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Thread: First cycle Sustanon only stats included

  1. #1

    First cycle Sustanon only stats included

    age 27
    weight 85kg (187lb)
    height 183cm (6ft)
    bf 12%
    lifting on and off for 8 years

    I have done some research read a few different opinions and came up with this for a 10 week cycle consisting of;

    Sus 250 - 500mg pw spread evenly over 2 doses per week from week 1 - 10. (need min 50,000mg)

    HCG 250iu ed for 1 week mid cycle
    HCG 250iu ed start 3 weeks before commencing PCT (start on week 9th week, up dose to upto 500iu if not noticing anything improving after 5-6 days, need min 7000iu)

    Nolva start 18 days after last sus injection, continue at 20mg ed for 30 days (need 600mg)

    Is this ok? Thanks for constructive comments and advise in advance!
    Last edited by GLEnELG; 08-12-2009 at 04:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    ive done two sus only cycles,only pct used was nolva.not a smart move on my part even though no gyno came about.i lost strength but was and am still stronger than before i started the cycle.and i barely started working out again after more than a excellent aas imo
    and it looks like you got everything down.
    only thing on my next sus cycle(if i do) im throwing in aromasin during cycle then off straight into nolva

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Soul Society
    Since it's your first cycle I would keep some aromasin or nolvadex in hand just in case you feel some gyno symptoms. Make sure your diet is up to the task before cycling or you will waste your money. Good luck and post a log once you start in the members cycle section. We need more logs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    Why are you using a multi ester like sus first cycle ? not to say you cant but why not go with test e or c,you need to shoot sus eod not twice a week this is another reason why you would be better off with e or c,also why you running hcg?if your doing a first cycle you obviously dont know wheather you will have any shrinkage issues so i wouldnt run it until i knew.And finally that pct is weak you need to be running clomid and nolva together for 4 weeks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Would like to know how long you have be lifting "ON"

    On and off for 8 years tells us nothing

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Sus 250 - 500mg pw spread evenly over 2 doses per week from week 1 - 10. (need min 50,000mg)
    Thats some poor math....

    500mgx10 weeks=5,000mg not 50,000mg.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    My first cycle was 250 mg of sustanon takin every 5 days and it worked awesome! I was at 10% bf and thus didnt get the bloat. I did use clomid for pct which worked nicely as well. Good luck with your first experience.

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