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Thread: Doing my reserch now - few questions

  1. #1

    Doing my reserch now - few questions

    Before I ask, I'll give my stats:

    Age: 29
    Height: 6
    Weight: 185
    Years training: 1.5years
    Bodyfat: 14% (estimate)

    I'm *considering* doing a cycle next YEAR - but I'm doing my homework now. I'm not trying to ruin my body.

    My question is what test (if any??) runs the least amount of risk for shutdown, libido problems (during cycle and after?), acne, baldness etc.

    I'm just curious if there is more of a 'clean' test - if they are all pretty much the same as far as sides (I'm guessing they are) then please let me know.

    I know to run a single compound for a first cycle, have your PCT lined up and ready to rock, and diet in order.

    Again - I'm not doing this NOW - I want to train for another solid year, have everything lined up and my homework DONE. I've seen too many people around here run stuff with no PCT and I'm not trying to end up a fat mess and lose all my hard earned gains.

    Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry if this is a redundant question - I just want to do things the right way.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by vaders4 View Post
    Before I ask, I'll give my stats:

    Age: 29
    Height: 6
    Weight: 185
    Years training: 1.5years
    Bodyfat: 14% (estimate)

    I'm *considering* doing a cycle next YEAR - but I'm doing my homework now. I'm not trying to ruin my body.

    My question is what test (if any??) runs the least amount of risk for shutdown, libido problems (during cycle and after?), acne, baldness etc.

    Your body is all about homeostasis, or balance. You produce test, obviously. When you introduce outside test, your body says wow too much lets stop producing and thus you get shut down. No test is better or worse at this, although I guess theoretically test suspension would have the least amount of time to start that negative feedback loop. Labido and baldness are regulated largly by what else you decide to put into your body (finra for baldness ect) Acne is part of the game, get over it :-)

    I'm just curious if there is more of a 'clean' test - if they are all pretty much the same as far as sides (I'm guessing they are) then please let me know.

    The issues with steroids aren't like other drugs. Heroin users have to worry about purity ect for how bad the sides will be, but cleanliness (while still an issue) is not what indicated side effects

    I know to run a single compound for a first cycle, have your PCT lined up and ready to rock, and diet in order.

    Well thats good to know

    Again - I'm not doing this NOW - I want to train for another solid year, have everything lined up and my homework DONE. I've seen too many people around here run stuff with no PCT and I'm not trying to end up a fat mess and lose all my hard earned gains.

    Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry if this is a redundant question - I just want to do things the right way.
    My responces in bold bro (i'm by no means the most well-read person here though so stay for other people!)

  3. #3
    Thank you for your response, much appreciated!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon
    Hi there,

    you have decided to do what i have done, i have spent the past year reading and hanging here lots and i am still to run a serious cycle "apart from a PH". I would spend your time now to concentrate on diet and training methods. Read up on the steriod part also but diet is the Golden key for you now.

    Id aim to hit around 200-2005lbs at your height before i even considered doing a cycle. You have time bro so get to know your food

    Good luck and stick around..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by vaders4 View Post
    Before I ask, I'll give my stats:

    Age: 29
    Height: 6
    Weight: 185
    Years training: 1.5years
    Bodyfat: 14% (estimate)

    I'm *considering* doing a cycle next YEAR - but I'm doing my homework now. I'm not trying to ruin my body.

    My question is what test (if any??) runs the least amount of risk for shutdown, libido problems (during cycle and after?), acne, baldness etc.

    I'm just curious if there is more of a 'clean' test - if they are all pretty much the same as far as sides (I'm guessing they are) then please let me know.

    I know to run a single compound for a first cycle, have your PCT lined up and ready to rock, and diet in order.

    Again - I'm not doing this NOW - I want to train for another solid year, have everything lined up and my homework DONE. I've seen too many people around here run stuff with no PCT and I'm not trying to end up a fat mess and lose all my hard earned gains.

    Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry if this is a redundant question - I just want to do things the right way.

    To start off..... welcome to the forums! You've come to the right place.....

    Test is test is test..... the only difference is the esthers. Read up on the different esthers to get a better understanding. None is really better than the other..... you just have to pick the one that fits your goals.

    Regarding if there is a more "clean" test..... you'll never know lol. How clean your batch is - is dependant on who made it. There are different purity powders from which our "products" are made..... anything "human grade" from a pharmacy is going to be clean and pure. If you go UGL (underground) - you're putting your trust into them.

    Regarding shut-down..... Once you put exogenous testosterone into your system..... you will shut-down your hpta. This is why we do PCT after the cycle..... it helps kickstart your body's natural testosterone production.

    You're on the right track man..... research as much as you can and don't be afraid to ask questions

    OH and a side note..... get to the diet section and let the guys there tweak what your doing now. You can get past 200lb's naturally if your eating and training right.....


  6. #6
    Thanks for the friendly responses. It's nice to see that questions asked in an intelligent manner, receive an intelligent answer

    As far as diet, I think I've got it nailed down pretty well. I was @ 155lbs just 4 months ago and I'm currently @ 185lbs. I've finally figured out the diet part! I think I'm actually up to 188lbs now.

    I'm going to get up to 205 natural (or damn close) and take it from there.

    I'm tempted to try a PH - what do you guys think? Should I just save the hassle and just hit some real gear up in a year from now (10 months - I want to cycle in april - if I do it at all).

    I just *REALLY* want to have my ducks in a row here so to speak. I know this isn't a game and I'm not looking to harm my body but I am looking for 20lbs of muscle

    I'm already getting comments now from allot of my friends asking if I'm on "juice" because of the gains I've made in such a short time.

    The difference between 155-185 is really night and day - it's not all my upper body though my legs/waist are larger now. Boxers no longer fit right, no more belts with my pants.. I need new clothes!!

    Thanks again for the warm welcome and great insight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    If your making good gains now - i'd keep doing exactly what your doing. Your waist tho shouldn't ever grow THAT much..... I mean - if you're bulking..... you'll be eating a ton but IMO if your a 34 waist and you end up a 38 LOL you're not eating the right foods.

    Regarding the prohormones..... you can if you want to. I don't have anything against them really..... some people say they're more detrimental than taking testosterone because some are di or tri methylated..... I don't know a whole lot about them tho and don't use them.

    Taking your time to research is definately the way to go and you're right - this isn't a game. People don't stop and think about how they're changing their body chemistry..... and what really erk's me is the neglect to run a PCT to maximize your ability to return everything back to normal.


  8. #8
    Thanks Haz.

    My Jeans are tight, some more then others. I'm currently a 32" waist, 34" is still a little big so I'm in between sizes.

    I can still see my abs so my body fat isn't out of control - I still have a thin build in my eyes, although from what everyone tells me I'm "looking very healthy".

    If I do decide to run a PH, I'll go with PCT for that as well. I've waited this long to do a cycle (except for the stupid Dbols I took when I was 23 and had no idea what I was doing - looking back I'm pretty lucky I guess - I did a pyramid cycle hahaha and no PCT).

    I never had any bad side effects from them or after - maybe I got lucky and they were fake

    Anyways, I'm going to keep hitting the gym hard. I know I'm going to plateau soon so if hitting 200-205 gets to be difficult in the next 8 months, I'm going to probably hit a cycle of some test e followed up with a good PCT and see where that leaves me.

    Thanks again for the responses! I believe I'll be able to make the right decision come next year.

    I also believe 30 is a good age to hit your first (real) cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    If your making good gains now - i'd keep doing exactly what your doing. Your waist tho shouldn't ever grow THAT much..... I mean - if you're bulking..... you'll be eating a ton but IMO if your a 34 waist and you end up a 38 LOL you're not eating the right foods.

    Regarding the prohormones..... you can if you want to. I don't have anything against them really..... some people say they're more detrimental than taking testosterone because some are di or tri methylated..... I don't know a whole lot about them tho and don't use them.

    Taking your time to research is definately the way to go and you're right - this isn't a game. People don't stop and think about how they're changing their body chemistry..... and what really erk's me is the neglect to run a PCT to maximize your ability to return everything back to normal.


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