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Thread: Setting unrealistic goals.

  1. #1
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    Setting unrealistic goals.

    Im sorry if I come off rude but I notice people in general wether its trying to build mucsle or do something else in there life. They set themselves these unrealistic goals. Like this one guy who just posted he wants to gain 60lbs of muscle. He wants to go from 170 to 230 or something. Now mabey Im the dumbass but he seems like a moron to me. You just started working out and you want to gain 60lbs of muscle "what are you thinking" (even with steroids thats seems crazy). I hear this shit all the time at my gym. How bout buddy tries to gain 10lbs then goes from there. 10lbs of muscle is alot, nevermind 60lbs. Then I see this time and time again people not reaching there goals and they look at themselves as failures.

    Well I guess everyone has there own idea's of shit, to each there own.

  2. #2
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    Thinking you'll make it in quick time, that's the crazy part. When I hear people talking about planning to pick up or drop some ridiculous quantity of weight in a matter of weeks....

    Nothing wrong with setting the bar high for yourself though as long as you see it through.

  3. #3
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Realistic goals are the way forward....having a picture of your ideal body is good... but realising that you have to set small goals to get to that body is very important....

  4. #4
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    Going from 170 pounds to 230 pounds is not an unrealistic goal.

    What would be is the time frame said person would plan on putting that much muscle on. Why 230 pounds? Why not? Why not 210, or 220 or 240? It's just a number.

    What was unrealistic was some guy saying he wanted to drop twenty pounds in a week for the beach. THAT'S an unrealistic goal.

  5. #5
    I have gained 50lbs in 6 months... But I had been training for 15years and took off 2 years. So when I started back 6 months ago the muscle memory has had ALOT to do with it.
    BUT!!! I know EXACTLY how to train,diet,supplements and of course the hormonal supps.
    Someone just starting out CAN accomplish some very impressive results but BOTTOM LINE is it takes TIME and only TIME to actually grow real lean muscle tissue.
    Yea this knucklehead you speak of can probably start poppin Anadrol like candy train perfect diet perfect(if he knows how!!) and gain 40 or so pounds but all but 5-10 pounds could be retained after the water&bloat left when he stops taking the drol.. And the only way to retain that muscle is if he can keep up the intensity which is quite hard as I am sure you know....
    jus my 2cents bro...s

  6. #6
    flagg...??? 20 lbs in a week isn't unrealistic bro.. guys who wrestle/MMA/box have to make weight all the time, a couple of lasix and hang out in an attic or sauna for a few hours. Shit come off a cycle of anadrol and you deflate like a balloon.

  7. #7
    now 20 lbs of actual visceral bodyfat.. no friggin way!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gappa View Post
    flagg...??? 20 lbs in a week isn't unrealistic bro.. guys who wrestle/MMA/box have to make weight all the time, a couple of lasix and hang out in an attic or sauna for a few hours. Shit come off a cycle of anadrol and you deflate like a balloon.

    Really? 20 pounds to drop in 1 week seems hella optimistic to me. Im sure guys in MMA dont wait a week before contest before deciding to drop or cut down to a desired weight class, surely?

  9. #9
    I can go into an attic at about 150F(I do HVAC) and come out a few hours later 10lbs lighter.. I know because I have weighed at a morning workout and then later after work at my 2nd workout. all on the same scale..

  10. #10
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    Gappa, no offense bro but i call BS. 10lbs by working in an attic alone? No. 10 lbs riding a bike in a sauna wearing a sweatsuit/trashbag in a few hours? slightly possible. More like working in an attic and taking several large dumps! Also bf % will have large determining role in how much how fast.

    BTW, unrealistic goals come from a lack of knowledge. education is the key to advancement. Next is discipline no?

  11. #11
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    If you shoot for the stars, and only make it to the moon, at least you made it too the moon.

  12. #12
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    I think it's important to have a big ultimate goal but set small goals for shorter periods of time that can be realistic and easier to obtain so that you can stay on track and be proud of the small goals that you accomplish.

  13. #13
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Really? 20 pounds to drop in 1 week seems hella optimistic to me. Im sure guys in MMA dont wait a week before contest before deciding to drop or cut down to a desired weight class, surely?
    I have gone from 203 to 190 in 36-48 hours and that was at around 6% bodyfat. I have seen many competitors drop even more in a shorter amount of time.

  14. #14
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    I do agree with the OP 100% though. Some long term goals are great but much more reachable if you set short term ones along the way.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    I do agree with the OP 100% though. Some long term goals are great but much more reachable if you set short term ones along the way.
    agreed, i think it's a much better approach to set a long term goal(5-10 year range), 2-3 medium goals(1-3 year range), and lots of short term goals(2 week -4 month range)

    that way you ALWAYS have something to work towards and thus a constant source of motivation

  16. #16
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    Well the MOST important factor to realize, is that just because your body responds a certain way to stress, doesn't mean the next person will respond the same way.

    Like I'm tempted to call bs on the guy in the attic story. Because for wrestling we would pump the heat up to 120 and do cardio for hours on end to cut weight. Most I ever was able to drop in one day was 5lbs.

    But that doesn't mean its an unrealistical goal for him.
    I think the fact is a lot of people can come on here and talk bs because noone really knows them enough to say they can or can't do it. Other people are obvious trolls, but in the end I think small goals are more sensible and realistic no matter how you look at it.

  17. #17
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    I never set goals on body size or bf%, i do however enjoy setting lifting goals. But as said, i look to the long term...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Going from 170 pounds to 230 pounds is not an unrealistic goal.

    What would be is the time frame said person would plan on putting that much muscle on. Why 230 pounds? Why not? Why not 210, or 220 or 240? It's just a number.

    What was unrealistic was some guy saying he wanted to drop twenty pounds in a week for the beach. THAT'S an unrealistic goal.
    haha, i read that thread...

    there is nothing wrong with wanting to put 60lbs on...

    it's all diet baby...

  19. #19
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    This kinda relates... but I hate how when people say there stats, the auto response on this forum is....

    "you're 5'9 and ONLY 185 pounds... you should EASILY be able to get to 210 - 220 naturally at your height."

    ^^ and thats an exact quote btw.

    I just don't have a F*CKING clue how some of the members on here can consistently make such a presumptuous comment; moreover, knowing little to nothing about the member. Not to mention the fact that I'd say the vast majority of people on here are interested in steroids for their own vanity. Most aren't looking to achieve their natural potential; and then juice... because simply put: THEIR NOT PLANNING ON GOING ON STAGE... ever!!!

    It seems to me like a lot of unrealistic advice.

    I dunno, just my 0.02's.. I'm sure it'll stir up some opposition.

  20. #20
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    What's a diet?

  21. #21
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    What are steroids

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    This kinda relates... but I hate how when people say there stats, the auto response on this forum is....

    "you're 5'9 and ONLY 185 pounds... you should EASILY be able to get to 210 - 220 naturally at your height."

    ^^ and thats an exact quote btw.

    I just don't have a F*CKING clue how some of the members on here can consistently make such a presumptuous comment; moreover, knowing little to nothing about the member. Not to mention the fact that I'd say the vast majority of people on here are interested in steroids for their own vanity. Most aren't looking to achieve their natural potential; and then juice... because simply put: THEIR NOT PLANNING ON GOING ON STAGE... ever!!!

    It seems to me like a lot of unrealistic advice.

    I dunno, just my 0.02's.. I'm sure it'll stir up some opposition.
    Personally I refuse to feed your egotistical "all knowing" responses that you are prepared to dish out since no matter what you say you believe it is fact and there is no other solution.

    If someone tells me that something should be easy like dropping 20lbs on a consistent basis, I'm going to sit back and analyze.. well you know if I don't slip up in the slightest and put 100% of my mind body and spirit into it then yes it will come easily.

    People on this site sometimes come here looking for an easy quick fix, and quite honestly it's aggravating to the people who live and breath bodybuilding. People don't understand the passion that is involved in this lifestyle. So when the 200th newb comes on here and says I eat non stop and can't gain weight...bullshit! I promise you they aren't making good food choices and 100% dedicated.

  23. #23
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    It pisses me off to no end, people come on here and make statements about how they are so dedicated but discouraged because they aren't making progress but yet DRUNK writing stupid postings. I don't drink because it's not in my diet, I love wine but I can't have it no matter how many pounds I lost this week because I'm dedicated to the transformation that I am in the process of making.

  24. #24
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    ok, I'm off my rant now.

    please proceed

  25. #25
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    What's a goal

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    What's a goal
    exactly, goals are often unknown in a world of instant gratification

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    If someone tells me that something should be easy like dropping 20lbs on a consistent basis, I'm going to sit back and analyze.. well you know if I don't slip up in the slightest and put 100% of my mind body and spirit into it then yes it will come easily.

    People on this site sometimes come here looking for an easy quick fix, and quite honestly it's aggravating to the people who live and breath bodybuilding. People don't understand the passion that is involved in this lifestyle. So when the 200th newb comes on here and says I eat non stop and can't gain weight...bullshit! I promise you they aren't making good food choices and 100% dedicated.
    ^^ this part is simply ridiculous. You don't think people can be dedicated, yet use steroids concurrently?

    BTW, when did you start using steroids? (age).

    ...Also, you obviously didn't comprehend my post so I'll try and make it simpler so that even you can understand:

    YES, I respect the fact that people eat/breath bodybuilding. But MOST of the people that come on here and looking to obtain quality mass, and achieve a functional weight. They are not looking to be walking around their office buildings @ 5'8 and 250 pounds, like a f*cking silverback during mating season.

    Open your eyes.
    Last edited by seriousmass; 07-19-2009 at 09:19 PM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    This kinda relates... but I hate how when people say there stats, the auto response on this forum is....

    "you're 5'9 and ONLY 185 pounds... you should EASILY be able to get to 210 - 220 naturally at your height."

    ^^ and thats an exact quote btw.

    I just don't have a F*CKING clue how some of the members on here can consistently make such a presumptuous comment; moreover, knowing little to nothing about the member. Not to mention the fact that I'd say the vast majority of people on here are interested in steroids for their own vanity. Most aren't looking to achieve their natural potential; and then juice... because simply put: THEIR NOT PLANNING ON GOING ON STAGE... ever!!!

    It seems to me like a lot of unrealistic advice.

    I dunno, just my 0.02's.. I'm sure it'll stir up some opposition.
    You are just butthurt because people told you not to do steroids at 6'1 169lbs and you went ahead and did it.

    Now 5'9 185lbs is pretty big for someone of that height so I wouldn't care if someone posted those stats. Personally unless you are at a bad weight, I don't say "you can get to xxx lbs naturally". But if you are 5'10 140lbs and want to do steroids, I would have to be an idiot to say go right ahead.

    But going on steroids at 6'1 169lbs is redicioulous, I would know because I am 6'1 and when I first started working i use to be 134lbs. You can get to 200lbs EASY and when I say easy I mean EASY. You just have to train right and eat right, simple as that.

    Now if a user just wants to take the shortcut, GO RIGHT AHEAD no body is stopping you, but alot of those shortcut guys fizzle out quickly because they don't have DEDICATION they rely on outside source (ie. hormones) to give what they cant give themselves.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    ^^ this part is simply ridiculous. You don't think people can be dedicated, yet use steroids concurrently?

    BTW, when did you start using steroids? (age).

    ...Also, you obviously didn't comprehend my post so I'll try and make it simpler so that even you can understand:

    YES, I respect the fact that people eat/breath bodybuilding. But MOST of the people that come on here and looking to obtain quality mass, and achieve a functional weight. They are not looking to be walking around their office buildings @ 5'8 and 250 pounds, like a f*cking silverback during mating season.

    Open your eyes.
    It's funny how you say why Katsmeow posts in the Q&A when in fact she knows more about steroid cycles than you do.

    It's hilarious, we all follow your responses and you get called out more often than not only to never return to those threads again.

    You talk about Tren/Deca/A-bombs/etc. when you have never ran them and alot of times people have to correct your interpertation of those compounds and advice you give.

    To be honest I never had a problem with you before, until people started talking about you and I actually started reading what you wrote instead of just skimming.

    I don't see why you need to have this "Napleon Complex" where you think you know all this shit when face facts you are a rookie so stop trying to come off as a huge gearhead, if you do that there will be no problem.

  30. #30
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    i though steroids were all you need?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    ^^ this part is simply ridiculous. You don't think people can be dedicated, yet use steroids concurrently?

    BTW, when did you start using steroids? (age).

    ...Also, you obviously didn't comprehend my post so I'll try and make it simpler so that even you can understand:

    YES, I respect the fact that people eat/breath bodybuilding. But MOST of the people that come on here and looking to obtain quality mass, and achieve a functional weight. They are not looking to be walking around their office buildings @ 5'8 and 250 pounds, like a f*cking silverback during mating season.

    Open your eyes.
    Let me tell you something about life RESPECT is earned! You on the other hand will continue to be a usless waste of space until that sinks into your thick skull.

    It's obvious you don't comprehend my comments I'm saying that some people want a simple quick fix and come to a forum where people are protective over their lifestyle and look down upon those who don't understand it, yet want to abuse it.

    Either learn how to shut your whiny ass mouth and become a respected member or take your unsolicited nonsense elsewhere little boy.

  32. #32
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    My goal is to sleep with half the male members on this board. Should that be a long or short term goal ?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    My goal is to sleep with half the male members on this board. Should that be a long or short term goal ?
    i think we can make that a short term goal DSM, lol

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    My goal is to sleep with half the male members on this board. Should that be a long or short term goal ?
    You've got some serious swagger loverboy I'm thinking short term

  35. #35
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    Considering i have most already in the bag , i would have to agree on short term. Now where did i put T-mos's phone number...

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    Let me tell you something about life RESPECT is earned! You on the other hand will continue to be a usless waste of space until that sinks into your thick skull.

    It's obvious you don't comprehend my comments I'm saying that some people want a simple quick fix and come to a forum where people are protective over their lifestyle and look down upon those who don't understand it, yet want to abuse it.

    Either learn how to shut your whiny ass mouth and become a respected member or take your unsolicited nonsense elsewhere little boy.
    ^^^ Agreed !!!!!! X100

    open your EARS seriousass..... most come here looking for the EASY way to fat loss or muscle gain.....they think they can go out and drink all weekend , take steroids and lose the fat.....

    they don't have the BASIC concepts to maintain their natural potential or even get to their natural potential.

    now your first example above about the 5'9 guy, is understandable, BUT i am rather pretty accurate on the height/weight ratio thing, so just one member may stretch that weight, doesn't mean it isn't a valid stat to look at to see where the person is at and what type of QUICK FIX they are looking for

    got that TINY??? or do I need to make it simpler for even YOU to understand??

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Considering i have most already in the bag , i would have to agree on short term. Now where did i put T-mos's phone number...

    call anytime big boy

  38. #38
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    What does DSM even look like?

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    What does DSM even look like?
    He's a hottie, that has been confirmed.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    open your EARS seriousass..... most come here looking for the EASY way to fat loss or muscle gain.....they think they can go out and drink all weekend , take steroids and lose the fat.....
    +1... I'm still trying to figure out how I can drink all weekend and take steroids and lose the fat

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