nolva with hcg 4 weeks
    should have said nolva with prop throught if gyno develops

    Clomid - 100/50/50/50

    Nolva - 20/20/20/20

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